PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June

new year, new name

It’s 2008 already – it’s hard to believe. When I began my craft blog a year and a half ago, I had no idea what it would grow into. No idea that anyone would ever be interested in reading it, no idea that people would be adding my blog to their blogrolls, and absolutely no idea that I’d end up running a crochet pattern business through it!

When I set up my blog, I spent about 2 seconds thinking of a name for it. I wanted it to be a craft blog and only include the crafty bits of my life in it, so ‘Craftybits @‘ is what it became. The name has been nothing but trouble… People try to e-mail me at – that’s not even a real e-mail address (although I had to create one when I realised what was happening). That poor e-mail address gets hundreds of daily spam messages that I have to wade through just in case there’s a real message buried in there somewhere. The name is also too long to fit in blogrolls – people started calling me ‘Craftybits’ instead of ‘PlanetJune’, and that’s far too generic for my liking 😉

So, what to do… I have built a brand name and I don’t want to change it. So a slight modification – from today my blog is PlanetJune – simple and memorable. It’s still my craft blog; nothing else will change. But if I’m in your blogroll I’d appreciate it if you could change your link to be simply called ‘PlanetJune’. Thank you!

I am planning lots more crafty projects, tutorials, and (of course) crochet patterns coming up on the new, improved PlanetJune blog in the upcoming year, so keep watching this space. Happy 2008!


Update: we’ve been snowed in all day today. The snow seems to have knocked out the internet and the service guy isn’t coming out till tomorrow afternoon. I’ve ventured out to post this, but if you’ve e-mailed me or ordered any patterns, I won’t be able to respond until it’s back – sorry!

1 Comment »

  1. Happy New Year!
    We’re watching PlanetJune from Turkey, love your projects.

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