Yes, I’m a Brit, and to me they are *knickers*, not panties 🙂
My friend Allison and I decided to get together for an afternoon of crafty goodness and we thought the OneHourCraft sexy Valentine’s Day string panties tutorial would be a good place to start.
After we had spent a while giggling and examining animal prints in the fabric store, we settled on a subtle black floral pattern, with some fancy black elastic and purpley red ribbon ties.
We modified the pattern template because it looked a little too small (aka revealing) for us, and then we pinned and sewed and pinned and sewed and… no, this was not a “one hour” craft for us! And my poor hubby had to studiously avoid listening to us discussing underwear all afternoon. But it was so much fun – I can see why people are starting up craft groups all over the place now; crafting with a friend is a very different experience to crafting by yourself.
And, eventually, look what we made (click to supersize):

Mine are the ones on the left
They ended up looking really good – I think we were both a little surprised by how well they turned out.
Thanks Allison – we’ll have to do it again some time!