The Fuzzy Guinea Pig pattern is now available! You can order it directly from and the pdf will be e-mailed to you.
Now you can make your own realistic guinea pigs! The pattern includes options to make long haired or short haired guinea pigs, and single-coloured or dual-coloured guinea pigs. Enjoy!
Maja Lind said
So cute! Have never seen so cute guinea pigs before! (Mor cute then in real life…).
Tessa said
Awesome! I love the Tan-ish Abyssinian! I have a Non-self Abyssinian guinea pig named Emily Anne! She is SOOOOO CUTE! I love yours and I might want to buy one for myself to enjoy at home, or to snuggle up with!
Anne Pugliese said
My son’s guinea pig, Sam, died last weekend after a very short battle with a kidney stone… I’m hoping this will help us miss Sam less…
Joy Morris said
Can’t hardly wait for my pattern! You even have the sample fellows interacting like real piggers do! WHEEEEK!
Hana said
You are talented!
What an adorable picture. At first, I figured (looking at pic), that it was a crocheted AND real one! Then after seeing more clsoe ups realized, wow, they are both crocheted! Great job. And all the pics make them come to life to our eyes.
Keep up the good work,
Candy Hoyt said
I love your pet and wish i could do it .But they are pretty and look real
jen said
those are the cutest guinea pigs i’ve ever seen! 🙂 your patterns are amazing! 🙂
Victoria said
You are my new best friend! lol I have a guinea pig named Tofu kind of like the multi. one only she is white and blond….
Kathleen Morrow said
Hi June
I tries the fuzzy Guinea pig pattern on the weekend and the kids were absolutely thrilled with the results, they’ve already got plans to take me to the craft store for more wool next weekend. I’ll try and take some pictures when I’ve made some different colours. My next attempt is a Black Himalayan.
Thanks again for the pattern.
Mini said
Aren’t those adorable!