PlanetJune Craft Blog
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crocheted baby orang utan

You probably all know the story by now: I’ve had a pet project for the past year – to crochet a life-size realistic baby orang utan as a freeform art project (no pattern!). It’s been a long time coming, but I have finally finished him!

I have a lot of detail I could share, but I think I’ll save that for another time, and let the pics speak for themselves today. Please, please leave me comments! This is the most important (to me) piece I’ve ever made and I really really want to know what you think of him…

crocheted orang utan by planetjune

crocheted orang utan by planetjune

crocheted orang utan by planetjune

And finally, with a wink to the fellow Pratchett fans: OOK!

crocheted orang utan by planetjune

For some reason I am very nervous about showing him to you – I feel like my soul is on display! I hope you can tell that I have poured my heart into him. Please let me know what you think in the comments…


  1. Deb said

    He is sooo brilliant and so full of life! Very realistic. I swear he’s ready to get up and swing/walk away! Very very well done. It’s easy to see that you did indeed pour your heart and soul into this project!! Like others have already posted, I do think this is one of the very best crocheted animals I’ve ever seen! Bravo bravo bravo! Standing ovation!

  2. ChelseaP said

    What the what?! You are amazing!!!!!!

  3. Jana said

    PS did you use wire in his fingers, toes, and legs?

  4. Jana said

    Oh, my gosh, June! I can’t even BEGIN to tell you how stupendous he is!! Amazing, brilliant, charming, delightful, enticing, fantastic, grand, and the words go on to the end of the alphabet! Nothing good enough to describe this adorable work of art!
    I never had any doubts (except when I thought the arm was a GLOVE! LOL!) that he would end up being another June one of a kind creation! I would be holding him all day long! Have you taken him to the store yet? Hee, hee!
    I am off to Lebanon tomorrow! Enjoy your baby!

  5. Nadine B said

    I think I will mostly just say “ditto” 45 times (previous posts). This is an amazing piece of art. I must say, I am trying my hardest to keep myself looking at the details (which absolutely make this creation perfect) and not disolving into a puddle of goo that makes baby noises and squeals “Sooo Cute!!!”. Although I really want to. Cause it really is.

  6. tomae said

    You are an artist. Your love can be seen here as well as your soul. I love the face. Nothing completes a ‘toy’ (lack of a better word) project like a face. The face is what makes it real! Thank you for sharing your art, your soul, and your love.

  7. Jenn said

    I am in love with him. I was really hoping he was one of the patterns you would sell!

  8. Eve said


    How many hours do you think you put in this little baby?
    Amazing work June, you should be very proud.


  9. Caley said

    That is so fantastic! It is right out of our local show Orangutan Diaries. Definitely one of the best crochet animals I’ve seen. Great job!

  10. Katrin said

    I just KNEW he would be great, but, June, you have outnumbered yourself! That is simply the most stunning thing I have seen lately!

  11. Amanda said

    YAY! I think he’s awesome. 🙂 He is VERY lifelike, and I love what you did with his hands and feet. They look awesome. It’s so hard to get hands and feet right… Amazing work.

  12. rosie said

    Oh June, what a little petal! He is wonderful, the expression on his face and the poses you put him in. On tv at the moment, we have a programme called Monkey World, think it’s in Dorset, and they have baby Orangs, and the real ones look just like yours. Quite incredible!
    Well done
    Rosie x

  13. linda p said

    i think he’s PERFECT! isn’t it so fun to crochet w/o thinking about the pattern? you did a lovely job, and i love the furry yarn and the detail in his digits.

  14. angelspirit said

    Wow!!!! This is exceptional!!! You did a fantastic job!!!! I admire you for working with the fuzzy yarns so much and keeping your sanity!!! Your design skills are incredible!!!!

  15. Simply adorable! I just would like to adopt him… or perhaps make one for my niece if you decide to write the pattern.

  16. After the long wait, finally see you stunning Orang Utan!!! He is so adorable and look so real!!! Wish that I can hug him though there are many real one out there here in Malaysia :p If you are making more to sell, I will buy one from you 🙂

  17. Amy said

    Aaaawwwww….so so very cute! What a great job. You should make the pattern available on your blog. I would so get it!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  18. Idadown said

    He is gorgeous! So “pick me up and cuddle me”. Congrats. Now for a baby brother or sister? LOL

  19. futuregirl said

    Awesome! I really think you outdid yourself here … and that’s saying a lot! You even elicited a “Wow!” and a “That’s pretty cute!” from the dude of the house. 🙂 Great job, June!

  20. jeannette said

    OOK! he is adorable!! them toes just kill me 🙂

  21. Christina said

    He’s amazing! Very realistic looking. I love it!

  22. What a marvel he is. I really adore his fingers and toes so very much. Congratulations

  23. Linda said

    OMGosh he is simply ADORABLE!!!!! His hands and feet are Incredible!

  24. Anna said

    Congratulations on the birth of your baby!!! Very cute and so realistic. Amazing work!

  25. val said

    He is as beautiful as I thought he would be if YOU created him. He is truly a work of art and you should be so proud of him. Thank you SO much for sharing him with us! Now….about that pattern……..of course, I couldn’t begin to do as good a job, but I could try!

  26. Patti said

    Is he also a Librarian? 😉

  27. Jo said

    June, he’s amazing! I can’t imagine how much work he must have been – but he was definitely worth it.


  28. Sarah said

    June, he is wonderful! Those photographs really show him off well, too! Congratulations – I think your hard work paid off 🙂

  29. Sabrina said

    Squee! I love him. I must show him to a billion of my friends and praise your artistic genius!

  30. He is beautiful, adorable, perfect. I wish I could cuddle him and teach him how to live wild in the forest like they do on Orangutang Diaries in Forest School.

  31. Alexis said

    That, is seriously cool! loved the hands & feet in particular.

  32. Jenni said

    he is amazing!! the curl of the toes and fingers is just perfect. I would love to know how many pictures you took of him in this photo session!

  33. Linnea said

    Oh, he is DARLING! What a sweet little orang! His face is full of expression and I just love his fingers and toes and… he’s just perfect. You should be terribly proud of yourself! You are an amazing artist!

  34. Robyn said

    Cuuuuuttteeeee! Love his toes! My sister likes monkeys and collects them. I should show this to her. Awesome job again June! Love how you put a real banana with him. I also like how he’s walking on his hands like real monkeys do. Adorable! A+++++++!

  35. karmadillo said

    So much personality! Ditto the other comments about the gorgeous feet and hands. It looks to have been a labor of pure love!

  36. Expat Mom said

    Amazing! That`s a LOT of work and he`s very sweet.

  37. Crystal said

    He’s adorable! I love his hads and feet. They look so realistic.

  38. Candy said

    Seriously one of the cutest things I have ever seen. I love him.


  40. Rebekah (BekahJan) said

    Yay! He looks great! so cute! Great job! 🙂 His little hands and feet are adorable! And what a sweet face! 🙂 Perfect! Simply Perfect! 🙂

  41. puglette said

    oh june, your baby is just perfect! i just want to scoop this baby up and hold it all day! i love the photo where it is all stretched out, so sweet. i can definately see all the love you put into this project.

  42. Jessica said

    Oh my god, June, this is BRILLIANT! He is so adorable. The fingers and toes are perfect (did you use a wire armature?), and he has such a sweet expression. Also, it looks like he enjoys reading Good Omens, and you can never dislike a critter who has such good taste. 🙂

  43. Josie said

    How could you be nervous? He’s so beautiful! If I was clever enough to make him I’d have been rushing to get the photos online for everyone to enjoy – thank you, I *have* really enjoyed seeing him.

  44. Ruhammie said

    OH! He is ADORABLE! He seems so lifelike too, with that little baby belly and bent orangutan legs, fingers and toes, and precious baby face. You did an AWESOME JOB!

  45. Lindsey said

    yay! I’m so excited that you’ve finished! Superly cute I must say.

  46. Marie-Th said

    I think he is stunning and very, very cute. I admire your skills. You also display him excellent on the photos in this post.
    Greetings from Germany

  47. Jennifer said

    Wow I love him!! He is shockingly realistic, and I love his facial expression. In the second pic it looks like he’s having a little temper tantrum ^_^

  48. Rikke said

    Awwww! He’s really cute! I love his little toes and fingers 😀

  49. Lindy said

    Many congratulations! Your orang utan is brilliant and I love all the photos in the various realistic positions! He looks lovely & cuddly too, and incredibly real! You deserve great recognition for your orang utan.

  50. kris said

    june your hard work payed off! he is a work of art and you should be very proud of yourself. i can’t believe he is finally done its been a long time coming!!!! can’t wait to see whats next!

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