Buy PlanetJune-Designed Toys

Buy a finished piece crocheted by a PlanetJune customer!

Welcome! Are you looking for a Turtle Beach blanket? Jump down this page to the list of turtle blanket sellers!

Although I don't have time to accept personal commissions for finished items, my customers are welcome to sell finished items based on my designs. If you're looking for a crocheted PlanetJune toy, browse the current PJ listings on Etsy (more info below), or you can buy or commission a piece directly from one of the artisans featured on this list.

Disclaimer    This is a free 'matchmaker' service to help PlanetJune sellers and buyers connect. The sellers listed below are independent crafters and not affiliated with PlanetJune in any way.
  • Please note that although other people work from my patterns, they will not create exact replicas of my work - this is the nature of handcrafts, that no two pieces are exactly alike.
  • I do not profit in any way from this list. My only role here is to give you the option to contact crocheters who may be able to provide what you're looking for.
  • Any contracts you enter into with any of the crafters below are between you and the crafter - I will not act as an intermediary, collect any commissions, or offer any guarantees.
  • I make no claim as to quality of work or service, or how other crocheters' work compares with my original designs. I cannot be held responsible for others' work, so I suggest you look carefully at the crocheter's previous work before deciding whether to commission them.

PlanetJune-designed toys currently available on Etsy

a sample of PlanetJune-designed toys available to purchase from Etsy

Search Etsy for 'planetjune' and you'll find lots of ready-made and made-to-order listings for toys based on PlanetJune designs, crocheted by various artisans.

The screengrab pictured here shows a sample Etsy search (these particular items may no longer be available).

Check what's currently available here:

• Do make sure that the seller isn't PlanetJune - that'll be one of my patterns that has shown up mistakenly, not a finished object!

• See my terms for selling items made from my patterns.
• See how to add your shop to the list!
• If your items don't show up here, add the tag 'planetjune' :)

Crocheters who make and sell PlanetJune-designed toys

Below, you'll find seller profiles and a selection of example products from my customers who'd be happy to sell you items they make from PlanetJune patterns. If you have any questions, or want to request a custom order from one of the artisans, please click through to their shop and contact them directly.

Based in: Canada   Ships to: Worldwide except EU
I love the realistic and cute results of PlanetJune patterns and I am very proud to sell finished works from her patterns in my Etsy shop. I have many ready to go items, but I am happy to make custom items as well. I pride myself in quality finishing, good communication and quick shipping. Stop by and see what I can make for you!
Based in: US   Ships to: Worldwide
The PlanetJune patterns I use are the aquatic animals collection especially the cuttlefish, squid, and sea turtle patterns. I have both ready-made and made-to-order items. I am willing to make other items from the aquatic animals pattern collection if asked for.
Based in: US   Ships to: Worldwide
I specialize in all animals, and am willing to try anything new if requested. I keep some ready-made items available in my shop, along with some made-to-order items. Custom requests are also welcome! I ship mainly to the US and Canada, but will ship internationally if the details are discussed first.
Based in: US   Ships to: US
I love June's patterns and have made a wide assortment of her items including animals, plants, flowers, and holiday decoration. You can find these items on my site and each item is made-to-order. I will also craft other PlanetJune patterns you'd like to buy. Please visit my site to see the large selection of crochet!

List members: have your details changed? Please email me so I can update them!

Crocheters who make and sell PlanetJune-designed Turtle Beach blankets

Below, you'll find seller profiles and sample photos from my customers who make Turtle Beach blankets to sell. Most of these makers will take custom orders for blankets - turtle blankets are extremely popular, and they take time to make, so it's unlikely that you'll find many ready-made and waiting for you to buy!

To see what each maker has available, please click through to their shop/page. If you have any questions, or want to request a custom order from one of the artisans, please contact them directly.

Jennifer at InJenuityTreasures (Etsy shop)
Kristi at Crochet by Kristi (Facebook page)
Diana at Knot My Business (Facebook page)

List members: have your details changed? Please email me so I can update them!

Sellers: Add Your Shop

PlanetJune customers: do you have an online shop or webpage where you sell items made from my patterns? If you'd like to be included in this list, you must maintain at least 5 PlanetJune-designed items for sale (either ready-made, or available to be made to order). Note: Turtle blanket sellers, please see separate instructions below.

Help with Pricing: Not sure how to set a reasonable price for your crocheted items? See my Pricing Amigurumi article for my tips.

How to add your shop    If you'd like to be added to the list, please email me with the following info.
  1. Your first name, your shop name, and your shop URL.
    • It doesn't have to be an Etsy shop, but, to be valid, the webpage you link to (your Etsy shop, another online shop, a Facebook page, or another webpage) must show your PlanetJune items - items currently for sale and/or past sales - and clearly explain how customers can order PlanetJune-designed items from you.
  2. A short description: a sentence or two about the PlanetJune items you sell in your shop.
    • For example, include a general idea of which PlanetJune patterns you sell, whether you have items ready made or make all items to order, whether you're willing to accept commissions for items NOT currently for sale in your shop (same designs in custom colours, and/or other PlanetJune patterns), and anything else it would help potential customers to know.
  3. Three photos of PlanetJune items you've made from non-donationware patterns. Tips for photo selection:
    • To be added to the list, your finished items should look reasonably close to the samples from my patterns, within the limits of handmade variation - that's what shoppers using this page are looking for (possibly with customizations to match their requirements more closely). Your sample photos for your listing should represent my patterns crocheted by you (with no changes to the pattern).
    • Try to pick a varied and eye-catching selection that will give potential customers a good sense of your skill and the types of items you prefer to make.
    • Use your best photos! This doesn't just apply for my page - better photos will lead to more Etsy sales too :)
    • If you specialise in (for example) only one PJ design, your photos can all be of that design, but it must be clear that your photos are of 3 separate items you've made (e.g. all crocheted in different colours) and not 3 photos of the same item.
    • If you want your listing to say that you accept custom orders, your photos must show 3 different PlanetJune patterns. The photos you select must prove your ability by showing the variety of what you make, to give your customers the confidence to custom-order from you, so:
      • If all your photos are dinosaurs, your listing can only say you accept custom orders for dinosaurs.
      • If you want to say you'll accept commissions for any PJ pattern, at least one photo must show a more advanced PJ design, e.g. one with multiple/complex colour changes.

If any of this is unclear, or you're not sure if you qualify for the list, please email me to ask :)

Note: To keep this page most useful for buyers, sellers whose websites consistently fail to maintain 5 PlanetJune-designed items for sale will have their listing removed. I'll keep your details though, so just email me if you resume selling PlanetJune items, and I'll reactivate your listing!

Turtle blanket sellers    If you'd like to be added to the Turtle Beach blanket list, please email me with the following info.
  1. Your first name, your shop name (if you have one - otherwise give me your full name), and your shop URL or other webpage I can link to for you.
    • The webpage you link to (your Etsy shop, another online shop, a Facebook page, or another webpage) must show your turtle blankets - items currently for sale and/or past sales or blankets you've already made - and clearly explain how customers can order a blanket from you - there must be a way for them to contact you from your page!
  2. At least three good photos of PlanetJune Turtle Beach blankets made by you. Tips for photo selection:
    • Your finished items should look reasonably close to the samples from my patterns, within the limits of handmade variation - that's what shoppers using this page are looking for (possibly with customizations to match their requirements more closely).
    • Send me at least one photo of a full blanket, and at least one close-up showing a turtle. The third photo can be whatever you want - a different blanket colourway, different turtle colours, a blanket from a different angle - your choice. (I'll be cropping the photos to a square, so if you're not sure what would look best, send me a selection of pics and I'll crop the ones that best show off your work in a square frame!)
    • Use your best photos! These will be how buyers choose you :)

If any of this is unclear, or you're not sure if you qualify for the list, please email me to ask :)

Remember, you're welcome to sell items made from any of my patterns, provided you comply with my simple terms!

buy crochet patterns and accessories from my online store Idiot's Guides: Crochet and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amigurumi by June Gilbank Crochet video tutorials and step-by-step photo tutorials Free PlanetJune crochet patterns Frequently Asked Questions Punchneedle Embroidery information, ebook & patterns Free PlanetJune craft projects & tutorials