PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June

everyone’s a winner

I’m a winner

Yay – my Reepicheep has won the Craftster Fantasy Crochet Challenge, with 64% of the votes!

Reepicheep by planetjune
(Are you bored with seeing Reep’s picture yet? I’m sorry – I promise this is the last time I’ll post it!)

I am a bit disappointed though, because I thought the fantasy theme was really rich and exciting subject matter, and there would be loads of imaginative entries. I don’t know if it was the time of year, or if people just didn’t know about the contest, but in the end there were only a paltry four entries – such a shame. I was looking forward to seeing all sorts of crocheted dragons and unicorns and elves and so on… I suppose I’ll just have to make them all myself, if nobody else is going to! (My new Mythical Creatures pattern category in the shop is looking a little sparse, so that’s actually not a bad idea at all…)

Blogiversary Contest Winners

Thank you so much to everyone who left me a comment on my blogiversary post! I’ve loved reading all your comments and suggestions, and I’ve definitely gained some inspiration and new ideas to take me forward into Year 5 of PlanetJune 🙂 Now onto the fun part: the winners! I downloaded all the comments into Excel, tagged them as pattern or tool, and split them apart into two sets. I then picked a random entry from each set as the winners:

The pattern draw winner is Vicki, who said:

Your blog is amazing! I love all of your patterns!! I think some additions to the farm series would be fun – goat, chicken, horse, sheep, etc…Thanks for all you do for all of us crafters! I would like to be entered into the pattern contest 🙂

And the Detail Stuffing Tool draw winner is SparklyShiny, who said:

You’ve had a very busy year! Your website is so easy to navigate and your patterns are truly amazing (I’m getting spoiled with your well-written directions). I can’t wait to see what you come up with next – love the idea of a dragon, and I keep looking for a realistic parrot pattern.

I definitely want one of your stuffing tools – after the experience of Chihuahua leg (before your tool was available), I know that I need to add one to my tool kit.

Congrats to both of you – I’ll email you, Vicki, to find out which pattern you’d like, and you, Sparkly, to get your mailing address!

I feel bad for all the non-winning commenters – your comments were all so sweet and really useful – so I’ve decided to email a discount coupon to all of you: now you’re all runners-up 😀 (Please allow me a couple of days to send them all out – there are a lot of you runners-up to get through – and check your Spam folder if you don’t see it in your inbox.)

So, as I said in the title of this post, everyone’s a winner – yay!


  1. Bri said

    SO cute, there aren’t many cute mice out there in the ami world. You did an awesome job.

    Is the name Reepicheep from Narnia? In the series the Chronicles of Narnia there is a warrior mouse named Reepicheep. He’s so cute =)


  2. Jessica said

    Thanks so much for sending me out one of your discount vouchers, I’ve already used it to purchase your fantastic ami pig pattern which I can’t wait to make up 🙂

  3. Barbara Weiner said

    Will you be selling the pattern for Reepicheep? My children inherited my love of all things Narnia and I would love to make him.

  4. June said

    Nice to see they recognize genious when they see it June! Congratulations!

  5. becky said

    There is a reason for you winning 😀 you put hundreds and more hours into your little art creations… and I don’t mind seeing your prize winning mouse 😀 he is so cute that looking at him is totally awesome.

  6. Congratulations, June! Your Reepicheep was definitely the best of the bunch. Although the other pieces were really good too.

    I’m really looking forward to seeing what sort of mythical creatures you have planned.

  7. Laura said

    Love the details in your winning entry…the basket, the sword, and getting him to balance nicely….wow.

    I hope I sometime can get organized enough to try out some challenges….

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