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Looking for other options for eyes and noses? Or how to position eyes? Or how to securely stitch facial features? If not, read on:

I often get asked where to find eyes for amigurumi making. They can be called variously animal eyes, safety eyes, or craft eyes, and can be difficult to locate. If you aren’t lucky enough to find them in your local craft store, there are plenty of online sources.

List of Sources

I’ve compiled this list of sources – recommended by my customers – where you can find amigurumi eyes. I haven’t purchased from the following, so I can’t personally recommend them, but I have heard that others have had success shopping for eyes at these online stores. If you know of any more, or have any recommendations to share, please leave a comment on this page and I’ll add them to the list. Likewise, if you find any of the links below are no longer valid, please let me know so I can fix/remove them!

eyes for amigurumi making

Suncatcher Eyes (ships from US)
6060 (ships from US)
Glass Eyes Online (ships from US)
Lisa and Ed’s Eyes and More (ships from US)

In the US
Note: Some of the following may also ship to Canada and some other countries
Harvey’s Hobby Hut
CR’s Crafts
Craft Supply Depot
Hobby Lobby

Cloth Doll Supply

In Canada
Bears and Bedtime

In the UK

Other Options

If you’d like some alternative ideas for what to use for amigurumi eyes and noses, see my article with some suggestions: Eyes and Noses.

The Essential Guide to Amigurumi book by June Gilbank

Loved this tutorial? I have so many more amigurumi tips and tricks to share with you!

Boost your amigurumi skills with my latest book, The Essential Guide to Amigurumi, your comprehensive guide to amigurumi techniques and tips.

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  1. Desley said

    Hello June
    I was having trouble putting the backs on small eyes. Nearly gave up. But i love to crochet especially amigurumi. I have arthritis in my hands so it really hurts my fingers. Tried all sorts of ways. Then i found an old wooden cotton reel. And what a djifference. Push the post through , then i put the back over the point of the post and then the hole on the cotton reel and push down on a table and pop goes the back on so easy. I hope this idea helps others. Happy crochet to all. Thank you June for all your beautifull work. Kind Regards Desley

    • June said

      That’s a fantastic idea, Desley! I’m so glad you found something that works for you. (I’ll have to hunt through thrift stores for some old wooden reels once things get back to normal again – something to look forward to!)

  2. Becky said

    Be very careful when ordering safety eyes from eBay vendors. I recently ordered a large quantity from a vendor and there were no backs/washers included for they eyes. When I contacted the vendor, I was told that backs were not included and they don’t sell the backs in their store. Now I have a bunch of eyes that are useless. I’m not sending them back to China because that would cost more than the eyes cost.

  3. JACKIE DALES said

    Suncatcher eyes link is dead.

    • June said

      Thanks for letting me know; I’ve updated the link so it works again now 🙂

  4. Pam said

    June, Thanks for listing us on your website as a supplier for eyes. We do ship worldwide, however the link you listed for us is for a size that is no longer available. This URL give you a list of different sizes that we carry.

  5. Tracy said

    Canada – Stockade: Link is dead.
    This is the new URL to the eyes:

  6. Jody Coffinger said

    Thank you so much.
    I love your kit, your directions are so easy to follow. I have been crocheting since I was a little girl and am now 76.

  7. Jesse said

    I checked out all the Canadian listings, and I gotta say, Lisa and Ed’s eyes had the best pricing. I’ve used them before as well, and the customer service and speed was really good.

  8. Peggy said

    Just a note: I usually order from Glass Eyes Online, but the last two batches I’ve gotten from him have been almost impossible to snap together. Even my husband couldn’t get them to snap, and I even have the little tool that he sells that is supposed to help. That didn’t work either. So, I am trying Suncatcher eyes this time around…

  9. Sherry said

    Thank you for sharing this info. I saw “safety eyes” on an amigurumi pattern I want to try, but had no idea what they were or where to find them.

  10. Trenton Hale said

    Desperate! Can anyone Please tell me where I can find a pair of blue or green cats eyes about 3 to 5 inches diameter for a cheshire cat costume I’m making.

  11. Lianne said

    Just a note – I don’t think Enami Eyes exists anymore…

    I ordered some eyes from her new site here:

    They never arrived! I sent several emails and after 3 weeks of no response, I had to file a claim with PayPal. She didn’t respond to them either, so they refunded me and I ordered from Suncatcher instead. Not sure what happened to Enami…I was disappointed because her eyes are SO SO pretty! 🙁

  12. Catherine McGuire said

    I’ve purchased eyes from and found they were really prompt in delivery and had a great selection. Reasonably priced to. Shipping was a good deal for me, (as I’m in Australia) and they are a US based company.

  13. Terri Jordan said

    I am trying to do some research on to see if they are a good company. Their website doesn’t give any information except for a order form that you download? Have you heard anything good or bad about this company? They say they ship their eyes worldwide and have over 6,000 customers? The email they sent back to me also included an order form. I am just leary about this site because there isn’t anything anywhere on the site that explains thier privacy or anything. Do you know of or, anything about them that I should be made aware of before purchasing from them? Any information you can give would be greatly appreciate.
    Thank You,
    Mrs. Terri Jordan
    P.S. I am making stuffed pet pillows and liked the look of their eyes!

    • June said

      Hi Terri, I have heard of people ordering from there before, and I haven’t heard any complaints, although I have no personal experience so I can’t recommend them or verify the quality of those eyes. If Suncatcher Eyes stocks what you’re looking for, I’d recommend you shop there instead, as I know Michelle’s quality and service are both top-notch!

  14. NyteFyre said

    Hi, I just had an order of Eyes delivered to Australia from the US. The site is here

    • Michelle said

      Hi NyteFyre,
      I was wondering how long it took for you to receive your eyes from Lisa and Ed?

  15. rosemary davey said

    Hello, I have am looking for safety eyes for squirrels that I am making.
    Best regards
    Rosemary Davey

  16. Carolyn said is a great site to go to. They have the best prices I’ve been able to find on bulk orders of eyes. I believe I paid something like 6 cents an eye (12 cents a pair) for 12mm eyes.

    The guy who runs the place is wonderful as well, very good with communicating and always willing to take suggestions and custom orders (if he doesn’t have something he’ll look for it and if he can find it, he’ll let you know).

  17. Reba said

    Thanks June! I have always wondered what eyes to use.

  18. Jana said

    I have bought my eyes from Michelle at Suncatcher Eyes, and they are very well made! And reasonably priced too! 😀

  19. Angela said

    I have a similar problem to that of Kristalia. I am making some dragons and would like to paint my own custom eyes with crazy life-like detail that match the fabrics I am using. If someone could share the highly gaurded secret of where they buy their blank clear eyes, I have looked almost everywhere without any success. Even if they know a source on the internet where I could buy clear cat-eye shaped pupils, that would ship to Canada, that would be wonderful. Like Kristalia, I don’t want to take over anyone’s business, I just need a source so I can do my own totally unique crafts. I can be reached at Thank you so much, I really apreciate anybodys help!

    ~ Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup ~

  20. Holly said

    Actually the washers were black plastic and did NOT have the little slots that I see that metal ones do. So the ONLY was I was able to get those black plastic washers on was to cut little slots around the hole like in the metal ones. I had to do it carefully though, because otherwise the washer could break when put on if cut too much into it.

  21. llp said

    I just bought some black and some painted eyes on Etsy – they come in a variety of colours and sizes. I suspect that some of those purveyors would do custom colours, if needed.

  22. Brittany said

    for other US residents, we found eyes like that at Jo-annes!

  23. jessa boaz said

    I am certainly interested in painting some clear eyes. I would like more variety than the ones that come already colored. Does anyone know what kind of paint i should use? Is the acrylic paint recommended? Are there any other paints that would give some different effects, for instance, shiny, translucent, opaque, glittery, etc. If anyone has any tips for coloring these eyes, I would appreciate it.

  24. Kristalia said

    Thank you very much ^_^ I’ll give that a try 🙂

    Hugs and Kisses!

  25. June said

    Vanessa, You can buy the clear plastic acrylic eyes (link is to an example so you know what to look for), with a black pupil and clear plastic around the edge. Then you can paint the BACK side of the eye (the flat part) and the paint will show through the clear acrylic.

    Yes, you shouldn’t paint them with nail polish because it can react with the plastic and damage the eye.

  26. Kristalia said

    What I’d like to know is how the different makers and sellers paint their eyes then make them shiny. I’d much rather buy the black ones at Jo-Annes and paint them to my design (I have many ideas. Don’t want to take over anyones business but would like to know how to make my own unique eyes for each amigurumi I make.) I like to have my things I make totally unique and one of a kind.

    I’ve heard that ppl use nail polish but that sounds just wrong. I’ve heard that ppl use acrylic paint. If thats the case how do you make them shiny and look like there is a glass covering over the color. I have many paints and many color combinations I have made and would like to implement to eyes for my crafts.

    If anyone knows and is willing to share the highly guarded deadly secret (it’s very hard to learn and expand your skills if no one will share knowledge) please let me know. I would love some help on this subject. I realize ppl have to make a living however unless one of these makers is willing to do total customization for only me on my design I’d love to commission them but I doubt any of them have that kind of time (let alone my own combined colors)


  27. karrie said

    Hi june,

    I have two “Make your own eyes” tutorials. One uses Shrinky dinks and the other uses polymer clay. I still had one more idea that I must have never posted… i’ll have to get on that.

  28. … ahhh, but they aren’t a good online source. 🙂 gotcha!

  29. I think you may have left out one of the most accessible sources for eyes in the US – Jo-Ann. The larger craft stores should have them; not sure about the smaller locations that primarily sell fabrics. Also not sure about Michael’s. But I get Darice eyes easily and with no problem at Jo-Ann; it’s anything else that can be difficult to find.

    We (mostly “I”) have a running amigurumi category at; I’ll try to find a way to work this in to a post! I don’t like to take too many posts from CRAFT (it’s not good for our two sites to mirror each other too closely), but I think people will find this useful. It might just have to go into a comment in the “amigurumirama” series, though. =/

  30. June said

    Katie, the only suggestion I have is to try pressing against a hard surface like a table. Place your work so the curved side of the eye is facing down onto the table and the shaft is sticking up, then push the washer straight down onto the shaft of the eye. Hope that helps…

  31. katie said

    I followed the links over from the Craft blog–thanks for the list! Can I add a question, too? Have you ever had trouble getting safety eyes together? I haven’t in the past, but I just got a batch that will-not-fit. 🙂 Any hints on stubborn eyes? Or am I going to have to just buy another package?

  32. Thank you SO much for adding Suncatcher Eyes to your list 🙂 Would it be possible for you to move it under International though? I ship all over the world.


  33. Jessica said

    I used to buy all of my eyes and noses from CR’s Crafts, until I found Suncatcher Eyes. These hand-painted gems have so much more character than the mass-produced eyes. I highly reccommend them!

  34. Alison said

    CR’s Crafts is fabulous. I order from them regularly. Their selection is pretty limited, especially for really big eyes, but they ship like lightning and have great customer service.

  35. Alex said

    I found – not a huge selection, but still an option.

  36. Jessy said

    I found They sell teddy bear supplies (eyes, noses, joints etc.)

  37. Claire said

    Oh, thank you for publishing this list! I get asked where to buy eyes all the time, too…this is a great resource you’ve put together.
    I have purchased from CR’s crafts- they’re pretty great, quick shipping, good selection, too.
    Now I’m off to look at the rest of these shops…

  38. Saralah said

    I found Carol’s Zoo at a quilt festival a few years ago. She primarily sells sewing patterns for stuffed animals, but also sells the fabric and notions (and it looks like she has an online store now!), including safety eyes and noses.

    I highly recommend both the patterns and supplies.

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