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crocheted socks!

I’ve never really been interested in making socks – they are so inexpensive to buy, and seem like they would take so long to make, it just doesn’t seem worth it to me (although I know many knitters would disagree). Also, sock yarn is normally made of wool, which I’m sensitive to, so I a) can’t make them without wearing gloves, and b) couldn’t wear the finished socks anyway!

And then I saw the new Patons Stretch Socks yarn, which changed my mind…
Patons Stretch Socks yarn colours

  • It’s elasticated! Maybe it would be the perfect yarn to crochet some non-bulky hand-warmers for when I’m working?
  • It comes in some really nice colourways
  • Although it is 39% wool, the elastic wrapped around the outside of the yarn cushions it from my skin and I can touch it with no problems
  • Oh, and it was on super-special at Michaels, and I can never resist a bargain

I decided to try Dorothy Hardy’s Ultimate Crocheted Socks pattern from I liked the idea of the one-piece construction (no sewing!) and working from the toe end means if you run out of yarn, you just end up with a shorter sock – a nice idea. The first sock came together without too many problems, although the pattern has some unclear points and I had to unpick a few times before I figured it out. I also redesigned the heel shape a bit because it didn’t really fit the shape of my foot as written, and I added a couple of extra rounds and a crab stitch edging to the top of the cuff.

I decided to save the second sock as a travelling project for the plane trip to Hawaii. I made half the sock on the way out, but on the way back I was tired and didn’t want to have to figure out how to do the heel, so the second sock sat unfinished until this weekend… After a false start on Saturday (proof that even pattern designers can slip up: I was crocheting hdc stitches instead of esc – hey, I’m only human!) I raced through it, and now I finally have a pair of socks to wear around the house:

crocheted socks

It was hard to get a decent photo of my own feet, and Maui kept wandering into the shot too! Hopefully these will give you an idea though:

crocheted socks

They are comfy and cosy, and I really like the yarn and the colour. I don’t love the shape of the toe or the heel, but it’s not a bad design, and not having to sew anything was a definite bonus.

I can see why knitting is better-suited to sockmaking – crocheted socks just look a bit clumsy and bulky by comparison. Although, having said that, now I know how a sock is constructed, I’m sure I could design a more stylish crocheted sock… I’m just not sure I want to! I’m glad I have made a pair of socks, just for the experience, but I think I’ll use the leftover sock yarn to make those custom-fitted hand-warmers instead…


  1. Margaret Older said

    Hi. I have tried (started but never finished) to crochet some socks but got hung up on the heel part every time. would love to find a pattern for crocheted socks that are tube style (no heel) any ideas?

  2. R.Pinnegar said

    Thank you! I haven’t been able to find anything but knitting patterns (and I don’t know how to do that yet).

  3. Alison said

    very nice:-)
    you should now have a go at my Sandy Ridge pattern:-)
    Take care,

  4. Melody said

    Very pretty socks. I love how your kitty is in the shot. 🙂

  5. Sister Diane said

    Wow, this is great! I’ve never made socks because it seemed like, given how single crochet behaves, they’d just be too stodgy to wear. I love this elasticized yarn! Must try my hand at some socks now… Thanks so much for the recommendation!

  6. bonnie said

    the stretchy sock yarn is wonderful to with, made two sets of wrist warmers. Used a free pattern form season wristers, it takes one ball to make a pair and crochets up quite fast. Also made them with the patons kroy sock yarn and they worked up well too! Anxious to find a crochet sock pattern to try the stretchy socks, may check out your pattern. theres a sock pattern at crochet pattern central carlled ribs on top socks that looks intersting.

  7. That’s awesome June, thanks for the tip! I’ve wanted to give it a whirl for awhile, this is definitely motivation.

  8. Goldibug said

    Those socks look sooo comfortable! I’ve gotta buy some of that great yarn and make some house socks myself! Thanks for sharing!

  9. val said

    I am sooooooo going to do this! Thanks for jumping it first!

  10. Anna said

    Thanks for the info! I will have to pick up some of the stretch yarn when it’s on sale next – I haven’t been able to do much crafting at all with a hurt arm (who knew tennis elbow would affect so many things? *L*), but I definately want to try it now, so stocking up won’t hurt! 😀

  11. Effie said

    Just want you to know how happy I am with the guinea pig pattern I bought. Please visit me at to see some pictures of my guinea pig.

    best regards

  12. Anna said

    Thanks for this post! And the extra details in the comments. I’ve been eyeballing the stretch sock yarn, but was wondering how working with it would be. I could easily imagine that the yarn would stretch a lot while being worked.

    I really like how yours turned out. I noticed the labels often say “one ball makes one pair” for knitting. Did it work out the same with crochet?

    • June said

      Anna: as long as you remember not to try to ‘pull the yarn tight’ (and stretch it in the process) it’s actually very easy to keep an even tension. Make a few sample stitches to get the hang of it, then unravel and start again.

      My socks took just over a ball of yarn (I had bought 2 balls, so I started a new ball for the 2nd sock). But that’s because I added a few extra rows to the length. If you kept them a bit shorter, you could probably get a pair out of 1 ball, as long as you’re making a small size! Knitting is formed from a single strand of yarn, whereas crochet uses loops of yarn (i.e. the yarn is doubled), so to crochet a sock would take more yarn than to knit it.

      I’d say buy 2 balls to be on the safe side. You can use the excess to make some lovely handwarmers (my pattern for that will be coming soon!)

  13. kris said

    just wanted to add my 2 cents and let you know when i was at michaels yesterday they had this sock yarn clearanced. i wanted to get some but still a little too pricey for my budget.

  14. June said

    Thank you guys! I am wearing the socks right now, and they are noticeably warmer than the cotton socks I usually buy. Maybe I was too quick to dismiss sock crocheting!

    A bit more on the yarn: be careful with your tension – you don’t want to stretch the yarn as you crochet (otherwise it won’t be able to stretch when you put the socks on), so don’t pull the yarn too tight while you crochet.

    To answer your questions:

    Puglette: they aren’t super-tight, but they don’t fall down, or fall off. When I make my hand-warmers I will purposely make them a couple of stitches smaller than I think I need, because I want them to be tight to support my hands.

    Jana: Michaels don’t sell online, but you can see a list of online retailers that stock it from the Patons Stretch Socks webpage – just click ‘Buy Online’ from that page. Currently they list 4 US and 2 Canadian e-tailers. I must warn you that “whipping up a pair” of crocheted socks is a bit optimistic – there are a lot of stitches in one sock!

  15. Jana said

    Hi, June!
    I LOVE the socks! For ME, making my own socks, IF I could make them well, would be a definite bonus! You see, here in Saudi, it seems only MEN wear socks! I have to stock up on them whenever I go home to the States! I would LOVE to be able to whip up a pair to coordinate with a pair of pants or top! I just ordered something from FrugalHaus and had it sent to my new New York Aramex address! YES! I found out about this place from a Saudi lady in Jeddah who joined my Ravelry group! It gives me a NY AND a London address! I have things sent there, and they, in turn get it to me here in Saudi! NO MORE SAUDI POST OFFICE!!! I will let you know how it works out. I ordered on Wednesday, and it is THERE in my NY “mailbox” now! (I was sent an email) Not sure what happens next, though I DO know the weight and how much it will cost me in riyals to get it. If this DOES work out, do you know if I can get this yarn online from Michaels? I have a crocheted sock pattern book, so I should definitely give this a try!
    Thanks for sharing!

  16. Jodi said

    Heh, it’s the lack of sewing up that first got me hooked on knitting socks!

  17. Puglette said

    hi june!
    i have hesitated to make socks for the very same reasons. is this really elasticky? is it tight on your feet? i like the hand warmer idea too…i may just end up by michaels tomorrow!

  18. Barbara said


    I think they look nice. I need to get the courage and try some crocheted socks. I would love to see a sock pattern you designed.

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