PlanetJune Craft Blog
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oops – I’m so sorry!

Dear Blog Subscribers,

I’m so sorry that you just received 50+ emails from me!

Last week, I decided to do a spring clean of my website and get rid of some of the older posts that didn’t have any ongoing value. And then today, I changed my mind and decided to reinstate them – they’re a log of the progress of my business over the years, and sometimes people like going back and seeing the evolution of PlanetJune.

What I didn’t realise was that, in reinstating them, WordPress would publish them as ‘new’ posts and send notification emails to all my subscribers – one for each post. And what’s even worse is that they are all the least-interesting posts I’ve ever written, dating from many years ago – if I was going to send you a bunch of blog posts, those wouldn’t be the ones I’d choose!

So, please delete all the emails from PlanetJune by June Gilbank: Blog <> that you received today, and please don’t unsubscribe – I promise this won’t happen again!

What a disaster – I’m incredibly sorry.

Please forgive me…


  1. Rita M Karaffa said

    So That’s what happened. I thought I had a seizure and somehow enrolled in all the posts you never wanted to read. Just Kidding (I think) I am glad I hadn’t lost my mind. LOL Thanks for the clarification. I wasn’t sure what universe I had entered. Anyway, looking forward to the posts we were “actually” meant to read 🙂

  2. MJ said

    I am laughing. I feel your pain. As soon as I saw all these emails, I knew something had happened. Thank you for the notice and explanation.
    I am not unsubscribing. Ever.

    Much love


  3. Marina said

    Hi June,

    Please don’t be too upset about the emails-it was just a mistake! And an understandable one at that.
    Thank you for the work you do 🙂

  4. Ginger Morgan said

    And yet another reason I never tried a blog (my other reasons include never having a fresh idea I thought anyone would want to read about (I got some yarn and made a thing, oooo!).
    Those reasons also keep me from bothering my email list souls. I actually promised them they would get no more than one short email per month, IF there was something I thought needed to be mentioned. Etsy bothers them every time I list a new item or have a sale or price change.

    My question would be, does WordPress how many files/posts can be stored? Why the purge?

    • June said

      Good question! No, there’s no limit (only my server’s limit on file storage, but I have more space than I’ll ever need). Ironically, I was doing this to try to be more professional: to make things easier for people to find what they’re looking for, by getting rid of the posts that are no longer relevant (e.g. a contest that’s already ended, a class I taught in the past, etc).

      And it was when I changed my mind and set them back from ‘pending review’ to ‘published’ that WordPress treated them as new posts and sent out the notifications. I’m just glad I’d only considered purging about 50 posts of the 1000+ I’ve published in the past 17 years – can you imagine how much worse this could have been?!

      If I’d known this would happen, I’m sure there’s a way to turn off email updates, post everything, and then turn them back on – if this situation ever happens again, you know I’ll be figuring that part out before I hit ‘publish’! 😅

      My problem is that I’m trying to balance two things here at PlanetJune: my blog is my personal record of things I’ve made, wildlife photos, and the occasional life update, AND it’s a record of business updates: new patterns and tutorials, time-limited sales, etc. I’m struggling to make the current business stuff more convenient to my customers without completely depersonalising my site and making it a boring corporate business site – I may be running a business, but this is, and always will be, my personal craft blog.

  5. Ruth White said

    Oh June what fun! I must confess they’re already gone and I didn’t actually read them. Isn’t this new technology wonderful!!

  6. Jennifer said

    No problem! 😁 Thanks for the explanation—now I know why my in-box was listing such a scary number of emails! 🤣

  7. Jacquie Ashley said

    Hi, June, I received your emails,too. I’m in bed (it’s 12:35 am in New Bedford, Massachusetts) and enjoying them . Of course I thought they were new until I read one from Jan 2007!! How wonderful. Please don’t fret about it. Totally enjoyable. BTW, is the darling bulgar whale still available? Sincerely, Jacquie

  8. Darlene said

    Not a problem at all, did give me a chuckle. Could see me doing something like that, lol.

  9. David Grindel said

    No problem. That’s what the mass delete is for.

    Take care,

  10. Caren Franco said

    i was confused at first, so i just came here to your most recent post, and had to laugh. ah, isn’t technology wonderful? especially when it works! XD

    i have website on google sites. when i first set it up, i had a box checked that shared anything i posted with people on a mailing list (i think. it was quite a number of years ago)… and that was *everything* – posts, pictures. i think someone sent me a cranky email about getting all these notifications that i’d posted something else! i finally figured it out, and i think everyone understood.

  11. Ruth Lapsley said

    I figured you accidentally sent all those blogs but it was nice looking at the progress you have made. I scanned thru about 30 of them, but saved them all for thorough reading while I am waiting for an appointment. How fun!!

  12. Chantale said

    I just receive yours 55 emails. Its nothing to say I wasnt NOT HAPPY att all.
    Mistakes happen. It has happenned to me, its happen to anyone. But I have NEVER received 55 email on one day by mistakes by any website.

    I’m taking a few days to decide if I unscribe or not.
    I just thought I had at least to let you know why,
    In respect
    Chantale Perron, Montreal
    (Sorry for the wonky English sentences, my first language is French)

    • June said

      Chantal, I completely understand why you’re upset, and I’m mortified that I made such a terrible mistake. All I can say is that it was an accident: I had no idea this could happen, and, now I know, it definitely won’t happen again.

      But, if I’ve broken your trust and you can’t forgive me and prefer to unsubscribe, I’ll understand. I’m so sorry – I feel terrible about this.

    • Marina said


      Why would you unsubscribe from a fantastic blogger with quality content, who made a mistake and then apologized for it? Would you like to be canceled for an innocent technical mistake you made?
      Love and kindness go a long way in this world. Good luck to you.

  13. RuthL said

    lol 😂 No worries at all June. I won’t be unsubscribing sny time soon. ✅
    I can totally relate to your faux pas; it’s something I would unwittingly do! 🤣
    Who would even suspect that they’d all be published again! Certainly not me! Technology! 🤷‍♀️😄

  14. Ann von P. said

    Don’t be too hard on yourself, these things happen. It’s just a minor inconvenience. I’m just glad your website didn’t get hacked and you lost control over your data. Feel hugged! 🙂

  15. Sharon Hoffman said

    Hey, thanks for this e-mail!! I wondered what the heck was going on…LOL
    That’s okay, mistakes are made….we are all human. Have a great day!

  16. Rose said

    Oh good, it waws just an accident. I thought you’d been hacked. So glad it wasn’t anything malicious and we can all just laugh about the silliness of technology. xD

    • June said

      Oh! I hadn’t even considered that you might think that! I guess I should be relieved that I wasn’t hacked, and it was nothing worse than (very embarrassing) human error on my part.

  17. Elizabeth Kelp said

    No problem on the accidental emails, June. Made me feel better knowing that I could do that myself. 🤪 Thank you for your great informative emails, posts, and tutorials. Keep up the good work. 🧶💚

  18. Linda L. said

    Just proves you’re human and that the demon technology can get any of us! Don’t worry about it.

  19. Sarah said

    Oh, June – we love you! May this be the worst problem any of us have today!!
    Thank you for the explanation…. it makes me chuckle and say “that is something that would happen to me!”.

  20. Simone said

    All is well, dear June, don’t worry! 😃

  21. Channing Lee said

    I actually needed a bit of silliness today. So your tiny mistake made me smile.

    • June said

      Thank you so much for understanding, Channing! (Although I think it’s more than a ‘tiny’ mistake – 50+ emails in one day should definitely be classified as Spam. I’m mortified!)

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