I try to stay away from much personal stuff on this blog, but I’ve been tagged by Kari for the “6 weird things” meme, so here’s a little dose of my weirdness.
RULES: People who get tagged need to write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.
When I was in primary school, we always used to try to peel our satsumas/tangerines/small-orange-type-things so the peel would come off in one piece, for good luck. There was even more luck to be acquired if the fruit had 10 segments. I still try to peel them in one piece and *always* count the segments. Hey, a little extra luck can’t hurt, can it?
- I am left-handed, but use my computer mouse right-handed. It wasn’t until I got carpal tunnel in my right wrist that I learned to mouse left-handed. So now I am just about mouse-ambidextrous (although I still prefer to use my right hand when my wrist is up to it). Luckily, I crochet left-handed…
- When I exercise, my pulse goes very high. VERY high. Around 200 bpm. I’ve had tests for it but they haven’t been able to find anything wrong with me.
I like to eat frozen vegetables… while they are still frozen. Peas, green beans, or sweetcorn; my sister and I have always eaten them that way. Put them in a bowl and eat them as a snack – it’s also healthier than a bowl of peanuts. Sometimes my teeth are too sensitive to eat a whole bowlful these days, but I still always grab an extra handful to eat while I’m cooking the rest.
- I am insanely competitive and can’t stand to lose. But I also feel terrible whenever I win – I know how badly I feel when I lose, and I don’t want to make anyone else feel that way. So I try to stay away from competitive games and situations because I always feel bad, whatever the outcome.
I love playing adventure games on the PC and all sorts of games on Nintendo Game Boy. I have owned a Game Boy since the original black and white version, and I’ve upgraded to almost every iteration since then: Pocket, Color, Advance, and now Micro. When I bought my original one I couldn’t afford any extra games, so I am a Tetris master and can probably still run through Super Mario Land with my eyes closed.
And that’s my six! It was disturbingly easy to get there…
Tagging time: I nominate Mia, Rina, Mindy, Claire, and I have 2 more spots up for grabs – let me know if you want to be tagged for this one too!
Doug said
“I am insanely competitive… I try to stay away from competitive games and situations because I always feel bad” =) thats HILARIOUS! Wouldn’t you feel bad for not competing?
Rochelle said
I once had a roommate who had a thing for frozen french fries, the “hot and spicy” flavoured ones.
dawn said
Yeah, frozen veggies! I still eat tonz of them, good to hear you do too 😉
I still lose on the last bit of Super Mario Land… need my big sis to come back to England and get me past the hard bit! :'(
Mindy said
I Played!!
Rina said
That’s hilarious! Thanks for sharing. I have the same thing with the 200bpm heartbeat during hard exercise. First got noticed when I was hiking with a high school group in Yosemite, and the advisors freaked out and nearly sent me home. Nothing’s wrong with my heart either.
Still a novice in the blog world, but I’ll see if I can rustle up 6 folks. 🙂
Kari said
That’s funny – I’m right handed, but when I was in gymnastics as a little girl, I always lead with with my left! I used to try and get the orange peels of in one piece, but only cuz it was so tough for me – I was always too impatient! Just rip it! LOL I love adventure games for PC, too, but I haven’t played any in a long time.
I’m glad you shared! I think other bloggers lives are so interesting! (I hope that doesn’t say mine’s boring! LOL)