I’ve been thinking about what kind of promotional items I can give away at next month’s Creativ Festival. I was debating buying some Moo cards, but they are so small I’m not sure that my photos would be clear enough. So, I thought I would get my own business card-sized Moo-type cards printed. I hope that they will be cute enough for people to want to keep them and not throw them away as soon as they get home!
I’ve made 5 designs and I’d like to get 3 of them printed. Could you help me choose between the 5 designs below? I’ll draw a random entrant from my survey who will win a set of the 3 winning choices! (One entry per person, please, and I’ll draw the winner on Sunday April 5th at 6pm EST)
Thank you! Click through to the one-question survey
futuregirl said
Monkeys, dogs, and elephants (et al). Oh, my! 🙂
Laura said
Hey June,
I like the top two and the monkeys!
Else said
I love the guinea pigs best (can’t help it as a former owner of piggies!).
Robyn said
My opinion is the dogs,guinea pig,turtle. Everybody loves dogs so that’s why I say the dogs. The Guinea pig and turtle are adorable.
Mary (vegasangelbrat) said
Love the puppies!!!
Ruhammie said
I forgot to mention on the survey, I picked the turtel as #1 because I like how it’s on a solid background. The colors of it all are nice. I really enjoy your creations!
Grace Norcott said
I really enjoy your website. I keep coming back to it to check out what you have here. It’s very inspiring.
becky said
I like the turtle it has been my favorite of your projects.
June said
It didn’t occur to me when I set up my fancy-schmancy survey that I’d have to check the stats to see my responses. What a nice surprise – 61 responses to my survey already! You guys totally rock 🙂
I love the comments you’re giving me in the survey too – very perceptive. Keep ’em coming! I love feedback!
Rebecca said
It has to be the disc-world turtle, It rocks.
Craft Passion said
Yeah, very difficult to choose, they are all so pretty. OK, if I have to choose 3 from the 5, I like the Guinea Pig the most, then monkey and the turtle is the thrid one.
Jana said
So hard to choose! Well. I think I would definitely pick the turtle with the world! He is very unique! Then the hamsters, because you don’t see many of THOSE patterns around, plus I like the “natural” setting. And then the monkeys, ditto on the natural setting! They look so REAL!
I do, of course love the Afri ami’s and your signature, the dogs, but I think the fuzziness and “difference” of the other three would be more eye catching.
My opinion, of course 😀
katie said
they all look amazing!!!
Jeff Rudell said
Just wanted to say who much I’m enjoying following you on Twitter. I love your work.