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husky (or malamute?)

I watched the Westminster dog show on TV last week, and now I have about 20 ideas for dog breeds that I’m itching to design for the AmiDogs range! I was delighted to see that a beagle won Best in Show for the first time ever (yay Uno!), but of course I’ve already designed a Beagle

So here’s the first dog for AmiDogs Set 3: a Siberian Husky (or is it an Alaskan Malamute? You take your pick!)

crocheted husky by planetjune

The grass is wishful thinking on my part – winter is almost over, isn’t it?

crocheted husky by planetjune


crocheted husky by planetjune

I’m especially happy with his pricked ears and white-tipped tail. Hope you like him 🙂

UPDATE: Looking for the pattern? You can find the AmiDogs Husky crochet pattern in my shop.


  1. i luv crafts said

    husky’s eyes are blue, white, grey. Malamute’s eyes are brown. That’s the way to tell them apart. 🙂

    • June said

      Thanks for that info!

      What I actually meant with my question was that you can use my pattern to create either breed, as they look so similar 🙂

  2. Suss M said

    Definitely a husky, not a malamute :>)

  3. mariah chambers says: said

    i always had wolves and huskies growing up. right now i have 18 huskies and 11 wolves. my dad brought home 9 wolves and the other 2 we found together. and the huskies my mom,dad and my family bought me some. and i have 300 husky and wolf toys. i also have the whole balto collection. even a KFC balto and steele toys. and i have the balto,jenna,and steele costumes.anyways very good toy.

  4. Mandy said

    I know I’m coming into this conversation very late, but a Husky has a straight tail and the Malamute has a curled tail over the back. Either way, it’s a very, very cute dog!

  5. June said

    Doglover, it’s available from my shop 🙂

  6. Doglover said

    where’s the pattern?

  7. Julie said

    Would love a fuzzy Australian Shepherd pattern!

    I love all your dogs!

  8. Crystal said

    Wow. Great job! I always had huskies growing up. This one looks just like the one my parents have right now (Topaz). A whole family would look great in the grey and in black with blue eyes.

  9. Randi said

    I want it!!!!!! How many patterns did you say you were going to design??? I don’t think you should stop! giggle

  10. Rebekah said

    I love him! Yet another great pattern. Any chance you’ll be creating a St. Bernard?
    Keep up the great work. Can’t wait to see what else will be in Set 3.

  11. Kristen said

    I think that it could be either a Husky or a Malamute. Husky’s are of a smaller build and usually are in the lighter grey patterns like your model but both breeds come in a variety of colors. Malamute’s are a more dense breed, they are much larger both in size and build, they are commonly seen in a black tipped topcoat with a white/cream undercoat. Both breeds are double coated breeds, meaning that they have alot of fur, making them out of a medium fuzzy yarn on the body and tail would make them more realistic looking.

    I think that your patterns look really great! I have just ordered a bunch and can not wait to try them out.

    Some ideas for dog breeds that I think would be neat, would include: Weimeriner, Visela, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Bulldog, Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian, Greyhound/Whippet, Poodle, St. Bernard, Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgi and Mastiff.

    A lot of breeds could use the same shape pattern with different color patterns or different types of yarn. If you watched the Westminster Dog show you will have seen that a lot of the differences in breeds are very small, some only being different color or type of coat.

    I wish you hope in figuring out how to make the new breeds. has pictures of all of the breeds that they recognize which might help you recreate them.

    I will be waiting to see what you come up with next, so I can try it! You should publish a book when you have more breeds figured out.



  12. Jana said

    Love him! I can’t wait to get started on the penguin, etc. that I bought from you a few days ago! I am going to Jeddah (a BIG city on the Red Sea!) this coming weekend, and there is a mall there that actually has a tiny yarn shop! Gasp! Of course, it is run by MEN 🙂 I am hoping to find some of the eyelash yarn there. But, if not, then I will just crochet those little cuties with regular yarn! Once I get through THOSE patterns, maybe I will feel proficient enough to tame those DOGS! Don’t forget the Great Dane!!! But ala natural (NO cropped ears!)! I was even dreaming last night of a couple of other critters that I would like to try designing myself! Talk about ambition! LOL 🙂 Thanks for a GREAT web site! I am telling ALL my friends about you!
    Jana Hunter
    Taif, Saudi Arabia

  13. Very cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love him, the yarn looks really shiny like bamboo? It really adds to his show coiffure!!

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