Punchneedle Information

Find the answers to all your questions about Punchneedle Embroidery!

All About Punchneedle Embroidery

I hope you'll enjoy punchneedle embroidery as much as I do! See the following pages on this site for more information on supplies and how to get started with punchneedle...

What is Punchneedle Embroidery?

Punchneedle is a form of embroidery that uses a hollow needle to create loops of thread on fabric. Also known as thread painting for the complexity and texture of design that can be created with this technique, it creates a textured pile surface akin to a miniature version of a hooked rug.

punchneedle by planetjune

Why Punchneedle Embroidery?

Here are just a few of the reasons I find it so appealing:

  • Easy: Only one simple stitch to learn; you don't have to be super-neat to get a beautiful result
  • Fast: No need to knot the ends of the thread, and, other than the outline, it doesn't matter exactly where you place your stitches, as long as you punch enough stitches to fill each area
  • Stunning results: Easy to create bold, bright, appealing embroideries
  • Relaxing: Unlike cross stitch, there's no counting involved - just fill in each area with colour like a paint-by-number painting!
  • Inexpensive: After you've bought a punchneedle and hoop, the only supplies you need are fabric and embroidery floss
  • Easy to fix mistakes: Any stitch can be easily pulled out without affecting neighbouring stitches; with a few simple techniques you can fix any unsightly mistakes
  • Portable: Carry all your project supplies in a small bag for those crafting on-the-go moments
  • Versatile: Make finished embroideries into framed artwork, decorative patches or appliqués, or add fabric borders to make quilts, cushions, etc - there's limitless potential here
punchneedle patterns by planetjune

All the punchneedle projects I've made are archived on my blog - take a look for some more examples of punchneedle embroidery in action.

Tools and Supplies

You don't need much to get started with punchneedle: a tool and threader, fabric and a pattern, and an embroidery hoop and floss.

punchneedle supplies

I can help you pick out what you need - see my Punchneedle Supplies page for all my recommendations and tips for the most useful supplies and the best prices.

Free Introductory Tutorial

I've made an excerpt from my eBook, The Punchneedle Handbook, into a free tutorial so you can get a taste for what punchneedle is about.


Try my free 2.5" Poinsettia design, which uses Punchneedle Embroidery for a fast and festive result. It can be made as an applique and attached to almost anything to give it a more Christmassy feel!

punchneedle poinsettia by planetjune

You can find all these punchneedle patterns individually in my shop, choose any pattern for half price when you buy The Punchneedle Handbook, or choose the bargain-priced custom set of any three patterns.

planetjune punchneedle patterns

The Punchneedle Handbook

My eBook, The Punchneedle Handbook: Miniature Punchneedle Embroidery Basics & Beyond, includes everything about punchneedle from the absolute basics for those who have never heard of this craft, to my techniques that will allow absolutely anyone to create beautiful punchneedle embroideries.

I designed the eBook to be a go-to reference book for all your punchneedle questions, including a useful troubleshooting section. Choose between the right- and left-handed versions, then download the PDF instantly and get started right now! See more details and the table of contents.

The Punchneedle Handbook by PlanetJune

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