I wasn’t sure if I should post this or not – it’s so simple, and not exactly stylish… But it’s so useful and it really works – you could make a much prettier version (and I probably will, but I’m testing this one for longevity first).
By the way, I have been making other things lately… but they are Christmas presents, so they will have to wait to be posted!
At work, I carry around my ID and keys on a lanyard. They jingle and clank together every time I take a step. I work in a library so I get a lot of looks as I walk by, jingling as I go…
All that is no more! I can move silently again thanks to my quick fix: craft foam.
I used scissors to roughly cut pieces of craft foam to shape, cut a hole in the top of each piece, and added one piece of foam onto my keyring between each key. I also made an ID-card shaped piece to stop the keys from clunking against my ID.
Easy and 100% effective against key-jingling embarrassment.
aquaswooshie said
OMG fellow library worker here who found this on a google search. Such blessed silence when me and my co-worker walk about now. We feel so sneaky!!!
Vini said
Hey June!
I so needed that! So smart and easy. Thank you so much!
Laura Marie said
Thank you for this idea. It was just what I needed.