PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June

November update

It’s all CAL news today, with the start of a pair of 2-month long crochet-alongs, running in parallel, to take us through to the end of the year. But before I tell you about those, here’s the result of the October CAL…

Ami Animal CAL Report

A nice mix of exotic animals and pets were assembled for October’s animal bonanza – Chrisie’s hook was especially busy, and Monica ingeniously assembled a dragon by mashing up some dinosaur patterns with the iguana and bat! Here’s a sampling of the CAL entries (click the pic to see them all on Ravelry):

PlanetJune Ami Animal CAL 2015 - sample of entries

Accessories CAL

Running until the end of the year, the Accessories CAL is a great way to try out some PlanetJune Accessories patterns, and enjoy seeing them crocheted in different yarns and colours!

PlanetJune Accessories crochet patterns by June Gilbank

You can find all the patterns above in the PlanetJune Accessories section of my shop. I recommend the Custom Set of any 3 accessories patterns if you’re looking for a deal, and if you’re really strapped for cash, try some of the 7 donationware options, and choose your own price.

Idiot's Guides: Crochet by June Gilbank - patterns

From now on, Accessories CALs will also include all the patterns (pictured above) from my book Idiot’s Guides: Crochet (even the home dec ones – think of them as accessories for your home!)

And, as if that’s not enough to choose from, I also have two gorgeous new shawl patterns which will be launching very shortly to coincide with this CAL (see a sneak peek of them in my Ravelry group), so look out for the announcement for those later this week. (Hint: there’ll be a launch week discount…)

Sounds good? Crochet-along with us in the PlanetJune Ravelry group 🙂

Christmas CAL 2015

After the success of last year’s slightly different Christmas CAL, we’ll continue with the new tradition: not only will the CAL include all the classic PlanetJune Christmas patterns pictured below – perfect for your seasonal decorating – but you can also enter with any PlanetJune design that you’re making as a Christmas present. We’ll cheer you along between now and Christmas as you crochet your handmade gifts – fun!

PlanetJune Christmas CAL 2014
You’ll find the links to all my Christmas crochet patterns here

Already made all your gifts (ha!) and made millions of my Christmas patterns in years gone by? I’ve still got you covered: I’ll have a brand new and very original Christmas design ready before the end of November, so you’ll still be able to enter if you just wait a couple more weeks 🙂

Join us in the PlanetJune Ravelry group for this crochet-along!

Review and Win contest

You’re automatically entered in the next monthly draw every time you write a review for a PlanetJune pattern you’ve enjoyed – and you’ll also be helping future customers make an informed decision about patterns they are considering buying.

Armadillo crochet pattern by PlanetJune

October’s winner is Alexa B‘s review of my Armadillo pattern:

Best armadillo pattern out there. Seriously. I’ve tried them all, since I’m an armadillo fan, and this one is the best.

The armor and tail look awesome! The only thing that could have been better are the feet (claws would look great) but it is still completely adorable!

Congratulations, Alexa – I’ve emailed you to find out which pattern you’d like as your prize!

What’s Next?

It’s time for my last major push before Christmas: my two new shawls are almost ready to launch, then it’s full steam ahead to get my Christmas design completed and published as soon as possible. And then I’ll be able to take a breath, have a well-earned break and start planning for 2016…

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Please note that I can only answer questions related to PlanetJune patterns and tutorials (see details), and I can only respond to questions or comments written in English. Thank you :) - June

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    June Gilbank

    Hi, I'm June. Welcome to my world of nature-inspired crochet and crafting. I hope you enjoy your visit!

    If you'd like to get in touch, you can contact me here.
    crocheted Canadian flag by PlanetJune
    Proudly made in Canada!
    A fanned-out pile of the books Everyday Crochet and The Essential Guide to Amigurumi, with text 'The answers to all your crochet questions at your fingertips - find out more'

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