After an amazing year-long CAL, with colourful snakes being crocheted all over the world, I’m delighted to announce that the Temperature Snake instructions are now available as a stand-alone crochet pattern and workbook. Pick up the pattern now, and crochet your own Temperature Snake in 2024!
Temperature Snake is an amigurumi-style riff on the temperature blanket/scarf, where you crochet one row per day to represent the maximum temperature that day. The Temperature Snake crochet pattern includes all the crochet instructions needed to crochet a snake in your choice of two sizes (Large and Small) and three different lengths (Daily, Every-Other-Day and Weekly).
The accompanying Temperature Snake workbook is included at no extra cost. This 25-page ebook includes all the information you need to figure out your colours and calculate the temperature range for your location, suggestions for colour palettes, and printable worksheets (that are also fillable digital forms, if you prefer) so you can log your temperatures and colours over the year.
Work at your own pace, mark the progress of the coming year or commemorate a special year from the past (birth year snakes for children have proven very popular, and kids adore playing with these fantastically long snakes). With just a single round of stitches per day, Temperature Snakes have a much lower time commitment than temperature blankets, so you’ll be much more likely to complete your daily project!
Here are just a few examples of the snakes that have been made during the CAL this year, so you can see how easy it is to customize your snake to any colour palette you prefer. Details for all these variations are included in the workbook:
Credits, clockwise from top left: Dot, PsychoGryphon, CrochetChrisie, jukatca, Mouzly
(Temperature Snake CALers: your multi-part CAL pattern and worksheets have been replaced by the final version of the pattern and workbook, and you can download them at any time from your PlanetJune account!)
And, although the official CAL is wrapping up now, we’ll keep the Temperature Snake threads going in the PlanetJune groups on Discord and Ravelry indefinitely, so please come and join us in either group if you want to show off your progress on your 2024 (and beyond…) snake, ask for advice on temperature or colour selections, and get some encouragement from the friendly PJ community.
So, what do you think: are you in for crocheting a unique and gloriously colourful snake throughout 2024? Now is the perfect time to grab the Temperature Snake pattern, so you can start choosing your colours and be ready to crochet your first stripe on January 1st!
Ruth said
Love this started it for this year , lovely idea