I just returned from the summer Tent Sale at the Yarn Factory Outlet in Listowel, ON. Twice a year, they have a big sale, and I’ve been to the past two winter sales, but never to the summer sale before.
It’s about an hour’s drive from my house, through farmland and Mennonite country, and today I had an added surprise: the highway was closed for a stretch, and I got to take a scenic diversion through even more of the countryside. It turns out that the drive is so much nicer in August than in February: I saw 2 hawks perched on a signpost, skipping lambs following their mothers, countless cows with calves, and big horses with adorably fragile-looking foals. If the sun had only been shining, it would have been a perfect drive!
And then when I got there, I discovered that the yarn sale is also better than their winter sale! They put up a huge tent in the parking lot, filled with huge boxes of bagged yarn, 3, 4 or 6 balls per bag (same shade and dye lot in each bag) with crazy prices on the bags and then, on top of that, if you buy 3 bags of the same yarn, you get the 4th for free!
Despite the gloomy day, it was stuffy and humid outside, so you can just imagine what it was like inside the crowded tent. But it was worth it. Everyone was handed an extra-strong black garbage bag on the way in, to use as a shopping bag, which I thought was overkill until I started shopping. 24 balls of yarn is large and heavy, and the deals were too good to stop at only 24!
I managed to restrain myself and only bought 4 bags (24 balls) each of Patons Grace and Bernat Satin. And that took some serious willpower – seeing yarn that usually costs $4-5 per skein being sold at $4 for a bag of 3 skeins… Ah, the temptation!
My haul!
The only downside was that I didn’t have any cash with me – the cash-only till had no queue at it, but the two debit/credit tills moved very slowly. I ended up spending about half an hour shopping, and another hour standing in the stuffy tent waiting to pay. But when I finally got back outside, there was a little refreshments tent, selling hot and cold drinks and fresh baked goods, so I got myself a little energy boost before the drive home 🙂
Today was the first day of the sale, and it runs through to August 21st. If you live in driving distance of Listowel, Ontario, I highly recommend you take a trip to the Yarn Factory Outlet this week or next. You won’t regret it!
Karen said
I’m sooo jealous! I love paton’s grace ~
futuregirl said
… jealous …
I *love* Paton Grace. I want a garbage bag full of yarn!!!
jackie said
have you been to the factory at other than the tent sale time, what is it like? I live hours away and could not get there, lucky you. Do they have a fall sale or a back to school sale?
June said
They have ongoing sales every month – nothing spectacular like their big sales (which are only twice/year) – but you can sign up for their newsletter and they’ll let you know their specials each month.
The one thing I do like that they have year-round is their bins of seconds and mill ends. It’s priced by weight and you can get some real bargains there. You can see a picture of that – it’s the first photo in my post about my visit to the winter sale.
Hope that helps! Personally, I’d probably wait until the February sale if you have a long drive to get there.)
Linda said
OMG, those yarns look so delicious…. lucky you 🙂
supana said
how can I belong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Live in Thailand
Silverlotus said
Oh, my! I’m more than a little envious. 🙂 I’d love a pile of Grace and of Bernat Satin. But where would I put it all?
melissa said
oh my goodness june!
i just got goosebumps reading your post!
hoooray! i am so glad you found such great deals and yarn!
🙂 melissa