Punchneedle Globe menu:
- Update 1
- Update 2 – you are here
- Update 3
- Update 4
- Update 5
- The Finished Globe!
So, as everyone guessed from my last post (yeah, I didn’t think it’d be much of a stumper!), my ongoing punchneedle project is going to be a 3D globe, embroidered onto two flat circles (with wedge-shaped gaps around the edges so I can stitch them into hemispheres later) and then stuffed and stitched into a full globe.
It’s pretty ambitious, and even more so than I first imagined when I decided on the size: as the fabric will be curved after punching it, the loopy stitches will end up splaying further apart than usual, so I’m punching my stitches very close together so you (hopefully) won’t be able to see the fabric between the stitches after the globe is assembled. It’s sloooow going, but also quite nice to have a ‘mindless’ project I can work on – designing projects all the time is tiring, and, now I’ve completed the design for the globe, this is a soothing project to work on when I’m watching TV, just filling in each area with the right colour.
As you can see from the picture below, I have completely finished 2 of the 12 sections of the southern hemisphere, and I’m partway through the rest. And – hey – is that Australia I spy?
Here’s something that’s made it more fun though: Jessica at How About Orange linked to these cute printable floss bobbins designed by Wild Olive, and I thought they’d inject a bit of cute into the process.
I printed a sheet of bobbins onto white cardstock and cut them out (yes, I did pick the 4 shades that were closest to my floss colours – silly things like that make me happy). In contrast to the globe, they were a very quick and satisfying project!
Here’s a little papercrafty tip for you: to cut a smooth curve like these bobbin edges, hold the scissors steady and rotate the cardboard as you cut.
As I punch with 3 of the 6 strands of floss at a time, I usually cut a 1.5m length of floss, split it into two, and then leave the other 3-strand length languishing in my project box until I need it. Now I can wind the spare length onto the bobbin, and it’ll be neatly stored until I need that colour again. And I’ve even pre-cut and split an entire skein of the blue floss and wound all the lengths onto my blue bobbin, so I won’t be interrupted with cutting new lengths during my next punchneedle session. (As I’m working on the southern hemisphere, there’s a lot of blue ocean to fill in!)
Printable cardboard floss bobbins: recommended! They may not last forever, but they make me smile and I can always print more when these wear out. Or – shock horror – use the other shades that I already printed… but I don’t know if my matchy-matchy self will allow me to do that: green thread on a red bobbin? That’s just crazy talk!
Shannon said
Did you ever release a pattern for this? I looked in your punch patterns and didn’t see one.
June said
I finished the globe just before my big move from Canada to South Africa. By the time I got settled, there didn’t seem to be much interest in punchneedle any more, so I never got around to writing up the instructions and publishing the pattern. And now, so many years later, I’m not sure I remember the instructional details well enough to describe them in a pattern (and I know for sure that I’ll never have enough time to make a second globe, just so I can make the pattern!). So no, I’m afraid not – unless lots of people really want the globe pattern, I don’t think I’ll be making it (sorry)…
Helga said
Beautiful project, it’s a perfect idea.
Rosie Graham said
Hi June,
You are a Pratchet fan aren’t you? Just been listening to Steve Wright (BBC radio 2) and he had an interview with him. The man is just hilarious as I’m sure you know. You can listen to playback on the net.
Michal said
It looks beautiful! I can’t wait to see it finished!
Jacq said
That’s awesome! I can’t wait to see the finished product.
Are you going to sale the pattern?
June said
Thank you! And, if there’s interest, then yes, I’d be happy to release the pattern!
kris said
that is looking awesome!!!!! i can’t wait to see if finished.