PlanetJune Craft Blog
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WIN a copy of Mandalas to Embroider!

Search Press, the publisher of Mandalas to Embroider: Kaleidoscope Stitching in a Hoop by Carina Envoldsen-Harris (the beautiful embroidery pattern book I reviewed last week) have kindly offered one PlanetJune reader the chance to win a free copy of this lovely book!

Mandalas to Embroider by Carina Envoldsen-Harris

If you’ve already picked up your copy, enter to win a copy to give to a friend – it’d make a lovely gift for anyone crafty 🙂

I’m delighted with the embroidery that I made using the Sakura Clusters pattern from the book (and it was my first time doing a proper embroidery, so you can definitely do this too):

sakura mandala emboidery

If you haven’t read my review yet, click here to see what I thought of this book – then come back here and enter to win your own copy!

How To Enter

  • Simply leave a comment on this blog post (below) this week, i.e. before end of day EST on March 25th, 2018. You can say anything in your comment: why you’d like to win this book, your past experience (if any) with embroidery, or even just ‘Yes please!’
  • Make sure you enter a valid email address in the email box, as I’ll need that to contact you if you’re the winner!
  • This is open to everyone, worldwide 🙂
  • I’ll randomly draw a winner and contact them by email after the closing date to get their address. (I’ll update this post with their name once they’ve replied.) If I get no reply after a week, I’ll draw a new name.

Good luck!

Mandalas to Embroider by Carina Envoldsen-Harris

UPDATE: I selected the winner by random draw (for simplicity, I numbered the comments 1-70, and I’d redraw if the winning number was one of my own comment replies) and the winner is Kate! Congratulations Kate, and thanks to everyone else who entered.

If my posts have whetted your appetite for embroidery, you can buy Mandalas to Embroider here on Amazon, or from your local bookshop 🙂


  1. KatieS said

    I’d love to win this book. I’ve done some of her smaller designs and I love how they look.
    Thanks for the chance!

  2. Marie L said

    OHHH!! I have been watching this book and have been itching to get my hands on a copy. Stitching brings me so much joy.

  3. Judy H said

    I love mandalas and embroidery is my first craft love. Would love to win a copy of this book.

  4. Bean said

    These mandalas look peaceful to stitch – I

  5. Barbara Long said

    Carina’s designs are so creative and leave plenty of room for individuality. I would love to be able to stitch these designs for frinds.

  6. Angela said

    I adore embroidery! I

  7. Tonia said

    Beautiful Book! I would love to win. I have done some Cross Stitching but never any other kind of Embroidery. I love Mandalas too!

  8. I have done many cross stitching for years, and a few months ago I finally tried embroidery. I love it and this book would be great for me. Your mandala is so beautiful!

  9. Lauren said

    I love these mandala’s . They are so delicate and colourful. I would love to win a copy of this book

  10. Shelly said

    I have inherited several embroidered pillowcases. When I saw your mandala, my first thought was

  11. Les said

    Yes please! ??

  12. Sheena Booth said

    Thank you!

  13. Jennifer said

    I’d love to enter. Thank you for facilitating this! Your embroidery looks lovely!

  14. Kathy said

    It would be nice to win there absolutely beautiful I

  15. Nhi said

    Hi June,

    Thanks for running a lovely competition. Would love to try to win this for my sister if possible 🙂

  16. Sedra said

    Yes please!

    I’d love to learn. =)

  17. Patti Jo said

    These are beautiful! I would love to have the book!

  18. Melissa Roth said

    These are so pretty!

  19. Sue said


  20. Such a lovely book. I would like to win a copy of it. Especially as I am not so good at embriodery, and it is a craft I’d like to get better at. Seems like the perfect fit.

  21. Zoe said

    Yes please! 😉 I’ve never done any embroidery whatsoever, but that book is absolutely gorgeous!

  22. Sue McKenzie said

    These are beautiful! And they look easier than the one I’ve tried to crochet. Ready to try this.

  23. Julie G said

    Hi, thank you for the opportunity to own this book. I’m a novice embroider and think these patterns would suit me. Many thanks Julie ?

  24. Grace Kan-Tanabe said

    Those are so beautiful! I would love to win this! <3

  25. I love crocheting, knitting, tatting, punchneedle embroidery, and I

  26. Judith said

    Hi June, I would love to win a copy of this book. I enjoy doing surface and crewEl embroidery but have never done any of mandalas. The book looks like it is wonderful.

  27. MEG PLATIS said


  28. David R Grrindel said

    Great! I do crocheting and sometimes counted cross stitch in the evenings. During the day I make scroll-saw items out of wood. I have looked at Mandalas patterns for something I could cut in wood. So this book just might give me some ideas for making a wood cut cross-stitch/Mandala.
    Thanks much.

  29. Christine Galindo said

    What lovely designs, and great work June! I would love to win this book.

  30. Claudia Dettlinger said

    I would love to win this book the patterns look amazing.

  31. Lindy said

    The book looks great, and I think your embroidery is lovely. I used to do embroidery years ago at school!

  32. .: petrOlly :. said

    Oooh, that would be lovely to win this book 🙂 I am afraid, though, that I have no talent for embroidery whatsoever (at least I didn’t as a child) but I would love to be able to create such beautiful embroideries like my grandma used to do, or my mum still can. That would be a chance – the much needed kick 😉 – to start something new and just try it 🙂
    You did a marvellous job and I like the choice of colours you used 🙂

  33. Terry Schwartz said

    I haven’t done embroidery in many years. This book looks amazing … what a lovely way to get back into the craft.

  34. Lynne Sosnowski said

    I recently started dabbling in embroidery – initials or small flowers on hankies – trying to recall what I learned more than 40 years ago. This is a beautiful book, thank you for letting us know about it.

  35. Helen said

    I can crochet and knit but my embroidery skills leave a lot to be desired. I would love to win this for my mum as she is fantastic at embroidery and being a mum!

  36. mazzyjack said

    So pretty!!!

  37. Irene McRaven said

    Hi June! I love your blog! I love to crochet and am learning to knit. But embroidery is one craft that I learned as a child that I haven’t done for some time. The mandela’s in this book are lovely and make me want to pick up my embroidery hobby again!

  38. Selene Cheng said

    I’ve done cross stitch and some simple embroidery before, but haven’t returned to it for years. I hope I can win this book because those mandalas look absolutely stunning!

  39. Cori said

    I once decided I would tryto teach myself embroidery, bought ALL THE THINGS, and then hated what I made so hopefully, if I win this book, I’ll have a good reference that will renew my love for the art!

  40. Jackie said

    Yes please! 🙂

  41. Tiffany Pierson said

    June I love all your stuff and have both your books. I am teaching my 3 year old how to crochet any tips?

    • June said

      Tiffany, I’d recommend a large hook, a smooth bulky yarn, and lots of patience and encouragement! 3 is very young, so I’d just teach your child how to make a slip knot on the hook (or even do that for them), and how to chain, then just let them practice chaining for a long time. There’s a lot a child can make from crocheted chains!

  42. Alisa said

    I have not done embroidery in a long time, but the patterns in this book inspire me to pick it up again. Thank you so much for a chance to win this wonderful book!

  43. Rachel said

    I would love to learn how to do embroidery, it always looks so amazing and elegant.

  44. Anne Marie said

    I love embroidery work and this book would be perfect – thanks for the chance to win.

  45. Kate said

    I would love to win this book, I can certainly use a refresher on embroidery! Thank you for the chance to win!

  46. Lisa Bond said

    These are really beautiful. They maybe way outside my comfort zone but I sure would love to try.

    • June said

      They are much easier than they look – especially if you start with one of the small designs 🙂

  47. Michelle said


  48. Rachel Smoka-Richardson said

    Your mandala is beautiful! I

  49. Heather said

    I’d love a chance to win this book. While I’m pretty confident with my counted needlework, my embroidery really does need some work.

    I also loved your review! It was very informative. And your embroidery turned out wonderful.

  50. Moira Barlow said

    Good day – I have asked if you do an e-book version of Amigurumi but I don’t know where to look for the answer – don’t even know if you received it – so here’s hoping you get this one – many thanks

    Moira Barlow

    • June said

      Hi Moira! I answered your previous question here (if you leave a comment on a blog, you need to either take note of which post you left the comment in, or subscribe to comments to be notified of replies – otherwise you’ll never see the reply!)

      Did you also intend this comment to be an entry into the contest? 🙂

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