PlanetJune Craft Blog
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pink ribbed cardigan

I haven’t done much hand knitting since I bought my knitting machine in 2020. But last winter, inspired by the projects being shared in the PJ Discord group, I got the itch to pick up the needles again. Knitting is such a relaxing pastime for me, and I’ve missed it! Crocheting larger things with repetitive patterns is relaxing too, of course, but most of my crochet is small amigurumi, so it doesn’t have that same relaxing rhythm. And here’s the result:

knit pink ribbed cardiganHello! Look what I knitted!

I started this sweater in 2019, based on my ribbed sweater design that I’ve made a couple of times before: the green cardigan in 2015, and the teal pullover version in 2017. My concept for this pink version was to use a lighter weight yarn and a narrower all-over rib pattern to make a more lightweight version of the same basic design.

green ribbed cardigan and teal ribbed sweater knits

But my progress ground to a halt: the yarn felt a bit rough on my fingers so the knitting wasn’t a lovely tactile experience; I wasn’t sure about the pink colour (bought on sale), and I got bored with working on it. I hadn’t even decided whether this piece was going to be a sweater or cardigan when I abandoned it, with the back mostly done and nothing else even started!

I picked it back up in February, finished the back and sleeves according to my original plan, and decided on a v-neck cardigan for the front.

After seaming the pieces together, I tried on the cardigan and decided it was slightly more fitted than I’d like, so I decided to make a slightly wider buttonband to give it a tiny bit more ease at the front. One of the benefits of designing as you go is getting to make last-minute customizations while you knit!

I also added a design improvement from my first version of this cardigan. When you wear a cardigan, the buttonholes typically want to pull away from the centre, which means the buttons don’t sit in the middle of the buttonband when the sweater is buttoned up. I countered this effect by offsetting the buttonholes to be set away from the edge of the band instead of centering them on the band:

knit pink ribbed cardiganL: The buttonholes are offset to the left side of the buttonband
R: The buttons sit in the centre of the buttonband when the sweater is buttoned

I wasn’t sure about using metal buttons on a knitted sweater, but I wanted small buttons to match the scale of this sweater, and I had dozens of these buttons in my stash (from a thrift store find of a giant bag of mixed buttons) and I wasn’t keen on making or buying special buttons for a cardigan I wasn’t even sure I’d like. Note to self: pullover sweaters are much faster and easier when it comes to finishing!

In fact, I had so many of these buttons that I decided to use a second of the same button as my anchor button on the inside of the sweater, even though they’ll never be seen. And I like the end result with the metal buttons – what do you think?

knit pink ribbed cardigan

Once everything was completely finished with all the ends woven in, I tried it on properly and quickly realised that my usual design choice of making extra-long sleeves to keep my wrists warm wasn’t really appropriate for a lighter summer-weight sweater… I briefly considered unravelling a couple of inches from the ends of the sleeves, but turning up impromptu cuffs is easier, and looks fine!

knit pink ribbed cardigan

And the end result of this project is just that: fine. I like it well enough; it fits well enough; the colour is nice enough; the feel is nice enough; the buttons are good enough… While I’m not wowed by anything in particular about this sweater, it’ll be a useful addition to my wardrobe for those in-between weather days, so I’m calling that a win ๐Ÿ˜‰

knit pink ribbed cardigan by June Gilbank

Best of all, this project has been a good re-introduction to knitting for me. Now I’m looking forward to starting my next knitting project, to keep my hands occupied once the gardening season ends!


  1. Priscilla said

    Hi June,

    Youโ€™ve done a fantastic job with this cardigan! I also love the colour and those buttons are definitely gorgeous and Iโ€™m so glad you didnโ€™t unravel the sleeves it gives the cardigan a certain charm with those rolled up sleeves like that. It looks stunning on you.

    One day Iโ€™m going to get over the mindset I have that I cant knit or crochet clothing lol!!

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿงถ

    • June said

      Thank you, Priscilla, and I’d like to encourage you to try knitting or crocheting a simple garment for yourself. It’s quite empowering!

      (If you go back far enough on my blog, you can see my own first attempts at crocheted sweaters from way back in 2006 and 2008 ๐Ÿ˜…)

  2. Ruth Lapsley said

    Thank you so much for sharing your process and addressing areas I would never have thought of. I really appreciate your informative and educational writing.

    • June said

      Thanks for saying that, Ruth. I like to include lots of detail in my posts, so I’m very happy to hear that some of it is useful and interesting!

  3. Barbara Chatzkel said

    You are a marvelous knitter. The cardigan is beautiful and the buttons are WOW.

    • June said

      Thank you so much, Barbara! I got lucky when I sorted my thrifted button jar and found so many of these matching metal buttons – I’ve been waiting for a chance to use them on something ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Ruth Lister said

    I have to agree with Helma ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป You did a lovely job June, and I love the buttons too. Thank you for the tip re offsetting the buttons, it always bugs me that the buttons donโ€™t sit on the centre.

    • June said

      You’re welcome, Ruth! I think it makes for a much nicer finished look when the cardigan is buttoned and the offset is quite subtle when it’s open, so I’ll probably always use offset buttonholes in future.

  5. Helma said

    In my opinion your cardigan isn’t just fine; it’s gorgeous! The design, the fit, the buttons, they’re perfect! And you look lovely in pink! I think you should wear it often since it’s really cute!โค๏ธ

    • June said

      Aww, thank you so much for saying that, Helma ๐Ÿ˜Š

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