PlanetJune Craft Blog
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more Dinosaur patterns (finally!)

I have a confession to make: when I launched my Dinosaurs Set 1, I promised I’d design another set if/when I sold 100 copies of the first set. And, ahem, well let’s just say that happened quite some time ago… I did start working on Set 2 in rare quiet periods while I was working on my new book, but there’s a lot involved in designing a three pattern set, so I put them to one side and concentrated on individual patterns until I had more time on my hands.

crocheted dinosaurs by planetjune
Dinosaurs Set 1, L-R: Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops

And that time is now!

As you probably know from my first set, my dinosaur designs are deceptively simple: crocheted all in one colour, so they are really easy for you to crochet, and all the magic is in the shaping I built into them. It was really important to me that the new dinos have the same aesthetic as the original designs, and I hope I’ve succeeded in that:

crocheted dinosaurs by planetjune
Dinosaurs Set 2, L-R: Pteranodon, Plesiosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex

The first set (Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops) were all herbivores, but I didn’t really want to make an all-carnivore set (some of the dino shapes are too similar to give an interesting mix of designs), so the theme of Set 2 is land, sea and sky. Coincidentally, once I started my research, I discovered that all the dinos I chose for Set 2 are actually carnivores anyway – ha!

Meet The Dinosaurs

amigurumi tyrannosaurus rex by planetjune

Tyrannosaurus Rex was an obvious choice for my land dinosaur. He was the ‘king’ of the dinosaurs – need I say more?! T. rex was one of the largest carnivores, at about 40 ft long. He used his long tail to counterbalance the weight of his big head, he walked on his back legs, and had almost comically tiny arms.

amigurumi plesiosaurus by planetjune

Plesiosaurus is my sea dinosaur. I’ve always loved the elegant shape of Plesiosaurs. Plesiosaurus was about 8 ft long, and had an extremely long neck, a small head, wide body, and four long, paddle-like flippers. He lived in the sea and fed on fish and cephalopods.
Fun fact: some people believe that Nessie, the mythical Loch Ness monster, could be a surviving plesiosaur!

amigurumi pteranodon by planetjune

Pteranodon is my sky dinosaur; a type of Pterosaur. I was going to call him Pterodactyl, but then I discovered that the word Pterodactyl actually covers several different species (some of which don’t have that distinctive head crest!), and that the correct name for this specific dino is Pteranodon. He had a 20-30 ft wingspan, a long toothless beak, and a characteristic cranial crest at the back of his head.

I should probably mention, that, during my research for these species, I discovered that, technically, neither Plesiosaurs nor Pterosaurs are actually dinosaurs! The term ‘dinosaur’ correctly covers only a certain type of terrestrial reptile with an upright stance, so Plesiosaurs and Pterosaurs are simply related reptiles that lived in the same time periods as the true dinosaurs. I think that, for the purpose of this collection, and what people understand when they hear the word ‘dinosaur’, it’s okay for me to include them in my dinosaur set – I don’t expect anyone to use my patterns as research tools!

I hope you like my new dinosaur set! You can buy the patterns individually in the shop, or save a bundle when you buy the complete Set 2.

And here’s a bonus pic of my Dinosaurs Sets 1 and 2 – is it just me, or do they look really cute together?! (And I love those Vanna’s Choice yarn colours!)

crocheted dinosaurs by planetjune
Click to see them larger!

PS – I mentioned the new dinos on my Facebook page yesterday, and people there are already asking about Dinosaurs Set 3! Well, the same thing applies as last time: I’ll make a third set if I sell 100 copies of this one. So, if you want even more dinos, please spread the word about my new dino patterns!


  1. Pauline hiserote said

    would like to buy dinosaur patterns thank you

  2. Michelle said

    Do you only sell the patterns? I love these little guys and the would make the perfect little mobile set for our sons dinosaur room but I don’t know how to crochet so making them myself is out of the question.

    • June said

      Michelle, I’m afraid I don’t have time to accept commissions for finished items based on my patterns, but some of my customers do: you can find the list of customers who sell items based on my patterns at – maybe you’ll find one of them who has what you’re looking for in stock, or can custom-make it for you 🙂

  3. Monica said

    I love all these dinos! They are so fun and easy! My boys absolutely love them as well! My oldest is even requesting a Parasaurolophus, an Igonadon and an Ankylosaurs. I just thought you should know. They love all your patterns! Thanks again for them!

  4. selina said

    Awww these are just darling! My daughter would have loved these back in her dino mad days! I love the T Rex!

  5. Aimee said

    I was just wondering if there was a discount for purchasing both set of dino patterns? I will buy them both anyways but was just curious!

    • June said

      The sets are already at a discounted price – you’ll save $5 by buying both sets instead of the 6 individual patterns. I’m sorry I can’t offer an additional discount – this is my livelihood, and I have a mortgage to pay! Thanks for understanding 🙂

  6. Cee said

    This doesn’t really have to do with this post, sorry!
    So I wondering if you knew why frogging is called frogging. Just curious =)

    • June said

      Yep! Frogging (unravelling your work) is also called “ripping back” because you grab the yarn end and rip out your stitches. So, it’s called frogging because you “rip-it, rip-it, rip-it” – just like the noise a frog makes 🙂

  7. Holly said

    I had to buy these straight away I LOVE Plesiosaurs!!!!

  8. Billi said

    Awesome! I was just thinking the other day that a Tyrannosaur would go great with the dino set. Beautiful work, as usual.

  9. Sue said

    very nice and simple epression of how much you love crochet. Cool work, June!

  10. Aimee said

    These are fantastic! I think I might just have to order both sets one day to make them for my son! He loves the cartoon “Harry and His Bucket full of Dinosaurs” and I think this would be more loved than plastic ones!! Awesome job on all of them June!

  11. Jessica said

    Ooooh – I love these little guys, they look like the perfect crocheted gift for little boys (and slightly older little boys like my husband)!

  12. Oh I am so excited about this! I absolutely adore the first set and the second set compares nicely! My son loves Nessie, so he’ll be excited to see this little guy. He actually asked for me to design him one. Can I say thanks for saving me some time? 😉 Now I can just crochet him one. hehehe

    They are so cute!

    Thank you so much June!!

  13. Woohoo! Time for pattern shopping again 🙂 (Oh, and there should be a dinosaur CAL some time! Maybe for fall or winter? *hint hint*)

    • June said

      Ooh! I’ll have to put it to the vote after the Summer CAL wraps up, but that sounds like a great idea to me!

  14. erinn simon said

    amazing! they look great, well done as usual! xoxoxo

  15. becky said

    ouh these are sooo adorable i loves it. One day i’ll have to make them when I have more time on my hands and my wrists aren’t evil. But as always you have added a new and fun collection to your patterns.

  16. Jana said

    Yay, June! These are SO cute and look pretty quick and easy to make (Yes?) IF I get that principal’s job and have more time for crochet, I’d like to make some of these critters as “prizes” for kids at school. For what, I don’t yet know! But I am looking at ideas! 😀

    • June said

      Yes – working in one colour means that they work up really quickly 🙂 It’s easier to stitch the pieces together after crocheting too, because you don’t have to worry about matching the colours. Just remember to use a stitch marker – the shaping is really important, so you mustn’t lose your place or the dinos would end up all wonky!

  17. Becky said

    YAY!!! I’m happy to see more little dino guys!!! Great choices on which ones to make!

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