PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June

Settling in

We’ve moved into our new house! After a stressful and incredibly exhausting couple of weeks getting everything done, we’re all starting to settle in, and it’s wonderful to see design decisions we made months (and years!) ago for our home finally come to life.

Our new house is truly lovely, and I’ve been working hard getting it set up in a way that’ll make sense for the way we live, so we can hopefully stay more organised and really enjoy living here 🙂

There’s been the odd unexpected flaw in my endless plans, such as discovering that almost all my pots and pans didn’t work with my new induction stove (oops…)

all these saucepans and frying pans don't work with my induction stove

I’ve had to give away all the pans in this photo and buy new ones, but I’m looking on the bright side – this is an opportunity to re-buy just the pans I need for the way I cook, instead of having a cluttered cupboard full of pans that are rarely used.

It’s a challenge to play food tetris every day (trying to fit things into the mini fridges!) and figuring out which groceries I have fridge/freezer space to buy, but it’s all part of the new house fun, and at least this is only temporary.

My PlanetJune work is still on the back burner, for the time being. Although I’ve set up most of my office and studio, there’s a layer of random clutter everywhere that’s waiting to find a new home, and pretty much all my creative energy is going into sewing curtains…

sheer curtain hanging in the kitchen window

…and organising my pantry…

organised pantry

…and baking bread…

yummy raisin bread

…and walking for an hour or two every day with Maggie (usually with her best friend Echo)…

Maggie (right) with Echo

…and enjoying the springtime, like this very Canadian sight of a goose family stopping the traffic while they cross the road 🙂

Canada goose family crossing the road

We have ponds and a forest close to our home, so I’m enjoying watching the birds and turtles (and this loopy garter snake I managed to catch with Dave’s phone camera, below).

coiled garter snake

I’m starting to learn a little about our native flora too, and I’ve even picked up my long-neglected camera once or twice – there’s wildlife everywhere at this time of year, so lots of opportunity for nature photos. (Hmmm, maybe I should resume my occasional nature blog posts?)

This ‘homey’ phase I’m in won’t last forever, and once all the curtains are sewn and the house is mostly organised, I should be ready to jump back into some of the pattern ideas I have for PlanetJune.

But, for now, please bear with me as I allow myself to enjoy this time. It feels amazing to have found a real home and to be putting down roots. I finally feel like I’m part of a community, and knowing I have no plans to ever leave here makes it all seem so real, unlike anywhere else I’ve ever lived before.

This is where I belong. 🙂


  1. Patricia Kingsley said

    Do I see a Canada Goose in your patterns future? Just don’t invite them (food) onto your lawn or in a pond. They’re not the cute fuzzy family you see marching with their goslings. And, you will quickly realize why traffic stops for them. They have an attitude problem. They think the rest of us owe them (food), will take whatever you’ve got, and not in a friendly way. Meanwhile, they fertilize your yard, invite all their friends, chase your pets and nip at your ankles. Yes, we have them in our area (no, not in our yard) and they have gotton so comfortable that great flocks of them no longer bother to migrate. They are now permanent resident flocks, block traffic as they escort their family’s from one feeding location to another and require extensive efforts to keep them off commercial runways and out of shopping mall’s parking lots. But, they are fun to watch.

    • June said

      Maybe… who can say? 😉 I agree – Canada Geese can be unfriendly neighbours, especially when they’re guarding their nests or goslings, or perched on your roof honking at all hours! I still like to see them taking care of their babies though.

  2. Michelle said

    I love the pics of your house and am thrilled to hear you are starting to settle in. Moving is so stressful as it is and then add in the difficulties you have had. I would be happy to see your nature pictures again. You have many talents and I enjoy seeing them all.

  3. Darlene said

    Enjoy the time,your place sounds wonderful! Very happy for you and your family.

  4. Sandy G said

    June, I’m so happy for you and your family! Having followed you for so long, I know about your trials and tribulations over the years. Your bread is beautiful. I love that Maggie has a friend. Please enjoy every moment of having found a home. (By the way, here in Colorado we have Canada geese everywhere you look!) And yes, fer sure, do think about taking up your nature blog again! All the best to you!

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