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  • Subscribe to the PlanetJune New Crochet Patterns mailing list and receive my crochet news update, including notification of new PlanetJune patterns, new crochet tutorials, exclusive special offers, and more.
    Message frequency: 1 message per month
  • Be the first to know next time my Crochet Tools online pop-up shop opens for exclusive access to my Detail Stuffing Tools and other unique and useful tools for crochet!
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  • Subscribe to the PlanetJune New Punchneedle Patterns mailing list and receive a notification every time a new PlanetJune punchneedle pattern is released.
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  • You'll receive a single email when it's time to join in with the PlanetJune Reindeer Games, our end-of-year CAL and social event!
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Mailing address: June Gilbank, PO Box 99900 RC 276 573, RPO Ira Needles, Waterloo ON N2T 0B8, Canada
Quick Links: Crochet
buy crochet patterns and accessories from my online store Idiot's Guides: Crochet and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amigurumi by June Gilbank Crochet video tutorials and step-by-step photo tutorials Free PlanetJune crochet patterns Frequently Asked Questions
Quick Links: Crafts
Punchneedle Embroidery information, ebook & patterns Papercraft ebook & tutorials Free PlanetJune craft projects & tutorials