PlanetJune Craft Blog
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tsumami poinsettia

This is my entry for the December One Hour Craft Challenge (a lovely brooch or boutonniere). I thought with Christmas approaching, I’d try making a poinsettia flower using the tsumami techniques I started learning last week. I tried making up some different folds for this one, and used fabric glue and sewing to assemble the flower from 10 separate petals and 6 leaves.

Here’s some poinsettia trivia: the red “petals” are actually modified leaves called bracts; the actual flowers are the little yellow bits in the middle.

Oh, and here’s my tsumami poinsettia (ruler included for scale; click for larger image) – what do you think?

tsumami kanzashi poinsettia fabric flower

PS – See the comments below for brief instructions on how I made this ornament!


  1. These poinsetiias are just what I was looking for. I am going to try them in black velvet, gold satin and pearl in my dining room for Christmas. This should compliment my theme well.


  2. Gonnie said

    Beautiful! Can you provide me the pattern?

  3. June said

    I’m afraid I made it up as I went along – there is no pattern! I can give you a rough idea for how to make your own, though:

    Here’s a really nice tutorial that shows how to fold different shapes of petals:

    I cut 10 red cotton squares for the petals, and 6 larger green cotton squares for the leaves.

    I folded each petal and glued the bottom edge to itself with a tiny bit of fabric glue to keep it together, then when the glue was dry I ran sewing thread through near the middle of each petal to join them together and formed them into a circle. I repeated the whole thing until I had two circles of 5 petals and one of 6 leaves, Then I stacked the three circles (with the petals and leaves offset) and sewed them together with little stitches that don’t show from the top.

    Finally, I made a circle of 6 yellow beads with one in the middle of the circle, and attached it to the centre of the flower.

    After that you just have to tidy up the reverse side and add a piece of backing fabric with a pin attached, or whatever else you’d like to do with it!

    I hope that’s enough to get you started! It is a bit fiddly, but it’s a lot of fun to make 🙂

  4. Marilyn said

    These are absolutely beautiful! Where can I get the pattern?

  5. Bee said

    This pin is lovely, a perfect pointsettia. I found your site thru the one hour craft one. Here’s a link to my kanzashi efforts:

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