PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June

PlanetJune Blog: Latest News, Patterns and Tutorials

poll: dog patterns?

It seems that my amigurumi Shiba Inu is popular! I only made Ginger Jr as a one-of-a-kind gift, but all your comments are making me think about making a slightly simplified shiba and producing a pattern for it… It wouldn’t be immediate – I have several other projects I have to complete first (especially the long-awaited monkey pattern which should be complete in the next week).

amigurumi dog

So, my question to you is, would you be interested in buying an amigurumi dog pattern from me? If you’re interested, please vote, and I will do it if there is enough interest. If you’d like to see other breeds done in the same kind of style, please vote and also leave a comment saying which breeds are your favourite!


UPDATE: Thanks to all who voted… the first set of AmiDogs patterns are now available in my store!

Comments (24)

new japanese craft books

Kari and I had a great time in Chicago. Kari made this lovely soft fleece tree scarf for me, accessorized with a Crafty Ginger tsumami kanzashi flower snap – yay! She also gave me some gorgeous grey fuzzy yarn, which I know I’ll be able to make good use of 😉

We went to the Sanseido bookstore in the Mitsuwa Japanese marketplace . If you’re in Chicago I highly recommend you check it out if you love Japanese craft books (and who doesn’t?) – they had a wide selection and the prices were very reasonable. I managed to restrict myself to buying three:

ISBN 9784529039017 (cute stuffed toy patterns)

ISBN 4277490239 (crochet motifs)

ISBN 9784277490405 (pretty patchwork)

Beautiful, inspirational books! And all 3 for only $20 🙂

Comments (6)

amigurumi shiba inu

How’s that for a Japanese post title! I can finally reveal the present I made for Kari (Crafty Ginger). As I know she doesn’t crochet, in honour of her lovely Shiba Inu dog, may I present Ginger (Jr):

crocheted shiba inu dog

crocheted shiba inu dog

crocheted shiba inu dog

I made up the pattern for this amigurumi as I went, although I was influenced by the photos of Soragumi‘s crocheted dogs. The finishing touches to personalise it: a spool-knitted collar in Kari’s favourite colour, with a tiny rubber-stamped shrink plastic dog tag hanging from it.

Comments (15)

happy blogiversary

Happy Blogiversary to me! Craftybits @ is one year old today. To celebrate, I’ve made a new header (if you’re reading this through a feed reader, please click through to my site to see it). Bye-bye to the text-only header, and hello to some of the favourite things I’ve made. I’ve saved my template so I can switch in different photos whenever I feel like it. What do you think?

a look back

Wow, I’ve been blogging for a whole year… I feel like the year has flown by, but when I look back at what I’ve accomplished in the past year I can’t believe how far I’ve come in one year! Over the past year, I have:

  • participated in 7 Whiplash challenges and 3 OneHourCraft challengeswhiplash entries
    onehourcraft entries onehourcraft entries onehourcraft entries
  • increased the traffic to my site every month (numbers removed because I’m not competing with anyone – it’s only the trend that interests me):
    stats - year 1
  • published 7 original crochet patterns with more on the way, and the free Fuzzballs pattern
  • written several tutorials to help out other crafters
  • and made lots of new friends in the craft blog community!

…and forward

I don’t know how I’m going to top all that, but I have so many new ideas I’m going to have a good try! I think lack of time will be my main problem. But this isn’t a race or a competition – I do this (crafting and blogging) because I love to do it. Whatever happens next year, if I enjoy it as much as I’ve enjoyed the past year, that will be enough for me 🙂

ps… monkeys

I’m suffering from a yucky cold right now so I still haven’t finished the monkey pattern 🙁 But I’m determined to beat it soon – I’m meeting up with the lovely Kari of Crafty Ginger this weekend, so I will not be sick for that. Can’t wait to see you, Kari!

Comments (5)

thanks for your patience

fuzzy crocheted monkeys

To everyone who is still waiting for the Fuzzy Monkeys crochet pattern:

I haven’t forgotten you! Life has been hectic for the past couple of weeks. I have some big personal things going on: we’ll be moving house soon; my sister just visited; and I finally got to see the hand doctor.

So, while the pattern itself has been finished for a while, I want to add some more instructions, hints and tips, and helpful graphics, so you’ll be able to make the best monkeys around 🙂

winking monkey face

The pattern will be available very soon… Watch this space!

Comments (3)

free pattern: fuzzballs!

Fuzzballs are the ultimate in easy and cute crochet, and a perfect way to use up any scraps of fun fur, eyelash or any other fuzzy yarn you may have on hand. These tiny amigurumi are crocheted in fuzzy yarn and come in two sizes: Fuzzball and Fuzzball Mini. Let your imagination run wild as you embellish these little cuties!

fuzzballs by planetjune

Don’t be afraid of the fuzzy yarn – I have Fuzzy Yarn Tips to help you out:
• Not sure which yarns to use? Try my Fuzzy Yarn General Tips
• New to fuzzy amigurumi? Try my introduction for right-handers or left-handers

>> Continue to the pattern instructions >>

Comments (16)

business card holder v1

This is just a quick prototype I made last night. It’s a bit uneven and a little smaller than I’d like (the finished holder only just holds 4 business cards). But I am pleased with the basic concept – I’ll add “make a proper business card holder” to my endless list of craft ideas!

business card holder closed

business card holder open

Comments (1)

how to take up trousers

A note before I begin: British trousers = American pants. I may use the terms interchangably in this tutorial after living in Canada for the past 4 years 🙂

As I am all of 5′ 2″ tall, it’s very rare that I find trousers that aren’t too long, and yet the petite ranges are typically just slightly too short for me. So, as I have to shorten my pants every time I buy a pair, I thought you might like to see how I do it.

The ‘regular’ way of taking up trousers involves ‘invisible’ stitching (i.e. only catching a couple of threads of the outside fabric). This is tricky, time-consuming, and if you’re not very careful, you can still see the stitches on the outside.

My method leaves a visible hem on the outside, but I don’t see anything wrong with one neat line of stitching, and for everyday or casual trousers, it can even leave a nicer finish than the hidden method. Maybe you won’t want to use this method for your best interview suit, but I use it for everything else!

You will need:

  • sewing machine
  • thread that matches the colour of your trousers
  • seam gauge (if you don’t have one, a measuring tape or ruler will do)
  • scissors
  • straight pins
  • sewing needle
  • marking pen/pencil
  • iron


  1. Try on your trousers so you can see how long they need to be. Note: remember to wear shoes while you do this, or your trousers will look too short when you wear them with shoes!
  2. Fold up the trousers to the length you want them to be (it helps if you have a mirror so you can see where they will fall when you are standing up straight). Adjust until you’re happy that they don’t scrape the floor but aren’t going to be too short either. Remember different heel heights will affect the apparent length, so keep that in mind.
  3. Pin the turn-up to the back of each trouser leg (just one pin) to stop the turn-up from falling down when you take off the trousers. This is just to give you the required length, so don’t worry about being neat. Have a final length check after pinning. Looks good? Okay, now you can get changed into something more comfortable (and don’t prick yourself on those pins!).
    taking up trousers
    Pinned to length at the back
  4. Measure the length of the turn-up on each leg. They should be the same, but if they aren’t, pick a measurement midway between the two.
    taking up trousers
    Comparing the turn-up lengths

    If they are very different, you should probably try the pants on again and check which one is right! Make a note of your measurement (for these trousers, mine is 9cm).

  5. Remove the pins and turn the trousers inside out.
  6. Fold up the bottom of each leg, to the length you measured above, and pin in place.
    taking up trousers
    Pinned 9cm turn-up
  7. Iron the fold so it is pressed into a crease.
  8. Mark 1 inch above the fold, all the way around both legs, then remove the pins.
    taking up trousers
    1 inch marked in white pencil
  9. Be brave – this is the scary part! Cut the turn-up around the lines you have just drawn, but be careful not to cut through both layers of fabric – just the turned up part – otherwise you’ll end up with capris!
    taking up trousers
    Starting to cut
    taking up trousers
    Partially cut
    taking up trousers
    After cutting

    Handy hint: you can even use the cut-offs to make hairbands.

  10. With your remaining 1-inch turn-up, begin to fold the raw edge inside, so you end up with a 1/2 inch turn-up with no raw edges visible. Pin in place as you go.
    taking up trousers
    Starting to fold in the raw edge and pin

    Continue folding and pinning all around the bottoms of both legs. You can iron this fold in place before sewing (I like to; it makes the sewing part easier) or just sew it at this point.

  11. Set up your sewing machine with a thread colour that matches the main colour in your fabric, for both the top and bobbin threads. Set it to a medium length straight stitch.
    taking up trousers
    Winding a matching bobbin
  12. Using the 1cm guide on your sewing machine (or whichever guide is just less than 1/2 an inch) sew around the bottom of each leg.
    taking up trousers
    Ready to start sewing
    When you get back to the start, sew over your first couple of stitches and then finish off.
  13. Pull the loose threads to the wrong side of the fabric. You can knot them together for added security, if desired, then thread them through a sewing needle. Push the needle into the turned up fabric, and out a couple of inches further along.
    taking up trousers
    Hiding the thread ends
    Pull the thread ends to make fabric scrunch up slightly, then snip off the threads flush with the fabric, so they disappear inside the fabric when you pull it flat.
    taking up trousers
    Snipping the ends
  14. Turn the trousers right side out and admire your handiwork!
    taking up trousers
    The finished seam as it appears on the outside of the trouser legs – crisp and neat.
    taking up trousers

Comments (41)

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    June Gilbank

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    If you'd like to get in touch, you can contact me here.
    crocheted Canadian flag by PlanetJune
    A fanned-out pile of the books Everyday Crochet and The Essential Guide to Amigurumi, with text 'The answers to all your crochet questions at your fingertips - find out more'

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