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ultimate finish for amigurumi [video]

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Continuing with my plan to make video tutorials for every essential amigurumi technique, here’s the latest one: the Ultimate Finish. This is the neatest way to fasten off and close the remaining hole when you’ve finished crocheting a piece of amigurumi. Together with the invisible decrease, you’ll be able to make the bottom of your amigurumi look almost as neat as the top, with a smooth, gap-free base.

ultimate finish for amigurumi video tutorial, by planetjune

(If you already know this technique, you can skip this video, if you like – there’s nothing extra that I didn’t show you in my original ultimate finish photo tutorial – it’s just another addition to my essential crochet tutorials video library.)

And now to the video tutorial (in right- and left-handed versions, of course):

Ultimate Finish for Amigurumi (right-handed)

Click to watch this video on YouTube.

Ultimate Finish for Amigurumi (left-handed)

Click to watch this video on YouTube.

Note: The videos may look a little small embedded in the blog: if so, you can fullscreen them or click through to YouTube to watch them full-sized 🙂

If you enjoy my crochet tutorial videos, please help to spread the word about them, and/or subscribe to the PlanetJune YouTube channel. And let me know if you have any requests for crochet techniques you’d like me to explain in a future video tutorial!

The Essential Guide to Amigurumi book by June Gilbank

Loved this tutorial? I have so many more amigurumi tips and tricks to share with you!

Boost your amigurumi skills with my latest book, The Essential Guide to Amigurumi, your comprehensive guide to amigurumi techniques and tips.

Do you find my tutorials helpful? If so, please consider making a contribution towards my time so I can continue to create clear and concise tutorials for you:

Thank you so much for your support! Now click below for loads more crochet video and photo tutorials (and do let me know what else you’d like me to cover in future tutorials…)

See more helpful PlanetJune crochet tips and technique tutorials


  1. Minette said

    These are excellent tips. Thank you.

  2. Ira Shah said

    Your tips are practical and easy to follow. Thanks so much.

  3. Luisa said

    Nice and easy techniques

  4. Michelle said

    Is there any way to use this amazing technique and still leave a tail to attach the piece to another piece? Like finishing an arm that I will attach to a body. Thanks so much for sharing your expertise!!!

    • June said

      Michelle, I’m not sure why you’d want to do this: a jointed arm would be more secure if you use a separate piece of yarn for the joint, and an unjointed arm would look neater if you don’t close the arm before you join it to the body (so you can get a smooth finish). You can see examples of both of these in my Aliens pattern – the green alien has smooth arm joins, and the blue alien has finished arms that are attached with thread joints later.

      But, if you want to do it, you could leave an extra-long yarn tail and bring it back up to the starting point for attaching the arm to the body after completing the ultimate finish technique. There’s no right or wrong here – just experiment and see if you like the result!

  5. Khara said

    Thanks June!

    Your videos are a true treasure trove! Keep up the great work! Cheers!

  6. Dorothy Atkinson said

    Great tip, I have been using the grafting method which is very nice but I can hardly wait to use this one.

  7. Jessica said

    Thank you so much for your tutorials! I’ve really been improving ever since I started watching them. This was especially helpful because after all the hard work you put into an amigurumi, if the hole won’t close, then it ruins the piece. Thanks!

  8. Sheryl Watson said

    I just followed your ultimate finish tutorial and my ‘finish at the top’ amigurumi looks amazingly neat! Thank you so much :o)

  9. Yvonne said

    This tutorial is just what I needed. Thank you again June! Now my pieces look so much better. I just keep learning more and more techniques thanks to you!

  10. Merry Thornsburg said

    Love this June…I’ve learned such great tips from you….THANKS A MILLION!
    Merry ?

  11. Thank you June for this tutorial! I’m new to crocheting and am doing a lot of amigurumi for my grandchildren – what a difference this technique will make. Love your blog!

  12. Jessie said

    I’ve been using a similar method for a while, but never worked out how to get rid of that annoying bump. Thanks, June!

  13. Alycia said

    great tutorial, as always 🙂 i have a very similar ring to your infinity ring!

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