PlanetJune Craft Blog
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I’m on sick leave

I had a bad fall the other day and smashed my head into a concrete sidewalk. I’ve fractured a front tooth and broken my glasses, and I have a concussion as well as cuts and bruises, a fat lip and a big lump on my head.

It hurts my head to use the computer or my phone and I think I need to go on ‘sick leave’ for a few days to recover.

Please be patient if you need anything from me – I will get back to you, but it may take some time!


  1. Frances Hill said

    It’s now almost mid-August. I do hope you are feeling some improvement. Don’t push yourself. Concussions have their own unique road to wellness. Sending postive thoughts!

  2. Hope you feel better soon

  3. Rebs said

    I am so sorry to hear you were going through all of that I hope and pray you have a restful recovery. peace and comfort To you from Oklahoma

  4. Tonia Deakin said

    Oh goodness, take all the time you need. It sounds like a terrible accident! Sending up prayers for a speedy recovery.

  5. Darlene Connon said

    So very sorry to hear about your fall. Praying you’ll have a speedy recovery. Sending ((hugs)).

  6. Candy said

    wish you a speed recovery!

  7. Moira said

    Dear June
    i am so sorry to hear that you had a bad fall. I hope you feel much better soon. You must rest and take it easy and heal. We are all wishing you a speedy recovery but you must take your time. Just having a small fall really shakes you up but you have had such a bad experience. Take good care of yourself, rest and we will be all here waiting for you when you are well enough to get back to writing. Take your time. Love and best wishes from Australia

  8. Jennifer said

    Oh, no! I hope you are doing better soon! My husband recently fell and hit his head as well. His glasses are still intact and he did not get a concussion, but he did break his vertebrea in the cervical spine area = / I am glad you did not do that to yourself, too! Be well!

  9. Marge said

    What an awful thing to happen to you, June! :head_bandage: Take it VERY easy and take care of yourself; that is the most important thing you can do now. Hope your healing is strong and steady.

  10. Natalie Drummond said

    Hi June
    How terrible for you. Thinking of you during this time.
    Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest.

  11. Robin Knapp said

    Sorry to hear about your fall, June! Please get well soon! ❤

  12. Ruth Lister said

    So sorry to hear that you’ve had a fall and have caused so much damage to yourself June. Do hope you recover quickly and that you are able to identify the cause and rectify it.
    Do take care. ❤

  13. Charlotte Kidwell said

    Hi June:
    I’m so sorry about your fall. Please take good care of yourself and I’m wishing you a very speedy recovery. Those falls are no joke and you do need to rest your eyes and brain following a concussion. The quieter the better. Hope to see you back soon!

  14. Ellen said

    hi June, please rest and get better soon. not a nice thing to have a fall. hope you het some new glasses also. big hugs and prayers from Western Australia. :rose::sparkling_heart::pray_tone1:

  15. Sue McKenzie said

    Prayers for healing. So sorry you are dealing with the after-effects of this accident.

  16. Catherine Hershberger said

    oh my goodness, I’m so sorry to see your email today relaying the news of your accident. I was just thinking of you yesterday morning when I was putting together a giraffe for my son to give his friends for a baby gift. I thought I should let June know I think of her everytime I stitch my animals together now using your invisible stitching method. Pleast take the time to rest and recover from your accident. will have you in my prayers.

  17. Carol said

    Hi June,
    So very sorry to hear of your accident. I wish you well as you recover from this awful accident.


  18. DianneU said

    So sorry to hear about your fall. Get well very soon and please be careful! We love you too much to lose you or even have you on sick leave. Many Blessings coming your way.

  19. Brenda said

    I am sorry to hear of your fall. Take it easy and give yourself time to heal. I hope you feel better soon.

  20. Donna Tymia Moore said

    So sorry to hear about your accident. You need to just rest. That is the best thing for healing.

  21. David Grindel said

    June, I’m so sorry you are hurting. I’ll pray that you heal well and get back to your original self soon. Take Care,

  22. Sandie said

    So sorry you were injured. Hoping your recovery goes well. Take care!

  23. Please take care of you. If you rest for REAL, dont do anything that is work, or anythinh that when you do it its hurt. If you do that 100%, its gonna take less time to beback again. I know: its easy t say. …But I’ve been there, and when I started to understand that fact, I healed way faster!!! LOL All my best thoughts of healing to you, please take care of yourself!I’ll wait patiently…:)

  24. Linda Wise said

    :scream: So sorry! Please take care of yourself and we will be here when you’re ready. :head_bandage:
    Linda (a BIG fan).

  25. Dorte Jensen said

    Oh, I’m so sad to reed this. I hope you will take good care of yourself so you can get well again soon :head_bandage:

  26. Jan Young said

    Oh, you poor thing! Take it easy and look after yourself.

  27. Katy said

    Oh, no! I’m so sorry to hear about this. I hope you’re feeling better soon. 🙂

  28. Lindy said

    I’m so very sorry, June. Please take care and look after yourself. Big hug & love, Lindy xxxx

  29. Miriam P. said

    Take good care of yourself, June!

  30. Ladka said

    If you have a concussion you will have to avoid any direct sunshine on your bare head and it may be for a rather long period. Take care of yourself!

    • Please take care of you. If you rest for REAL, dont do anything that is work, or anythinh that when you do it its hurt. If you do that 100%, its gonna take less time to beback again. I know: its easy t say. …But I’ve been there, and when I started to understand that fact, I healed way faster!!! LOL All my best thoughts of healing to you, please take care of yourself!I’ll wait patiently…:)

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