PlanetJune Craft Blog
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PlanetJune Stories: Seth’s Dinosaurs

Today’s PlanetJune Story is very special – it’s from Seth, one of my youngest customers at only 10 years old! Seth, with a little assistance from mom Amy, has become quite the amigurumi prodigy, and I think you’ll be impressed by his story, and his beautifully crocheted dinosaurs.

And now over to Seth:

Hi, I’m Seth from Utah! I am ten years old and love to crochet.

PlanetJune Stories: 10 year old Seth and his crocheted dinosaurs

Two years ago my cousin crocheted a pink jellyfish for me. I loved the animals she made and I wanted to make some for myself. I learned how to chain and single crochet, so that I could make a snake.

Last year for Christmas, I got a kit to crochet safari animals. My first lion took me two days straight to finish, but now I can crochet a dinosaur in only five or six hours. I have almost 100 crocheted critters plus three crocheted pet nets to hang them from my bunk bed.

PlanetJune Stories: 10 year old Seth and his crocheted dinosaurs

Crocheted animals are fun to make and are super cute and squishy. I love showing my animals to people and they sometimes want to start crocheting too. (The “crochet bug” is very contagious!)

I also love dinosaurs! I love the dinosaur patterns from PlanetJune because they are so fun to crochet and so realistic. I got my first dinosaur pattern for my birthday in July and loved it. The sewing tutorials on PlanetJune helped my dinosaurs to look really good. After I made dinosaurs for myself, I crocheted a few more to sell so I could buy even more dinosaur patterns.

PlanetJune Stories: 10 year old Seth and his crocheted dinosaurs

I have had a lot of fun and learned lots while building my dinosaur collection. So far I have crocheted all 18 PlanetJune dinosaurs and created two of my own – Barosaurus and Deinosuchus – using my own ideas and pieces of June’s patterns!

PlanetJune Stories: 10 year old Seth and his crocheted dinosaurs

(Back to me, June, again!)

Seth, I’m so impressed with your skill and passion for making amigurumi animals – and that you’re starting on designing your own creations too! You clearly have a talent for this, and I’m so happy to see how much you enjoy my patterns!

(I’ve asked Seth’s mom, Amy, to share her perspective and tips on teaching kids to crochet in the next PlanetJune Story, so look out for that soon, especially if you’d like to encourage and support your own children on their own crochet journey!)

Thank you so much, Seth, for sharing your story with us today 🙂
Please leave Seth a comment if you’ve enjoyed this post!

Do you have a PlanetJune Story you’d like to share? I’d love to hear it! Please email your story to, together with one or more high quality photos showing what you’ve made from PlanetJune patterns. If I choose your story to feature here on the blog, I’ll send you your choice of pattern from my shop to say thank you!

PS – If you’re feeling inspired to crochet dinosaurs too, you can find all the PlanetJune Dinosaur crochet patterns here in my shop. 🙂


  1. Diona said

    wow, Seth! Your dinosaurs are just amazing! I have a 10 year old who wants to crochet with me, but he’s left handed and I’m right handed, so it’s a little confusing, but seeing your talent inspires me so much, and I’m sure when i show my son your dinosaurs, it will motivate him to work even harder because he so badly wants to learn crotchet. i learned how about a year ago and have been making him hats, gloves, etc ever since and he wants to learn with me. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. God bless you.

  2. Sara Branch said

    Seth – What amazing work you’ve done! You’re inspiring my 6 and 9 year old sons to want to crochet as well! Keep up the great work!

  3. Erica said

    Hi Seth! You are a great kiddo! Keep on crocheting. Sincerely, Erica

  4. Hannah Kegel said

    Wow Seth! Great Job!!!

  5. Dianne U said

    Seth, I’d like to request you come and sit by my side to teach me how to make such extraordinary dinosaurs. My grandson loves them and I’m just terrible at making them, even with June’s great patterns/instructions. You must have some secrets or magic and I’d love to learn it from you. Quite remarkable and wonderful work for such a young person. I’m envious yet applaud your ability!! Bravo!

    • Sheila said

      I am lucky enough to be Seth’s neighbor and he and his brother gave me my first crochet lesson this week. Not only can he make these amazing dinosaurs, but he is patient enough to share his talent. Thank you, Seth!

  6. Alicia said

    Seth, what great job on the dinosours! i too love dinosaurs and have made all of June’s. But I have not tried to make my own adjustments to make diffrent dinosaurs. You have done a great job! I hope you have many years of crochet fun.

  7. Sarina said

    Wow, how inspiring! They all look so good!

  8. Carol Brady said

    Hi Seth your crochet work is amazing i love it. such a passion at such a young age.

  9. Patricia said

    Hello Seth, great job! Go on crocheting!! Go! Go!! Go!
    Greetings from Belgium (Europe)

  10. Harlequin Herveaux said

    Seth – Your dinos look awesome! 😀
    I am so happy that you doscovered crocheting and are sharing your critters with us. You are very talented!

  11. Ruth Lister said

    Wow! Thank you so much for sharing Seth’s story and pictures! What a great accomplishment. :clap_tone1:Congratulations Seth, you are a very talented young man indeed. Well done. You obbiously have a creative gift. Well done also to Amy for teaching and encouraging Seth’s creativity, and to you June for sharing your awesome talent, knowledge and patterns.

  12. Anna said

    Wow!!!! What an inspirational story!! It should be shared with crochet magazines publishers!
    Seth, you are absolutely amazing! Crochet is not exactly an easy thing to learn, and you’ve mastered it in such a young age:flushed: May you continue creating more and more creatures, from patterns as well as from your own designs…and who knows where you’ll end up.. :yellow_heart:

  13. Christen B. said

    Seth- so impressive! keep it up!

  14. Lisa Partridge said

    How amazing are you Seth? I still struggle with Amigurumi and I am so blown away by how good you are. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing more of your creations on Planet June.
    Lisa from South Australia.

  15. Pauline Quevillon said

    Hi Seth,

    i am so impressed with your talent and I find that awesome that you created your own pattern. I am crocheting since I am very young and I cannot do this, How cool keep going! Pauline

  16. Diane Butterfield said

    Seth, your creations are as delightful as you are! It’s a joy to watch you growing up and developing your skills and talents. I love your dinos and am pleased to say how happy I am to own two! You are a delight!!!

  17. Cecelia Remedios said

    OMGOODNESS Seth THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR story and ho Planetjune inspired you. I hoe you never lose the desire to crochet no matter what path your life takes.

  18. Vicki Suan said

    Wow, Seth! You are very talented and your work is impressive. The dinosaurs are well-made! Keep it up, young man. There is no going back for you. You are now officially “hooked” (get it? get it?) Lol. I hope to see all your future creations.

  19. Rosie L said

    Hi Seth! i loved reading your story and seeing all the pictures! What a fine assortment of critters! XOX

    • Jessica Prescott said

      This is so cool! I’d love to have this kind of collection.

  20. Christy White said

    I’m Seth’s grandma and am so proud of his persistence and skills. He also made me a tabby cat! Keep up the good work, Seth!

    • Hermione said

      You and Seth’s mom must be very proud of him, Seth is very talented and I hope he continues to add to his beautifully made collection.

  21. Betty Hanaea said

    Congratulationson your crocheting skills. I’m really impressed. keep crocheting in your life forever.

  22. Kellie said

    Great job Seth! You are so inspiring and I love seeing boys embracing crafts!

  23. Hi Seth, Thanks for sharing your story. I’m so impressed with your skills. I’m in Utah also. I taught my kids to crochet when they were about 12-ish. Amigurumi is a fun hobby. Keep up the good work!

  24. .: petrOlly :. said

    This is truly amazing! I know the dinosaurs are not the easiert of June’s patterns (I also made all of them and they have their own PlanetJune story :smirk:) so I’m even more speechless that you’re so quick, Seth! Love your own creations. Keep up the good work and I hope to see more of your critters soon ☺

  25. Monica said

    amazing work Seth! love your creative dinosaurs too! June’s patterns are very addictive! love all your dinosaurs!

  26. Hermione said

    Seth, your dinosaurs are amazing, perfectly made and I absolutely love the two you designed yourself. I hope you carry on creating more of your own designs.

  27. Ellen said

    Hi June, and Hi Seth, what and awesome job you are doing making thise great dinosaur. My daughter loves them also, she is 29, but she doesnt crochet, i am the crocheter, I made her a little stegosaras. ( not sure if spelt right)
    My passion is making dolls, tiny ones, and dogs or the odd cat, for my collection and my grand daughter. Hope to see your work again, well done and keep crocheting.
    kind regards
    Ellen. from Western Australia.

  28. Susanna said

    That’s an amazing collection, and clearly they are very well made! I’m especially impressed by the original creations – something I still struggle to do after years of crocheting!

  29. Angela said

    Seth – your dinosaurs are awesome! I really enjoyed reading about your discovery of crochet and how much fun you have had learning a new art. Your crochet spot looks fabulous – cozy right on the vent. Thank you for sharing your excitment!

  30. Michelle Tyler said

    What an awesome collection Seth, and SO COOL that you MADE these with your own two hands! They are amazing, and you should be very proud!

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