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MOO cards: review and giveaway

MOO logoNote: Don’t miss the giveaway at the end of this post!

You’ve probably heard of MOO before – the company that turns your Flickr images into mini business cards – but they now offer a lot more: full size business cards, greeting cards and postcards, stickers and labels, and more. And you don’t need a Flickr account to use them – you can upload your photos directly to MOO.

MOO asked me if I’d like to test out their service, and I was happy to oblige – I’d wanted to order some minicards anyway, but had no idea that they’d be able to ship to me in South Africa! It turns out that MOO have two websites (US and UK) but they ship worldwide from both those locations (if you’re international, compare shipping prices to your country from each site before you order, to get the best deal).

My Experience

I decided the most useful products for me would be lots of PlanetJune MiniCards and StickerBooks. (I also ordered a high quality dot grid notebook, because I love large notebooks when I’m designing, and the grid of dots makes it easy for me to draw crochet stitch patterns, write without sloping down the page, and sketch without lines getting in the way.)

The process for creating any size of cards or stickers is really simple – just browse your computer for some suitable photos, and upload them. The unique thing about MOO’s service is that you don’t need to have the same image on each of your cards: for no extra cost, you can upload as many images as you want, to the point where every card in your pack can have a different photo, if you want! (You can also use MOO’s design templates if you don’t want to start from scratch with your card design.)

creating MOO minicards

Once you’ve uploaded your images, you can resize and crop each one to fill the frame nicely before approving the project. You can also delete any images that don’t look good, add extra pics, or save your project to edit later. A little tip: If you have several designs uploaded to one pack of cards/stickers, you’ll receive an equal number of each design. As my Baby Bunnies photo is so perfect for the MiniCard size and shape, I added that same photo several times, so I’d end up with lots of bunny cards and a few of each of my other choices.

Here’s what arrived:

PlanetJune MOO order

Lots of pretties! Let’s look at the MiniCards first:

PlanetJune MOO order

They look great: bright and colourful, and the photos are crisp and high-res. MiniCards are the same width as a standard business card, but half the height. Each card is printed in full colour on both sides of the high quality cardstock, so, for the first time ever, I have my logo and colour printing on the back of my business cards:

PlanetJune MOO order

I want to address price before I move on. Although MOO’s prices may not look competitive compared with cheaper services like Vistaprint which I’ve used in the past, there are no hidden extras with MOO. When I used Vistaprint, by the time I’d added the glossy upgrade fee, the image upload fee, and the print on reverse side fee, the cards ended up being many times more expensive than they initially appeared to be, and only worked out to be cost-effective if I bulk-ordered 500 or 1000 cards at a time. And looking at both cards together, the print quality is much better on the MOO cards:

PlanetJune MOO order
MOO (left) vs Vistaprint (right). Any fuzziness is from the extreme close-up, but you can see the clear grain pattern visible on the VP cards only.

Okay, now back to my order! I put together the most adorable StickerBooks:

PlanetJune MOO order

Each sticker is just under an inch (22mm) in size. The stickers have rounded edges and look completely professional. My only problem with them is that they look so cute as a sticker collection, I’m going to have a hard time using any of the stickers!

As you can see from my earlier photo, MiniCards come packaged in a very nice classy white cardboard box, but as they are an unusual shape, I also bought a MiniCard holder to keep my cards looking pristine when I’m out and about:

PlanetJune MOO order

I chose this hot pink shade so I’ll quickly be able to find it in my bag when needed, but you can also get sensible black and white versions. And this is, for me, the genius part of MOO cards. Now when I meet someone and they ask what I do, I can whip out my pink card holder and say “I design the patterns for these”:

PlanetJune MOO order
Pick a card; any card…

I’ve already tried it and it’s a great icebreaker – nobody can resist taking the cards and looking through them all. Then I can casually say “keep your favourite, if you like” and they look thrilled as they try to choose the one they like best. The result is that I’ve handed out my business card (and my details are on the back, so I may get a new customer as a result), but my new friend feels like they’ve been given a gift instead of having contact details forced on them. Win-win πŸ™‚

Giveaway Time!

MOO have very generously offered to give three PlanetJune readers their choice of either 50 Classic Business Cards or 100 MiniCards. (Classic Business Cards are exactly the same as MiniCards in terms of quality etc; the only difference is that they’re standard business card size).

The prizes includes standard worldwide shipping, so this contest is open to everyone – yay!

To enter:

  • Just leave a comment on this post saying what you’d use your MOO cards for if you win!
  • One entry per person, please.
  • Make sure the email address you leave with your comment is valid, so I can contact you if you win (don’t worry, that field is private, so only I will see it).
  • You may enter until 6pm (EST) 11.59pm (PST) on Tuesday January 22nd 2013. I’ll draw the 3 random winners from all the entries after that time.

Good luck!

UPDATE 24 Jan: Thanks to everyone who entered! Just to keep you in the loop, I’ll be drawing the winners in the next few days (when I have time to set up the random drawing) and I’ll update this post with the winners’ names once I’ve done that πŸ™‚


  1. Lisa Cat said

    I’ve been wanting to try out the Moo cards for a while, the mini cards in particular. If I won I would definitely get some printed up to promote my YouTube channel… I got some business cards with my info and a photo printed on them by another company a year ago and the quality wasn’t that great and the photo looks grainy. Glad to see Moo’s cards are crisp and high res! I really want to try them out. πŸ™‚

  2. H said

    I love Moo cards, and, as a shawl designer, I would love to renew my business cards with recent designs. As you do, I use them to give my business information, but also to show what I exactly do in design; Hope to win !

  3. Itsuki said

    They look amazing!!! I’d use them to promote my sister’s OOAK amigurumi business amongst everybody I know. πŸ™‚

  4. Katie said

    I have never heard of MOO before but they look great (your designs fit the mini cards perfectly). I make mug cozies that fit takeaway coffee cups and people keep asking where they can get one. So I would use these cards to hand out to people when they ask.

  5. Pauleen Potter said

    I also would use the cards to promote my little online business of illustrations, crafts, and amigurumi. And for someone like myself who can never decide on a single design, having the opportunity of printing a bunch of cards with unique pics on them, is perfect.

  6. Asya Givelberg said

    I will use them as gift cards to my friends and relatives
    I like this idea. My hobby is polymer clay and I can make very nice cards.
    I like your blog.

  7. Jessie said

    I’m just starting an etsy business and was actually just looking at vistaprint before I popped over here…
    I’d use the cards to help me spread the word that I’ve finally, after much badgering, got around to trying to sell my work!

  8. Amanda W. said

    I would use the moo cards connect with new friends I find along my crafty journey. It’s great when you meet someone who also loves to craft so that you guys can keep in touch and share your passion. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Duncan said

    I’d use them as tags on the tshirts I’ve designed – my local comic shop want to stock them!

  10. Lynn said

    I run a cake decorating supply business in Switzerland and have no business cards. Its on my to do list forever, but I had a hard time to choose a design. I love the idea of having the opportunity to choose diffrent pictures for each card. II once ordered from vistaprint some flyers but was very disappointed about the quality – I am glad to hear that MOO has better products. Would love to give it a try with MOO! Fingers crossed for the competition.

  11. Efreet said

    I’d advertise my baking and decorating service. I’d probably get the regular-sized cards and have two printed for each cake, so they’ll double as an impromptu Memory game…

  12. Mia said

    I would use the minicards to send along with my sales to further promote myself and my craft!

  13. Johanna Jennings (jjphotoftw) said

    I’d use Moo cards to hand out at Rhinebeck and other yarn related events so I could get my blog, twitter, instagram feeds and ravelry name out there. Half the time I don’t have anything to write with or on at these events. Thanks so much for always have such great content June! Can’t wait to see if I’m a winner πŸ™‚

  14. Lynn said

    Love the cards you designed! If I were to win, I would use the cards for my new medical billing company I just started. In fact, I got my first customer today!

  15. Bri said

    I’ve used Vistaprint in the past too, but know I’m going to have a look at moo. I like the idea of the mini cards. Right now i used the full size business cards as tags witht he items i make but alot of the times they seem to big. The mini cards would be perfect to go with my smaller items

  16. Katlyn said

    I don’t know as I have commented before, but I check your blog for updates every week, and really enjoy what I see and learn here. πŸ™‚ Thanks for the chance at the giveaway! If I won, I’d try out the cards on some business cards for the family day planner business. πŸ™‚ Thanks again!!

  17. Patti said

    I would love to get the minicards and use them to show case my different projects. I would have slices of fabric patterns on them. I love that lets you pick a variety of pictures to use so you’re not limited by just one choice. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  18. Lisa Carswell said

    I would use the cards with the special cushions I make for Cancer wards under my crochet name Cornish Maid

  19. Billi said

    I would love to be able to try their minicards out! Traditionally I’ve only used Vistaprint. I attach cards to sale items as well as offering them out. These Minicards sound as though they’d be the perfect alternative to the wider cards I typically use. Not to mention a lot more attractive presentation of my items! It sounds as though you could almost create a small portfolio with your cards too by attaching them to a book.

  20. I think those are gorgeous! I may have to look into this even without the giveaway! I would use them to help promote my “small faily business” of crocheting June’s patterns for children and adults alike!

    amazing June! πŸ˜€

  21. James said

    Is it wrong that I want to order all the Planet June business cards instead of some of my own πŸ™‚

  22. Deanne said

    I make beaded jewelry and would use these to get my little business going.

  23. I would use them as tags on my pre-made items in online store and items that I sell at craft show. They look adorable!!!

  24. meri said

    I would very much like to win your MOO card giveaway. I’d print little happy affirmations on the cards, and leave them in books in the library, with tips at restaurants, and other places where people would find them. A little way to cheer up some random person’s day. πŸ™‚


  25. Cathy H. said

    I would use them to promote my etsy shop… if I ever make anything to sell in my etsy shop. πŸ™‚

  26. Cori Zufelt said

    Oooooh! I would use my MOO cards as labels for my custom stitch markers! πŸ™‚

  27. Sunny Wesling said

    Oh! I love those cards they are sooo cute! If I won I would use the cards to create business cards, probably the mini one’s to get my fiancee’s photography a bit more noticed! He is a budding photographer and I am sure this would help boost his confidence in his work to be able to show, and tell, people about his growing interest!

  28. Lone said

    What a great way to use the MOO cards.
    If I win I will use them to show my knitting and other handicraft skills as well as my contact information.

  29. kerook said

    That’s great! πŸ™‚
    I’d use them to promote my handmade projects or as gift tags! πŸ™‚

    Thank you!

  30. Angela Grimes said

    I would get the mini cards to put with items that are bring given by my new charity project in memory of my daughter that we lost in October.

  31. Megan H said

    So Cute!!! I’d make some cards for my sea glass jewellery!

  32. Stephanie said

    I would use them to promote my business, probably focusing on the line of custom made items I am planning on launching soon.

  33. .: petrOlly :. said

    What a wonderful idea! They would be great for my Mystery Crochet Project – a perfect finish so to speak – and a beautiful bonus to amigurumis designed by you πŸ™‚

  34. Jessica said

    I’ve admired the moo range of cards for ages and after looking at your beautiful mini cards I would love to have a batch of those with images of some of my products.

  35. Dale said

    Both are so exciting! πŸ˜€

    I’ll use probably use the business cards to promote my business more! Add them to packages that I’ll send out to customers, give them to people who show interest in my stuff.

  36. Evelvyn said

    My first buiseness cards ever, I printed them with Moo! I still get their news letter, and each time I am so impressed by thein new brilliant ideas! Thank you so much for this opportunity June!

  37. Velody said

    I would use the mini cards for the same thing. I’d use them to show off my products I make and seek. I’m sure my embroidery would look great!

  38. Jazz said

    I will use them in the craft fairs to make quite an impression of my products πŸ™‚

    Thanks for doing the giveaway.

  39. I’d love to get some Moo cards because I’m starting up an etsy shop and they would be great to include in orders and to hand out.

  40. CIndy G. said

    I’m torn between using cards for my hopefully-this-summer new blog or as tags for my holiday “pop-up” shop or as some sort of game for my science classroom!

  41. ChiWei said

    They’re so cute I’d be hesitant to give them away, but I’d probably use them as ice-breakers, or gift tags, along with the business info aspect.

  42. Mathilde said

    I’m in an independent profession and business cards are quite essential to networking. I like the way you are using the MiniCards, I may make some myself anyway πŸ™‚
    PS: I always love your work, although i don’t always post comments (shame on me, I know comments are important to bloggers!)

  43. Aimee said

    Those are the cutest little cards ever! If I won them I’d use them to showcase the many different things I create for my craft business! It’d be nice to show off a little bit of everything rather than all the same image business cards! I love the look of the mini moo cards!

  44. Alycia said

    I would love to use these cards for my new shop, Crochetlings. It’s still new so I could use some branding πŸ™‚

  45. Arwen said

    Oh I’d use them to introduce myself to people as a professional Tarot consultant. πŸ˜€

  46. Briana said

    I love MOO cards!! I ordered a set of 200 when I got my business going and they are fantastic!! I love how sturdy they are, and the crisp images are a must for display the fine crochet work πŸ™‚
    If I won I would order some mini cards. I have been eyeing them up, but I still have quite a few Classic Business Cards left so I haven’t ordered the mini ones yet.
    I also did not know about their sticker books! How fun and adorable!!

    Thank you for such a thorough review and fantastic pictures! Your order looks absolutely awesome πŸ™‚

  47. Those are adorable! I love them! If I win, I’ll use my MOO cards to showcase my crochet and the second half of my business (Abundawonderful Coaching and Crochet) πŸ™‚

    Thanks for the contest!

  48. Inspirational, promotional or just a bit of good old fun..these MOO cards will do the trick. I know here’s one pixie who would love those! πŸ™‚

  49. Cherish said

    I love Moo! I use their mini cards as tags for my items. At Christmas time I also added a To/From option on the flip side, so my clients could use the mini card as a gift tag. They’re a wonderful company!

    If I won, I would try making stickers. They look like a lot of fun!

  50. I would put them in with my custom orders to boost up mu etsy page!
    Also when I manage to get into a craft fair I would love to have some sitting out!

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