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sea lion + contest time!

Here is the second design for my new pattern range (the dolphin is the first). The sea lion was more challenging to design because I wanted to crochet it in one piece, and build the curve of the neck and chest in. That’s quite a challenge using only single crochet, but I’m really happy with how it turned out. I think she looks very sweet:

crocheted sea lion by planetjune

Now, it’s contest time!

As you may have read from the dolphin post, this new range is all about water animals (but not fish) and the style is simple and sleek with just one colour per piece, to focus on the streamlined shape of these animals.

I’d like to know what you think, so please leave a comment on this post with one or more of these suggestions:

  • The name of this range (I’d like something short and distinctive, like my AmiDogs range)
  • Other animals you would like to see in this range

There will be two winners:

  • Whoever first comes up with the name I like best for the range
  • One other commenter (chosen randomly from all entrants; only one entry per person will be counted)

And the prizes? Each winner will receive a pattern of their choice from the PlanetJune range. Winners may either choose from one of the new range of patterns, or one of my existing Fuzzy Friends or AmiDogs patterns.

The contest will run for a week, so entries will be accepted until 7am EST on Monday January 21st 2007.

Good luck and thanks in advance for your suggestions!

UPDATE: Looking for the pattern? You can find the AquaAmi Sea Lion crochet pattern in my shop.


  1. Lisa said

    This sea lion is absolutely beautiful!

  2. Kathi said


  3. Sherri said

    Ami’s of the Sea

    I’ve purchase a few of your patterns.. I
    just need the time to get to crocheting them !! sigh

  4. Sherri said

    Ami’s Sea Treasures
    Ami’s Treasure of the Seas

    I think a Manatee (which is found in Florida) (but they aren’t especially
    How about a killer whale? (They are the black and white guys.)
    Or a plane whale. (well they do have different species)

  5. Paula S. said

    Your sea lion looks great! I would love to see an otter, maybe a whale and a seahorse. For a name, how about Ocean Dwellers or Water Babies?

  6. Nicola said

    What a great job on the sea lion shaping. Bang on! How about Marine Mates? A sea turtle would be great as would beluga whale

  7. AmandaF said

    The sea lion and dolphin are just beautiful! Depending on how many you want to come up with, they could divided in mammals, crustaceans, endangered, etc.

    So, like Crusty Crochet, Aquamals, CJewels, Aquatic Amimals, Aqua Crochet, etc.

  8. Randi said

    I just LOVE the two you have designed thus far!
    For a name… there are so many good ones! Am glad you have to pick and not me! I thought of WildAmiOcean

    Everything I’d love to see has already been mentioned! The manatee, mudpuppy I think is the name… orcas, starfish, seahorse…

    Thank you for sharing your talent with us! HUGS

  9. WeeSandy said

    * AmiSea

    * AmiOcean

    Very cute, June. You make such lovely little critter patterns!

  10. B.J. Baumann said

    Your critters are Lovely.
    How about Neptuneez

  11. B.J. Baumann said

    I love your new Critters , would like to see a Sea Otter , Manatee or an
    Orca .
    My idea for a name is Neptunees

  12. Denise said

    SeaAmi, AquaAmi, Amiagua, Water Friends… Wet Pets..Marineamals

    I’d like to see a seahorse, and a manitee or a dugong, and an orca and a SHARK!

    I’m not reading other comments until I’ve posted, I’m sure there are some duplicates!

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Sea Lion – you made it perfect!

  13. Lemony said

    I love them so much!

    I think that the range should be called either Paddimals, AmiPaddles or AmiSplash

    I see others have suggested a sea turtle, which I love the idea of! But I think you should have a seahorse.

  14. Chantal said

    Why Not Treasures of the Sea ?


  15. karrie said

    the sea lion looks great! I was gong to suggest SeaAmi which has already been mentioned. But I still think it is a good name!

  16. Karen said

    Wow, you’ve got lots of names to chose from! My first thought was
    Seagurumi, which is close to a few of the others already mentioned.

    The sea lion is adorable, and has the exact shape of a fur made one my dad brought back from Alaska when I was a kid.

    Did anyone mention an otter yet? They are cute, too.

  17. Chelsea said

    So cute! How about AmiSea? That way you aren’t stuck with just mammals if you decide to branch out into sharks or other fish.

  18. Merilu of Meribears said

    How about “Nautical Neptunes” Or ‘Neptunes Nauticals’
    and I would love to see an Orca (Killer Whale) cause I live right in the area they are… coastal Oregon Merilu

  19. Kiirs said

    I just wanted to say that I really love Charlene’s a few posts up–Neptune’s Children @ Planet June. That’s great!!

  20. Donna said

    wow… well done! I love your new creations! I love the curves of your sea lion – its so perfect!!

    Here is my list:
    -(Ami) Sea Creatures
    -(Ami) Ocean Friends/Creatures
    -(Ami) Ocean Adorables
    -Sea World
    -Sea Cuddlies
    -Sea Wonders
    -(Ami) Aquarium
    -(Ami) Marine Life
    -Deep Blue Sea
    -Fun Underwater
    -Ocean Fun
    -Aquatic Museum

    alright, thats it for me.
    i didn’t read the above comments, so sorry for duplicates.

  21. Rebekah said

    The sea lion and dolphin look fantastic. I would love to see an orca, and a walrus would be cute. A manatee would also be great.

  22. Sydney Murrays said

    I Love all your things, really nice especially, the sea lion good for you you are very creative!!

  23. Helen said

    I love your Sea Lion and Dolphin…you are amazing. You have talents I wish I had a fraction of…wow!
    Here is what I came up with for names…I hope I haven’t added ones that have already been said.
    Sea Cuties – C-Q-T’S
    Sea Swimmers
    Ocean Swimmers
    Aquatic Swimmers
    Aqua Cutes – A-Q-T’S
    Ocean Babes or Babies
    Sea Babes or Babies
    Aquatic Babes or Babies
    Mammal Babies – Ma-Babies
    Sea Runners
    Ocean Runners
    Aquatic Runners
    Sea Surfers
    Ocean Surfers
    Aquatic Surfers
    Sea Riders
    Ocean Riders
    Aquatic Riders
    Salt Water Cuties
    Salt Water Babies
    Salt Water Pals
    Salt Water Friends
    Sea Friends
    Sea Dreamers
    Ocean Dreamers
    Aquatic Dreamers
    Pals in the Sea
    Sea Cuddlers
    Ocean Cuddlers
    Aquatic Cuddlers
    As for others to make…you have lots of awesome ideas that everyone has kindly given…I know these have been said but I love sea otters..they are amazing and sea horses. Good luck picking the names, you have alot of wonderful ideas that have been sent.
    Huggs, Helen

  24. Neijya said

    Wow, your sea lion is so… sleek !
    I wonder if a seahorse would be feasible… I love sea horses ! Or a mini whale 😀

  25. Jessica Manning said

    These are super cute.
    My pick is
    sweet water animals

  26. Katie said

    Your sea lion is gorgeous!!!

    The first name I thought of was AquaAmis, but someone has already mentioned it. I will keep thinking, though. 😀

    And, like so many others, I would love to see a manatee… or perhaps a mudpuppy? They’re neat. How about a beaver?

  27. Bonnie said

    I’d love to see a Manatee, humpback whale, eel, seahorse.. Oooh! A flounder or a halibut??

  28. Kimberly said

    I like Sea Ami best, myself — works for the crochet reference AND gives a friendship gloss to anyone with a little French language puttering around their mind.

    I would like to see a manta ray, a sea turtle, or an otter…

    Cheers —

  29. Melinda said

    Both of the new designs are delightful! I would love to see a walrus, a sea turtle, and or a blue whale.

    How about AquaAmi for the name?

  30. Kathi said

    How about… Aqua-ramis, Seamates, Deep Blue-Amis, H2o-Amis, Neptune-Amis, Ariels-Amis, Posidens-Amis for the name.

    I would like to see some of the beautiful salt water fish, a narwhal, mermaids, a sea turtle. I agree with Nuu about the Davy Jones locker cast of characters those would be great hits I bet after the pirates of the carribean movies. Then there are Nautilis, deep sea angler fish, tube worms, Clown fish, Lobsters Skates Hmm… now those you could make into small nap blankets too couldn’t you. Then there are the extinct sea creatures that would be great fun.

    Best of luck and loads of fun are all wished for you, many will be hanging in wait for your next reveal ; )

  31. Charlene Shoemaker said

    Your sea lion and dolphin have clean lines and an uncomplicated expressiveness, much like the living mammals themselves. I’d like to crochet one of the animals that used to visit a cove near our house — the orcas of Puget Sound. They have the same sleek lines and that distinctive black and white combination that makes them so beautful.

    As for your creative grouping, I’d call them Neptune’s Children @ Planet June.

  32. Monica said

    i don’t know if anyone else has already suggested this, but for a name: Aquamis!

    Both of these have already been said, but I would be happy to see a seahorse and a starfish, as well as a whale and an otter.

  33. Lynns2mi said

    Hi great site! Great patterns. I like aqua-ami’s or Amimammi’s
    a manatee would be great.

  34. Suzi.BC said

    Well I thought my name was pretty good until I read through all the others!! Great names ladies 🙂
    My name is AquaAmiLife .
    The mammals I would LOVE to sea (LOL) are Humpback Whale, Sperm Whale, and Sea Turtle.

    Beautiful work and thanks for a lovely chance!

  35. Katie said

    What about “MyAmi Beach Pals” (haha, like Miami…)

    I’d love an otter and a sea turtle!

  36. Mikki said

    Oops! Forget that last post!!! Here are some idea names:
    Aqua Ami-Pals
    Ocean Babies
    Water Critters
    Ami Sea-Pals
    I love all of the ones you have done so far. Maybe you could make a crab, a starfish, or a whale next!

  37. Mikki said

    Awww! I love the sea lion! Maybe your next line of animals could be jungle animals, or miniatures.

  38. jules said

    You’re amazing June! How about SEAWATER PUPS….

  39. Nuu said

    Under the Ocean AmiPets
    Ocean AmiPets
    Under the Sea AmiPets
    Sea AmiPets
    Friends From Davy Jones’ Locker

    I’d like to see penguins or turtles added.

  40. Michelle Politte said

    What about SeaPets for the name? Or SeaFriends. I like sea turtles but I’m not sure how difficult they would be to crochet. There’s also thinks like octopus and squid a whale would be easier then the turtle. ~Shell

  41. Kristen said

    Wow, I love these!

    For a name for the new range, what about something simple, like


    ;D If you could devise a nautilus I think I’d go nuts. Thanks so much for sharing your creativity out to the world!

  42. Diane said

    How about “Water Amis” as in (animals/amigrumi) I love our sea lion can’t wait to see more

  43. L said

    I would LOVE to see a seahorse, a narwhal, and a mermaid/merfamily!

    As far as names — so many great ones have been suggested already!

    How about:

    Ami-C-life (crochet life)


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