The best part of a Crochet-Along, for me, is getting to see all the photos and seeing what people have done with my patterns. And I have to say, with the Fruit-Along, the creativity and photo staging of all the participants has been really impressive! I think you’ll enjoy this roundup 😀
Before I get to that though, I wanted to let you know that the PlanetJune ravelry group is finally developing a life of its own, beyond posts from me. Members are choosing and running their own monthly CALs, suggesting new pattern ideas, asking amigurumi questions, showing off their FOs, and more! I’d love to see more of you joining in – I think it’s going to be a really fun and useful hangout now the activity level is increasing.
The first member-chosen CAL starts today: a Halloween CAL for October. Join in on Ravelry and have fun photographing your Halloweeny crochet!
And now see the results of September’s CAL, the Fruit-Along! (To make it faster to write this post, I’m just crediting the participants by their Ravelry usernames)
jukatca & theMarkofSMB
silverlotus & theMarkofSMB
Lightblue & CrochtColorJunkie
Fatals-attraction & petrOlly
klopferli & petrOlly
MissMaro & KOKOXIE
muscidae & theMarkofSMB
jukatca & CrochtColorJunkie
AliciaLee418 & jukatca
Aren’t they all wonderful?! If you’d like to have some fun photographing your projects too, come to the PlanetJune group on ravelry and join in the next CAL 😀
Lorraine Flynn said
Hello June….
I have been looking for crochet patterns for several fruits for a really long tome…I see you have then on your site….how can I print them out? I want to make a bowl of crocheted fruit so much….can you please help me out?
Thanking you in advance
June said
Lorraine, you can find the patterns for my Amigurumi Apples, Pears and Cicturs Collection at – they’re all free to view online, but if you’d like the easy-to-print PDF versions, click the ‘make a donation’ button near the top of each pattern page (or click here to find them all in my shop so you can add them all to your shopping cart and then checkout and pay once). You can pay whatever you think each pattern is worth, and then download the PDFs to save and print 🙂
Lyanna said
Really nice to see photos of your CAL! I had every intention to participate… can I blame it on pregnancy brain?? Maybe I can whip one up this week (I hope maybe a few so I can display them for fall).
The photo with the pears in the box of pears is too cute!
Judy Carlson said
All of the Fruit-Along pictures looks so great together! 😀
CrochetBlogger said
Love the fruity CAL! And I think it’s kind of awesome that the Planet June peeps are taking your work further with their own Ravelry activities.
June said
I agree! I’m starting to see a real community feel in the rav group and that’s exactly what I’d always hoped for (but had no idea how to achieve).