PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June

Shop update: eyes, tools and accessories

Good news: my shop has re-opened for sales of PlanetJune-exclusive products! I know some of you have been waiting (im)patiently for the all-important Detail Stuffing Tools and my cute and practical Stitch Markers for crochet to be available again, and now they are.

PlanetJune exclusive tools for amigurumi and crochet

When you order, you can also request a FREE signed PlanetJune bookmark to keep with your copy of my Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amigurumi – it’s almost as good as getting your copy signed, and a lot less expensive than mailing it to me in South Africa so I can add my signature 😉 (Note: you can also order the free bookmark alone, and just pay for the shipping.)

Eyes for amigurumi

Did you know that many of the eyes you can buy on Etsy and at other online stores are of inferior quality? Up close, the plastic looks cheap and shiny, there are little plastic burrs where the eyes haven’t been moulded smoothly, and the washers are next-to impossible to attach. It’s difficult to tell this from product photos online, but if you compare the actual eyes side by side, the differences are horribly obvious.

I’ve always sold only the highest quality eyes at PlanetJune, and I refuse to compromise that and to jeopardise the trust I’ve built with my customers. This has been a very difficult decision to make, but due to logistical difficulties I’ve decided to stop selling eyes and noses. Don’t worry though, I won’t leave you hanging: Michelle of Suncatcher Eyes has agreed to look after you for me!

Suncatcher Craft Eyes

In addition to her beautiful handpainted eyes, Michelle now carries a full range of black and clear animal eyes for your amigurumi. These are the same high quality eyes you’ve bought from PlanetJune. Like me, Michelle prioritises quality and customer service, and Suncatcher Eyes ship worldwide (with very reasonable shipping costs).

Getting Focused

PlanetJune is a one-woman show: I am the pattern designer, writer, publisher, layout and graphics designer, technical editor, photographer, technical illustrator, web developer, accountant, administrator, and envelope stuffer. I set very high standards for myself and for my business, but there are only so many hours in the day and I have to prioritise firstly my health (I’m still suffering with my damaged ribs) and secondly the directions I’d like to concentrate in for my business.

I’m no good to anyone if I push myself so hard that I burn out. Making this decision means I’ll have more time to concentrate on my designs and tutorials, my technical editing services, and my exclusive products. This hasn’t been an easy decision to make, but I can already feel that it was the right one. I just hope that you, my wonderful customers, don’t feel let down, but I know I’m leaving you in safe hands with Michelle.

Thanks for your understanding!


  1. Stacey Trock said

    Another vote for Suncatchers! Michelle is fabulous, ships quickly, and I’ve never been disappointed!

  2. Meg P said

    Thanks so much, June! I just used up my last pair of 6mm plastic eyes, and I was going to start a thread in your Ravelry group asking where I could get such lovely ones. You are a treasure trove of info as well as patterns!

  3. Jana said

    I have used SunCatcher Eyes for a few years. Michelle is truly the best source out there. The quality is great, as is the customer service! And the prices are more than reasonable as well! I just placed a huge order with her last week (forgot my eyes in Saudi!) and asked that they come quickly to AZ as I needed them to finish my “Chris” doll before I go. I got a bulk package of the clear ones to use as joints. I just put together is arms last night (first time doing this) and I loved it! I am going to “joint” the arms like this on other things as well! I never would have thought to use them like this. Thanks, June! 🙂

  4. Those were pretty, I’m loving the bookmarks and the crochets.. Pretty sure my niece would love those. Ohh, I’m sorry about your health. I wish you well, and luck for you on those things you’re focusing about. More blessings!

  5. Monica said

    Thank you so much for the link and note about Suncatcher Craft Eyes! I have been browsing the web looking at ALL different places and can’t seem to bring myself to pay those (outrageous) prices! Thanks so much!!! I can’t wait to make my first order!

    Good Luck on getting and staying Focused! I know it can be hard at times!

  6. Denise said

    I’ve ordered Suncatcher eyes as well and they’re gorgeous. I’ve been hesitant to use them because I need to think of something worthy of the colors.

    Then I ordered your amigurumi kit and got more eyes that are being saved. Oh, what a terrible problem for someone to have!

    I think you’ve made a good decision. No one wants you to burn out, your fans will still be able to get the high quality pieces they’ve come to expect, and another awesome seller will get more business.

  7. Wise decision June! Have bought eyes from Michelle before and can only agree with what you say, she’s a great seller!

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