PlanetJune Temperature Snake CAL 2023 Gallery

Welcome! This ongoing gallery includes snakes made during the original 2023 CAL and later.
If you've completed a PlanetJune Temperature Snake, please add it to our gallery below...
PlanetJune Temperature Snake CAL 2023 logo

About the Temperature Snake CAL +

The PlanetJune Temperature Snake CAL (crochet-along) ran from January 1 - December 31 2023, with over 800 participants from over 26 countries. The Temperature Snake is an amigurumi-style riff on the temperature blanket/scarf, where you crochet one row per day to represent the maximum temperature that day.

Temperature Snake crochet pattern by June Gilbank (PlanetJune)

Some participants chose to make twin high/low temperature twin snakes, birth year snakes (representing the temperatures over the first year of a child's life), or even book snakes (representing the quantity and genres of books read over the year) - anything that can be represented with a colour code and logged over the course of a year can be crocheted into a Temperature Snake!

Get the Pattern +

Want to crochet your own Temperature Snake? Pick up the pattern and you can get started right away!

The Temperature Snake crochet pattern and workbook include everything you need to crochet your own snake in your choice of two sizes (Large and Small) and three different lengths (Daily, Every-Other-Day and Weekly), with instructions for making perfect stripes and how to stuff and manage your snake as it grows.

The bonus 25-page Workbook walks you step-by-step through everything you need to figure out your colours and calculate the temperature range for your location, suggestions for colour palettes, and printable worksheets for logging your temperatures and colours.

Temperature Snake crochet pattern and workbook by June Gilbank (PlanetJune)

Read more about it and pick up the pattern here >>

Submit Your Snake!+

If you've completed a PlanetJune Temperature Snake, please add it to the gallery! The submission form will stay up indefinitely, so if you're running behind, you can add your snake whenever you finish (no pressure!)

If you've made more than one snake, you can submit each snake as a separate entry, or if you'd prefer to photograph them together that's okay too.

Submit your snake to the gallery here >>

Statistics +

Number of Snakes
Participating Countries

Project Gallery+

Click any thumbnail image to start browsing!

Submit your finished snake to the gallery here >>

Quick Links: Crochet
buy crochet patterns and accessories from my online store Idiot's Guides: Crochet and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amigurumi by June Gilbank Crochet video tutorials and step-by-step photo tutorials Free PlanetJune crochet patterns Frequently Asked Questions
Quick Links: Crafts
Punchneedle Embroidery information, ebook & patterns Free PlanetJune craft projects & tutorials