PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June

Forgotten Gems CAL roundup

The Forgotten Gems CAL featured an eclectic mix of some of my more neglected designs:

Forgotten Gems CAL at PlanetJune

With no fast (or free) patterns on offer, I knew there’d be fewer entries than usual, but we’re definitely looking at quality, not quantity this month – looking at the photos below makes me a very proud designer!

And it’s interesting to see that, with all that choice, there were some definite themes running through the CAL – surprise favourites have been Aardvarks and Yetis & Bigfoots, as well as lots of Chunky Elegance Rugs made into surprisingly beautiful doilies (just use crochet thread and a steel hook if you’d like to try making one too).

Now, roundup time! (And don’t forget to keep reading to the end for the May CAL details…)

This photo gallery is randomly ordered. For speed, I just give credit with participants’ Ravelry usernames.

PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL
klopferli & aaBrink

PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL
abjCrochet & MagicalAmigurumi

PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL
haylzT & MagicalAmigurumi

PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL
abjCrochet & abjCrochet

PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL
abjCrochet & sujavo

PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL
haylzT & jukatca

PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL
CrochetChrisie & starlee

PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL
sujavo & abjCrochet

PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL
NinnysNiftys & CrochetChrisie & CrochetChrisie

PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL PlanetJune ForgottenGems CAL
MagicalAmigurumi & klopferli & aaBrink

I’d like to thank everyone who participates in these CALs! I know it’s fun for you too, but it makes me so happy to see what people make from my patterns – it’s really rewarding for me to look at these roundups each month, to know that my work is appreciated and that I’m helping you to make beautiful things.

May Flowers CAL

The May Flowers CAL includes all my botanical patterns: flowers, plants and fruit. When I came to make this mosaic of all the pattern options, I was amazed to discover I now have 20 of these designs (10 of which are donationware!) – they make quite a collection:

May Flowers CAL at PlanetJune

Although some of these patterns are a bit out-of-season for May, you’re welcome to make pumpkins and Christmas trees if they take your fancy – the choice is yours πŸ˜€

NB: All these patterns are available in the Flowers & Plants section of my shop, except the Mushroom and Toadstool, which are exclusively available in my book: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amigurumi.

I hope you’ll join us in the PlanetJune group on Ravelry for this floral CAL!


  1. Marilyn said

    I have hand spun alpaca yarn from off my farm. I would like a bunch of flowers made. long stem to put into a vase. how much do you charge and where are you located I am from Reedsville Wis

    • June said

      Marilyn, I’m afraid I don’t have time to accept commissions for finished items based on my patterns, but some of my customers do: please see the Seller’s List for people who sell items made from my patterns. You can probably commission someone from the list to make your flowers πŸ™‚

  2. Elise said

    Awesome round ups! love them all!! The flowers are beautiful, and I love your animals! You are so talented!!! I’m so glad I found your blog! πŸ™‚

  3. I’m glad to see more people making Aardvarks. They are so adorable and make me smile! Everything looks great!

  4. Chrisie said

    Beautiful round-up as always! Thanks for hosting such fun CALs every month – I wish I would have had time to make everything!
    The doilies are beautiful… definitely on my to-do list now. πŸ™‚

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