PlanetJune Craft Blog
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punchneedle globe revealed!

Ah, this post has been a long time coming… (Previous update posts are here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.)

I’m not quite sure when I embarked on this project as I didn’t keep any notes; all I know for sure is that my Illustrator design file was last modified in December 2009, so it’s taken over a year to take this project from a 2D pattern to a 3D completed piece. But here, finally, it is: the Punchneedle Embroidery Globe! Click the pic for the larger version:

punchneedle globe (with crocheted orangutan) by planetjune
Hey – it’s PlanetJune personified! Maybe this should be my logo 🙂

Thank you to my orangutan for posing with the globe for these photos 😉

Stitching the two halves together was quite a challenge. I used a curved upholstery needle but it was still really tricky. When I’d stitched 11 of the 12 segments together, I started stuffing. And stuffing, and stuffing, and then stuffing some more. In the end it took about half a standard bag of fiberfill to keep the globe in shape. And I was very glad to have my Detail Stuffing Tool for the final stuffing additions as I stitched the opening closed.

But finally, it was finished! Here are some more views (again, click for the larger version):

punchneedle globe (with crocheted orangutan) by planetjune
Asia and Australia, Europe and Africa, N and S America…

You can see from the above pictures that my globe isn’t a perfect sphere – it looks slightly narrower in the middle picture than in the 2 outer pics. There’s a reason for that: although I did account for the fact that my base fabric (weaver’s cloth) has stretch in only one direction, which changes the aspect ratio of the finished piece, I didn’t realise that by punching so much more densely than usual, I’d change the amount of stretch significantly, so I didn’t distort my pattern enough to compensate for that before I transferred it to my fabric. My finished globe has a circumference of 18″ at the widest point and 17″ at the narrowest. Not perfect, but considering I had no idea if my idea of a 3D punchneedled piece would even work at all, I can live with it.

I’m a geek…

I decided to put on my science geek hat and come up with some estimates of how many stitches went into this project. I came up with two methods for the estimation; both are very rough, but taken together they at least give us some idea.

Method 1: floss length. I counted how many stitches I made with a known length of floss. I kept track of how many skeins of floss I used (28) and the length of each skein, to extrapolate the number of stitches in the whole globe. Result: 55,000 stitches.

Method 2: surface area. I counted how many stitches I’d made in a typical square centimetre on the back of the embroidery, and then used the average circumference of the finished globe to calculate its radius (C=2πr), subtract the stitch loop length (to give the size of the backing fabric) and then its surface area (SA=4πr²). Result: 63,000 stitches.

So I feel fairly confident in saying that there’s somewhere in the region of 60,000 stitches in my globe – and even at punchneedle speed, that’s a lot of stitches!

2011 is almost here

The coming year is going to bring some big changes for me (and Dave and Maui). I still can’t really get my head around this idea of moving, especially to the southern hemisphere – what a change that’ll be! But now, at least I have a way to visualize it:

punchneedle globe (with crocheted orangutan) by planetjune
Canada to Cape Town… it’s even further away than I’d realised!

Thanks for accompanying me on my journey to complete this globe! I hope you like the result. It’s funny that I had no idea how relevant it would be to me when I embarked on this project…


  1. Mary Anne said

    Wow! the final globe is AMAZING! I now don’t feel so bad about spend 75 hours on a miniature punch needle rug that measures 7 by 8″ (lots of blending of multiple colors, and sculpting of the pile.)
    This is the only non ‘folk primitive’ themed 3-D punch needle art I have ever seen! I hope you can do more incredible uniquely different creativity with the punch needle.

    • June said

      Thank you so much, Mary Anne! Yes, I really don’t identify with the folk primitive style at all – I hope more people will be encouraged by my work to experiment with punchneedle in a more modern style. I haven’t done much punching lately because it’s time-consuming to design and make a complex piece (as you know!) – I’d love to see a photo of your rug though (email me: You might enjoy seeing my Musicians of Bremen punchneedle artwork too 🙂

  2. Linda Wingerter said

    You can see that is now 2019 and I just ran across this posting. I LOVE the globe and wonder if, by this many years later, there is a pattern/tutorial I can purchase. Just getting into needlepunch and I like it a lot.

  3. I am looking for a Crochet pattern for a globe. I LOVE what you
    did with punch work. If by any change you have one, please let me
    know. I am a 73 yr old crochet enthusiast. I usually crochet for my
    grand kids and great kids. Since I am still working, I only crochet
    when I have time – but I do it every night.

    Thanks so much – your work is awesome

  4. Christine said

    I just purchased an easy punch thingie at a thrift store today and so therefor I have spent alllllllll afternoon reading up on needle punch and various things. This is how I stumbled upon your blog… (although the more time i browsed though it, the more certain I am that I’ve been here before!). I just had to comment because I’m so beyond amazed and impressed by your globe. What a work of art!!! It’s incredible.

  5. Cinda said

    If this pattern ever becomes available..add me to your list!!!!

    I love the Orangutan too. Do you have that pattern available?

    • June said

      I hadn’t planned to sell a pattern for the globe because it’s such a complex project, but it sounds like there’s some interest in one, so I may rethink that decision! I have the actual pattern I designed, so it would just be a case of writing instructions to go with it. It wouldn’t be for a few months though, at least – I’m in the process of moving to South Africa and I definitely won’t have the time to work on the instructions until I’m settled there!

      As for the orangutan, I’m afraid there will never be a pattern for him – he was a freeform art project and far too complex to pattern. There’s more info at if you’re interested 🙂

  6. Jacq said

    Oh, I’ve been following the process in amazement. The finished product is really awesome. I’m a geographer, so I’d love for you to sell the pattern! And your right, that picture would make a great logo.

  7. Kate Knott said

    Hey there – what a wonderful project! I came here via the Craft blog. Will you be making the pattern available? It would be an awesome project!

  8. jenn (life adorned) said

    so awesome, i had to blog about it.

  9. wendy said

    WOW! What else can I say? This is absolutely incredible, what a fantastic project and an amazing achievement, I’m blown away!

  10. Sister Diane said

    I’m jumping up and down and clapping my hands over here. This is INCREDIBLE! And how much do I love that you figured out the number of stitches? You’re a total genius, and this has got to be my very favorite craft project of 2010.

  11. Claire said


    I found your blog from a link to your magic-ring tutorial. Your blog is very inspiring and your globe is amazing. When I saw you were moving to Cape Town I had to comment as that is where I am from! Although i’m living in the UK at the moment. I’m sure you will find loads of inspiration there with the mountains and sandy beaches. I look forward to seeing your photos of my home town!

  12. I especially like that first shot on the left with Borneo & Sumatra facing out on Earth! Orangutans are critically endangered in the wild because of rapid deforestation and the expansion of palm oil plantations. If nothing is done to protect them, they will be extinct in just a few years.

    Visit the Orangutan Outreach website to learn more about orangutans and see how YOU can make a difference!

    Orangutan Outreach
    Reach out and save the orangutans!

    • June said

      Hear, hear! This is a cause I truly believe in.

  13. Heather said

    You did an absolutely amazing job on the Earth! I’ve been following along from the beginning and I am very much impressed. I wonder what you will come up with next?

  14. Jessica said

    Oh it’s so beautiful June – I can’t believe how appealing a fluffly looking globe is, I just want to cuddle it like your orangutan is 🙂

  15. Kara said

    Looks great June! Congratulations on the book, which I already have in my bookshelf and on the upcoming move to South Africa. Can’t wait to read about your adventures in Cape Town.

  16. Lynne said

    That last picture is great. Even the orangutan is shocked about how far the move is. The needle punched globe is wonderful.

  17. Unforth said

    Wow, that’s really really amazing! It looks great (and so does the monkey!) 🙂 Thanks for all the posts on this, punchneedling is something I’ve wanted to try for years, and it’s been awesome to see the process and watch your globe coming together!

  18. Mariposa said

    Happy New Year and your dreams to come true in the new year!

  19. Michal B. said

    Oh my god!! It is soooooooo amazing!! I adore your patience!!

  20. Amanda said

    Oh June! Another stunning work! 🙂

  21. Meg P said

    OOOOOOOOh how I wish I could do punchneedle work! That globe is very cool — it should earn a place in the PlanetJune Hall of Fame, right up there with Reepicheep!

  22. Anne said

    I have been watching the progress on this and am so excited to see it finished. It is really wonderful and the results are sure worth the effort it took to make it.

  23. Vicki said

    Absolutely fantastic! You never cease to amaze me! Looks great, especially with the orangutan! Defintiely should be your logo!

  24. Corvus said

    It’s like an oddly appropriate project to finish just before a global move, isn’t it?

    Such beautiful work! I would take it everywhere with me.

  25. Wow, June! That is truly amazing. I’m so impressed that you managed to bring your idea to life so well.

  26. Megan said

    That is phenominal! Incredible! Seriously, in awe. The orangutan is cool too!

    Also, for some reason I thought you were in Australia… so I thought, hmmm, Capetown isn’t that far. Now, I see that it is!! haha

    Praying for a safe move for you!

  27. Stacey Trock said

    Looks wonderful!
    Yes, I’m always surprised by how far away South Africa is, but it will be such a wonderful adventure! Best wishes 🙂

  28. Cora Shaw said

    Wow! Great job June!

  29. Kimi said

    What an incredible project. My jaw is on the floor, seriously. What an amazing piece of work and an awesome accomplishment!! Just… wow. Congratulations!!

  30. VanGo87 said

    Oh, wow! June, this is amazing! So much work put in and finally it’s finished. I’ve been watching your progress and I have to say that you are brilliant.

    All the best in Cape Town. Be sure to stay in touch!


    • June said

      Oh I shall – you’ll still see me on Twitter (and here, of course!) – there’ll be no change really, except I’ll have more interesting things to talk about 😀

  31. Ana said

    June, this is AMAZING! Happy 2011 🙂

  32. Lindy said

    What an wonderful achievement, June, which has taken you hours & hours of work & incredible skill! Your globe is fantastic, and it’s great to see it being held by your lovely orang-utan! Love xx

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