I’m updating my entire back catalogue of patterns with extra information and tips and a new space-saving layout, and re-releasing them in batches as they are ready. Please see Crochet Pattern Re-Releases for more information.
Today, I’ve re-released all the AmiDogs patterns, so the new versions of any you’ve previously purchased are ready for you to download! Log back into your PlanetJune account at any time in the next 2 weeks, and you’ll see the download buttons for all your past AmiDogs pattern purchases have been re-enabled so you can click and download the new versions.

Free Collar Pattern
From today forwards, all AmiDogs patterns will now come with a free bonus 1-page PDF with instructions for crocheting a simple but effective collar for your dogs, pictured below. This pattern is a separate download (automatically included with each order), so, if you buy more than one AmiDogs pattern, you need only download the collar pattern once – it’s the same pattern for all the dogs.
The new collar pattern. And, ooh, look – a sneak peek of AmiDogs #21, Scottish Terrier! Stay tuned: the Scottie Dog pattern will be coming tomorrow 😉
Now, what I didn’t realise until a moment ago was that your previous orders can’t be updated to include the free collar pattern – oops. So here’s what I’m going to do:
- I’m putting the Collar pattern up as Donationware for $1 in the shop, but I don’t expect you to pay for it. (If you want to send me a donation, of course that’s always appreciated, but that’s not my intention here.)
- If you plan to buy more AmiDogs, please just wait until you order your dog pattern(s), and you’ll get the collar pattern automatically.
- If you’ve bought all the AmiDogs you want but would like the Collar pattern to go with them, please email me within the next 2 weeks and include the order number of a previous order that included an AmiDogs pattern (you’ll find the number in your order confirmation email, and in your list of orders in My Account). I’ll email you back with a $1 discount code off the Collar pattern, so you can ‘buy’ it for a dollar with a $1 discount, i.e. you’ll be able to get it for free.
Sorry it’s a bit convoluted! But it should work 🙂
Don’t Miss your Free Updates
Never miss the two-week pattern re-release window: sign up for the Crochet Pattern Updates mailing list. This list is just for pattern re-release announcements, and, if you sign up for it, you’ll get a short email notification every time a new batch of patterns has been re-released and is ready to download (no more than one or two emails per month until the reformat project is complete).
Missing Orders
Once a pattern has been re-released, all new orders for that pattern will automatically receive the updated version, and, if you’ve already bought the pattern, you can download the re-release for no additional charge from your PlanetJune account. But not all orders are there – here are a few reasons why you may have received patterns by email instead:
- You commissioned a pattern.
- You won a pattern (through ‘Review and Win’, a CAL prize, etc).
- You ordered patterns prior to July 2008 (when I replaced my PayPal shopping cart with my fully-featured shop).
- You ordered patterns through Etsy (or another online storefront).
If any of these (or another reason) apply to you, you can still get your pattern re-releases! I just need a few details from you so I can set up a dummy order in your PlanetJune account, including all your ‘missing’ patterns. I do not have time to email re-releases to anyone; if you want the new versions you must email me so I can set up your dummy order, or re-purchase them.
Instructions for Missing Orders:
- Make a list of all your PlanetJune patterns that do not show in your PlanetJune account (one per line, please) together with where you bought/won them (for each pattern, just put Etsy, commission, which contest, etc). I need this info so I can verify your purchases.
- Tip: to quickly see all your PlanetJune Etsy orders, click this link: Search for all planetjune purchases in your Etsy account
- If you don’t already have a PlanetJune account, create one now.
- Email me (that’s To: june@planetjune.com, Subject: Missing Patterns) and include:
- The list of your missing patterns and where you bought/won them from
- If you ordered through Etsy, your Etsy username
- The email address you use to login to your PlanetJune account (if different to the one you’re emailing me from)
Depending on demand, it may take me a while to input all these dummy orders! I have no idea how many people will take me up on this offer, but there are potentially thousands of orders to input, so please be patient if it takes me a while to get to yours. I’ll verify and process them when I have time, and they will all be ready by the time all my patterns have been updated and re-released. At that point, I’ll unlock all your orders so you can re-download the updates.
If you send your email quickly, I’ll be able to process it before I get swamped with requests, and you’ll be able to download your patterns as soon as I complete each batch of re-releases. Please do get your list to me as soon as you can.
Phew! Okay, that’s it for today; I’ll be back tomorrow with the Scottie pattern! Until then, enjoy your new and improved AmiDogs 😀
Cal said
What happens if we miss a release date? Do we have to pay for the new copy?
June said
You asked that yesterday in the comments of the previous re-releases post, Cal, so I’ll refer you back to my answer there 🙂
Cal said
Whoops, Sorry. I thought I commented on this one, didn’t get an email, assumed I forgot to hit submit. Thanks!
Billi said
Just curious, is there no way to send the collar pattern the same way you sent the pattern updates? Or is there a special link between original and updated patterns that allows that? Or is it only that you wish to make this voluntary for folk? Again, just wondering. 🙂
June said
It’s all a bit technical, so I didn’t go into details in the post, but seeing as you asked, I’ll explain what happened – it’s a good illustration of a little of what I have to do, and the decisions I have to make, behind the scenes to keep my business running 🙂
I originally planned to include the collar pattern in the zip file for each dog. That way, you’d automatically get the collar when you download a dog pattern (or download the new version from an old order). But then I realised if you bought a Custom Set of 3 dogs (the most popular way people buy dogs) you’d then be forced to download the collar 3 times when you save your 3 dog patterns. And people who buy all the dogs would have to download up to 21 copies of the same collar! So I decided that wasn’t a good delivery method – I don’t want to annoy my customers with multiple unnecessary downloads.
I discovered that I can instead add a second download to every dog listing in the shop (individuals and sets; 29 listings in all). If you buy one dog, or one set, you’ll see an additional download link in your account to COLLAR.zip. If you buy 4 individual dogs, or 4 sets, you’ll see 4 links to COLLAR.zip, but you only need click on any one of them to download it. It’s much better for my customers – you can download the pattern once only, if you want it, and not at all if you don’t.
Now, what I didn’t realise until I re-enabled all the downloads for past AmiDogs orders and was about to publish this post is that, as the old orders didn’t have that file attached, there’s no way to re-enable the file (as it was never there in the original order). This is obvious with the benefit of hindsight, but I was busy proofreading the updated patterns, creating all the PDFs and zip files, adding all the collar downloads, etc, and it didn’t occur to me until it was too late to go back to the drawing board and see if there was a third option. Hence, the free collar addition works automatically for all future orders, but there’s no way for me to add it to past orders without several hours of very careful coding and testing to write a script that would manually add the collar to the thousands of past AmiDogs order in my database (and nobody is going to pay me to do that coding…)
So, my solution was that, if you want the collar, you can get it by one of the methods I gave in the post above. As I hadn’t anticipated the problem, the only other options were to delay the whole re-release, abandon the collar altogether, or to make the collar only available with new orders. I didn’t like any of those options, so this was the best alternative I could come up with for this one-off situation – it’s clunky, but it works 🙂
Monica Ballinger (MagicalAmigurumi) said
YAY! 😀 A Collar and a new dog! he looks cute! the new look of the patterns is great! I’ve already re-downloaded mine and looked them over! You do so much for your customers! Best of Luck Crocheting/Designing! Thanks June! 😀