PlanetJune Craft Blog
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Note: CIG to Amigurumi has now been replaced by The Essential Guide to Amigurumi: a fully revised and completely updated full-colour book packed with detailed photos and clear, concise instructions.

My plan for this book was to create the definitive reference guide to amigurumi techniques, not just another pattern book. I put a lot into this book, and I hope that you’ll get a lot out of it, whatever your skill level or experience with amigurumi. It’s the only book of its kind, and I really hope you’ll enjoy it!

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amigurumi by June Gilbank
My book, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amigurumi, by June Gilbank

Amigurumi (pronounced ah-mee-goo-roo-mee) is Japanese for “crochet (or knit) stuffed toy.” Although the concept originated in Japan, the amigurumi craze is taking over the world in waves of crocheted cuteness! From adorable fuzzy critters, to sweet-looking fruits and vegetables, to quirky comic book and cartoon characters – if you can imagine it, you can crochet it!

Whether you’re an experienced crocheter or have never taken hook to yarn, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amigurumi shows you everything you need to know to hook your own delightful amigurumi. This helpful guide includes:

  • A primer on the yarn, hooks, and stitches best for amigurumi, plus fun embellishments you can use to personalize your ami.
  • Easy-to-follow tutorials for getting started, increasing and decreasing, working in the round, changing colors, and more.
  • Expert advice on adding eyes, hair, jointed limbs, clothes, and other fun accessories to your ami.
  • Tips for following an amigurumi pattern, plus four start-to-finish patterns to give you a head-start on designing your own.
  • A full-color insert with inspirational photos of the finished ami patterns featured in the book – and more!

Watch the Video Trailer

I made a little stop-motion animation trailer to promote the book:

All the amigurumi you see in the video are made from the patterns in the book. These are exclusive patterns that I created for the book – you won’t find them anywhere else.

Free Signed Bookmarks

As I’m not ideally located to do signings, I’ve had some exclusive Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amigurumi bookmarks professionally printed, with a nice space in the middle for me to sign your bookmark especially to you. Keep the bookmark in your copy – it’ll be useful as well as a way to get your copy ‘signed’ without the logistical difficulties or costs!

CIG to Amigurumi bookmark by planetjune

And as a personal thank you for buying my book, the bookmark is FREE to you if you’re already buying anything that includes a shipping cost (that’s anything from the Crochet Tools category in my shop: Detail Stuffing Tools, Stitch Markers, or Amigurumi Essentials Kits), and, if not, you can just pay the postage cost for me to send it to you.

Buy Your Copy!

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amigurumi is available from all good book shops, and online. Here are some handy amazon links for you, so you can buy a copy directly from Amazon US, CA, UK, or DE:

Kindle (eBook) Version

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amigurumi is also available as a Kindle version.

If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free Kindle app to read eBooks on your computer (PC or Mac), or on any tablet (iPad, Android, or Windows) or smartphone (iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, or Windows).

FREE bonus content: the Kindle version omits the 8-page colour photo section, which shows helpful details of the patterns included in the book, and an Ideas Gallery showing some of my other amigurumi designs. You can download this as a separate PDF from here:
CIG to Amigurumi Project Photos (1.5MB PDF)


  1. Cynthia Elder said

    I have been trying to find your book, The Complete Idiots Guide to Amigurumi. They all seem to be bought, so I purchased to e-book. I have tried clicking the link above to download the photos that were omitted from the e-book, but I cannot seem to accomplish this. When I click on the link “cig to amigurumi project photos’ I get re-routed to the DK website. From there I have searched Amigurumi, June Gilbank, even the title of the link to the photos. No results are found. What can I do? I really want these photos and would also like one of your signed bookmarks. How can I get my hands on these two items? Thank you for your time.

    • June said

      Oh, well that’s not helpful, is it?! It looks like when Alpha Books got bought out by DK, they didn’t transfer their resources over. Luckily, I kept a copy, so I’ve uploaded it to my own server now they aren’t offering it on theirs any more. If you click the link above again, it’ll work now!

      As for the bookmarks, the PlanetJune online pop-up Crochet Tools shop only opens for a couple of weeks, once or twice a year, for you to buy my exclusive Detail Stuffing Tools and other unique and useful tools. You can sign up to be notified when the Crochet Tools shop next opens, here. If you don’t want to wait, though, I can send you a bookmark for the cost of the postage. Email me ( if you want to do that!

  2. Angele said

    Hi June!:blond_haired_person:♀
    I love your work :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
    my favorite pattern by you is the plumeria flower :cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom:
    Have a magical day!:unicorn::sparkles::gem:

  3. Carlos said

    Hi June, my name is carlos and im from brazil but I live in Australia. My parents are in Brazil and my mom does amigurumi and i liked the idea and trying to learn so i can feel closer to them. I found only paper version or kindle version. Isn

  4. Moira Barlow said

    Hello June – I am about to attempt your patterns and saw that you have a book for beginners ‘Idiots Guide…’ do you have an E Book version of this or do I have to order through Amazon I have never seen your books/patterns in any of our wool shops and would like to order this particular one – many thanks

    Moira Barlow

  5. Hi there!
    Does this book feature both your invisible decrease and ultimate finish for amigurumi? πŸ™‚
    I use those tutorials all the time, and would love to buy the book if they’re both in it πŸ™‚
    Kind regards

    • June said

      Michelle, the book includes all my standard amigurumi techniques, but not with exactly the same words and photos you’ll find in my PlanetJune tutorials, as I created all the content for the book exclusively for the book. But yes, you can find the same techniques explained in my book! Invisible decrease is on p45-47 and my ultimate finish (although not called by that name – the heading is ‘Closing Up a Piece’ – but the technique is the same) on p80-81 πŸ™‚

      • Michelle said

        Thank you June,
        Just ordered a copy, looking forward to receiving it!

  6. Riley said

    I just came across your website and fell in love! I’m planning on buying your book today and I’m so exited!

  7. Robin Jackson said

    I just wanted to tell you I love your book. I’ve used it several times to help with projects, including assembling critters. I’m glad I found your website.

  8. Jacqueline said

    June, I am just back from our 5 th annual Woolgathers where people who love wool and all associated handicrafts meet to buy product and learn new craft skills. I was asked to teach Amigurumi, I have done this for the past 3 yrs. this yr was the best because I brought your book, and sat back to offer an insight or help. They all could crochet and were thrilled with your book. I also gave them your website. I have to say this yr was the easiest and most satisfying class I have taught. Thanks
    One question when will your new book be out ? Anytime soon?

    • June said

      That’s great, Jacqueline – I’m really happy to know how useful my book has been to you (and thanks for sharing my website with your students!). Re: the new book, you must have missed my announcement πŸ™‚

  9. Gloria said

    I live your patterns! The hamsters are absurdly cute! Where do you get their tiny pink noses?

    • June said

      The noses are just made from yarn! You can find all the details in the pattern (in my book) πŸ™‚

  10. Lylee said

    Dear June,
    I want to learn to crochet, does your book contain all the picture tutorial that you post in your blog? Sometimes I don’t have access to the internet to open your blog.

    • June said

      You can definitely learn to crochet from my book, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amigurumi – it will help you every step of the way, from if you’ve never picked up a crochet hook right through to becoming a master of amigurumi. It actually covers basic information in more detail than you’ll find here on the blog, and it includes photo tutorials for all the amigurumi essentials – basic crochet stitches, magic ring, invisible decrease, changing colour, finishing off, etc. It also includes many more tutorials about joints, hair, embellishing, embroidery, etc, that you can’t find on my blog!

  11. Kelly Doolan said

    Hi June,
    I stumbled across your bog whilst looking for a magic ring tutorial.
    Your pictures are really helpful. I’ve since been looking round your site for 30 mins now. I’m a beginner but your website has spurred me on to pick up my hook again (knitter with crochet phobia)
    Your book looks great as well.
    You’re now bookmarked on my iPad for quick access when I get stuck.
    Many thanks and keep up the great work

  12. Sharon S-S said

    Just bought your book! I love this stuff πŸ™‚

    (got it from the BookDepository – easier to use than Amazon)

  13. Bruna Melo said

    I’ve just got it from “The BookDepository”!
    Love it!
    It’s my Christmas gift (form me…to me….)

  14. Katie Tapp said

    Dear June,
    I was looking through your website and i found a pattern for a Amigurumi
    platypus and i loved it ! I was just wondering if you have a pattern for it on your website or if i have to purchase your book.
    please let me know if i can get the pattern for free!
    Katie Tapp

  15. Mel said

    I know you said your book is “not just another pattern book”, but does it include your dinosaur patterns? My nephew (almost 2) and good friend (22) are huge dinosaur fans!

    • June said

      Hi Mel, my book doesn’t contain any of my patterns, except the 4 I designed exclusively for the book, so you can practice all the skills and techniques I teach in the book! You can find all the dino patterns in my shop though πŸ™‚

  16. CB said

    Hi! I love your tutorials! Thank you VERY MUCH for the Magic Circle tutorial. Saved my life! I would love to buy your book! I hope to very soon! Thanks again for the amazing crochet patterns!


  17. Su said

    I happened upon your website when I was looking for a tutorial this morning. I didn’t know you were the author of the Complete Idiot’s Guide! I started crocheting in April, and have read and used a whole bunch of books on amigurumi as well as some patterns from on-line. I’m sure you know they really vary in quality, including some whose instructions are so badly written you can’t understand them.

    I love the Idiot’s Guide. It stands out as the only book I’ve happened on that thoroughly teaches the underlying techniques. I don’t mean to put down pattern books–a good pattern book is a lovely thing. But your book seems really well-suited to helping folks take their crocheting to the next level. I’ve been recommending it all over the place.

    Nice to bump into you–my kids and I loved your hamster movie!

  18. Heather D. Green said

    Would you consider donating some of your crochet patterns to our cause. is a link to a recent article about our program in the local paper.

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