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The following is a visual guide to following an amigurumi pattern using fuzzy/eyelash yarn for right-handed crocheters.

Left-handers: view the left-handed version.

You may also wish to review my General Tips before beginning this tutorial.

For the purpose of this tutorial, the pattern reads:

Ch 2.
Rnd 1: 6 sc in 2nd chain from hook. (6 st)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12 st)
Rnd 3: (sc in next st, 2 sc in next st) six times. (18 st)
… pattern continues …

(Almost all of my Fuzzy Friends patterns start in this way!)

  1. Make a loop in your eyelash yarn:
  2. Put your hook through the loop, and draw up another loop:
  3. Pull tight (1 loop on hook):
  4. Chain 2:

    This is where you will insert your hook next:
  5. Sc in one loop only of 2nd chain from hook:
  6. 5 more sc in the same loop (to make 6 sc total):
  7. To start the next round, sc in back loop of the first sc you made. To do this, insert hook into st:
  8. …and complete the sc:
  9. You have just made the first st of round 2. Insert a stitch marker into the stitch you’ve just completed:
  10. …then continue. 1 more sc in the first stitch (remember, you’ve already made the first sc), then 2 sc in each stitch around. You’ll know when you reach the end of the round, because the stitch marker will be in the next stitch:
  11. Remove your stitch marker and sc in the stitch the stitch marker just occupied:
  12. Now insert your stitch marker into the stitch you’ve just made:
  13. Continue to follow your pattern (remembering you’ve already made the first stitch of round 3)

Remember: you’re looking at the wrong side of your work in these photos: the fluff forms on the side facing away from you as you crochet – see the General Tips for a complete explanation.

The Essential Guide to Amigurumi book by June Gilbank

Loved this tutorial? I have so many more amigurumi tips and tricks to share with you!

Boost your amigurumi skills with my latest book, The Essential Guide to Amigurumi, your comprehensive guide to amigurumi techniques and tips.

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  1. carol gronli said

    Dear June:

    I am making an Irish Beret and will want to use two yarns together. One is a sports weight and the other….you guessed it….eyelash yarn. My problem is that hats that are crocheted are done in the round and there are no spaces, just HDC’s or DC’s or SC’s but no spaces. Now, any tips on how to get the fuzzy yarn to pull through without knotting and tangling up in a mess? Thanks.

    • June said

      Carol, I suggest you check out my Fuzzy Yarn Tips page for all my advice on making fuzzy yarn less challenging to work with 🙂

  2. Kyut530 said

    Hi- I like this tutorial you have here, but I have a question. How can you get the most of the fur on the outside when you’re mixing fun fur with regular yarn?

    • June said

      That depends on what you mean by ‘mixing’:

      • If you’re holding the eyelash and regular yarns together, you’ll have the backs of your stitches facing out as I show in my tutorial.
      • If you have some parts worked in eyelash yarn and some in regular yarn, you’ll either have to accept that the backs of your regular yarn stitches will show on the outside, or change direction when you change yarns (so the eyelash stitches have the backs facing out and the regular yarn stitches have the fronts facing out, but you can only do this if you’re working complete rounds with each yarn – you can change direction between rounds, but not during a round!)
  3. Karen said

    I have not tried to make a total piece with the fuzzy yarns, just edging on items. I have shaken the piece to make the “fuzz” stand out. I noticed that you never mentioned how to make the fuzzys stand out and not stay trapped under the stitch. I do use very loose stitching on edging but obviously cannot do that loose a stitch when working on a project. Help!!!

    • June said

      The fuzzy bits are loose on the backs of your stitches – that’s why all my fuzzy projects are worked with the backs of the stitches on the outside! See my General Tips for more details. (If you’re working in rows – for example if you’re making a scarf – that won’t apply, and you’ll also find it much more difficult to work into your previous stitches. That’s why I only use fuzzy yarns in the limited way I explain in my posts.)

  4. Oh, and I was so glad when Jana asked about the magic ring. I had the same question 🙂 I have been using your magic ring for all of my projects lately and I wondered why you didn’t use it for this tutorial.

    Thanks Jana for your question and thank you June for your reply!

  5. June, your blog has been a Godsend for me lately. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I recently knitted an item with “fuzzy” yarn and was disappointed when all the fuzz was on the inside. Then I remembered your tutorial and had a light bulb moment 🙂 I am going to crochet my item using your tips. I suspect I will have much more success.
    Thanks again for all of the tips that you so generously share!

  6. Audrey R. said

    i think this is a great website. i want my aunt to teach me how to crochet so I can make those adorable fuzzballs! there all so cute. I wish someone would make them for me! I just love them.

  7. June said

    Nichole, try looking at my tutorial for making a chain with regular yarn – that will make it easier to see how it should look. It sounds like you are pulling your chains too tight so they all knot together. Keep them loose and equally sized so you can easily insert your hook back into each one, and you should be fine!

  8. Nichole said

    Help June! Whenever I try to follow your directions making a chain, it doesn’t hang from the bottom of my crochet stick, it makes a bigger knot! What am I doing wrong?

  9. Jolanda said

    June – I just ordered some of your patterns. I’m having difficulty see the stitches. Any ideas? I am using a stitch marker. That way even if I end up a bit off my count at the end, I can add or drop a stitch or two. Any suggestions? Thanks, Jolanda

  10. Julia said

    Wow thanks SO MUCH June! You have no idea how much trouble I’ve been having with fuzzy yarn! (so much yarn wasted, so many patterns I have been unable to do!) Now it is much easier for me so thankyouthankyouthankyou! Fuzzy Guinea Pig, here I come!

  11. June said

    Jana, I don’t use the magic ring with fuzzy yarn, for two reasons:

    1. The hole that the magic ring eliminates is covered by the fuzz of the yarn, so it’s not necessary
    2. Depending on the yarn, it can be very difficult to pull the starting end to close the ring tight (the lashes of eyelash yarn can get caught in the Rnd 1 stitches so the end can’t slide through)

    Feel try to try to use the ring if you’d prefer; it really depends on your yarn how successful you will be!

  12. Jana said

    I have been REALLY happy with having learned the Magic Ring (YOURS were the most understandable directions I found anywhere!). So far I have made a dragon, (little) and am in the process of sewing the arms, legs, and tail on a bunny! I used a wavy/curly yarn meant for baby blankets, I think. It was a NIGHTMARE! But I got through it! Whew! I am going to be tackling one of the patterns I got from you soon, but was wondering about this tutorial. Do you NOT use the magic ring? Or is it that you don’t use it with fuzzy yarn? If I do try to use the MR, will it get hopelessly tangled? What do you recommend?

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