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contest: win a fuzzy pattern!

Want to win the pattern of your choice from the online store? Just comment on this post with your ideas for future Fuzzy Friends patterns. What would be cute? What are your favourite animals? Let me know in the comments!

One entrant will be randomly selected to win a pattern of their choice from my store!

The Rules:

  1. One entry per person – please submit all your ideas in one comment.
  2. Repeat suggestions are good! I’d like to know what would be most popular, so if someone has already suggested your favourites, please cast your vote for them too.
  3. The winner will receive their choice of Fuzzy Friends crochet pattern, which may be redeemed immediately, or at a later date, when more patterns are available.
  4. Contest closing date:  March 10th, 2007, 10am EST. One winner will be randomly selected. The winner’s name will be published at


  1. Viv Moriarty said

    Maybe some insects that could be made cuddly -cockroach, ant, beetles for various hues

  2. Carol in NC said

    Love your patterns. I’m looking for a cute spider pattern.

  3. We (my 6 year old daughter and I) think your animals are so cute! We would like to find a pattern for a fuzzy Pomeranian puppy. We have two, a mom and daughter, and would love to be able to crochet their likeness to keep forever!
    If you can’t do a Pomeranian puppy, a fuzzy penguin would be our next choice.

  4. Mermaiden said

    I know it’s too late for the contest, but I’d just like to add another voice to say that a ferret would be awesome to see designed! 🙂

  5. Mel2nsluvscrochet said

    Oh June! I just wish I wasn’t poor! I would have ordered all of your fabulous patterns! They are amazing! I don’t own a credit card due to financial difficulties and I barely survive on my paychecks….I just started working at the school my dd attends but that wont pay all of my bills. Crochet is the only thing that keeps me from going completely insane and bust out in tears. That and my little girl.

  6. Katherin said

    Hi I just think these are so cute.

    I would like to see a fuzzy Emu baby.

  7. Wifemothergramma said

    Your patterns have a fabulous arrange of appeal they are lovable to adults and children.
    I think a Tropical Bird would be nice, or how about a Dinosaur, Koala Bear, Panda Bear, Sun Bear Sitting up, Yak, Zebra, Ferrett, Mink, Raccoon, Mongoose, Otter, Chinchilla, Chipmunk, Camel, Bufffalo, Deer, Beaver, Meerkat, Wombat, Kangaroo, Tiger, and last but nt least a SKUNK lol
    Best of luck and lots of fun,

  8. Heather said

    I love ,love your animal patterns I think they are just so darn cute.I want to do everyone one of them!!!!
    I think mom and baby elephants would be wonderful( elephant lover here!)I have some wonderful glass ones that would be just as cute if not better in a soft squishy pattern.
    Keep up the wonderful work!!!!

  9. coelhoverde said

    Your’s fuzzy friends are lovely. And i would to see a black cat.

  10. Angela said

    Another vote for platypus, penguin, or sloth. When I saw the post, I immediately thought of Sid the Sloth from Ice Age. 🙂

  11. Jennei said

    How about making either a walrus with tusks, black rhino, killer whale or hump back whale.

  12. Nicky said

    Whatever you make will be great I’m sure but I would love to see a cat or a penguin or a dog. lol Ok, I’ll stop there.

  13. Julia Ingwerson said

    I would like a fuzzy poodle and a fuzzy hippo (they usually aren’t fuzzy but think it would be cute).

  14. Elisa Gochnauer said

    I vote for a fuzzy lion, a baby seal, or perhaps an alpaca? Love your patterns! I’ve been making them for kids who need a little cheering up – sick or family problems. They really work wonders.

  15. Emily said

    A platypus is one of the cutest animals in real life. Other ideas, a tree frog, a fish (a betta would be pretty), giraffe, kangaroo, penguin, squirrel, a long-haired chihuahua, tiger, insects (ladybug, spider, butterfly, caterpillar, etc)

  16. Bonnie said

    Ok, this is a longshot but I’m in love with these! A Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)?? Pleeease??

  17. Rayleen said

    I agree with some of the above, a squirrel would be really sweet. You could be very busy, June!

  18. grace said

    a kiwibird 🙂 or an owl, or a zebra? hehe and i love giraffes too

  19. Laura(CrochetRT) said

    Love all the ones so far! How about A pony, or A penguin, or a cow? Maybe a donkey with really big ears! Or a giant bumble-bee? A big butterfly?

  20. Kelle said

    I would love to see a Lion, or any of the big cats. Dragons are my favourite but not really fuzzy… who knows – it could work?

  21. karrie said

    My favorite suggestions are skunk and owl.

  22. berni landl said

    I have yet to see a manatee,,,lion cub maybe, hmm let me think chipmunk, i was gonna say squirrile but i saw it already posted, how .bout a joey (baby kangaroo) an alpaca would be cool…they have that cute extra fuzzy head… Your monkeys are so cute they “rock” 🙂

  23. Linda said

    I love your fuzzys. I would love to see a gorilla, hippo, squirrel and a gecko. And also a possum, armadillo, snow monkey, skunk.

  24. irene said

    I would like to see a cat, a goat, a lynx, a squirrel, a dragon, and endangered animals.

  25. rhiannon said

    I really really really want a pattern for a squirrel. I think it would be cute with different ‘levels’ of fuzziness. A regular fuzzy body and then a super fuzzy, bushy tail. What I have in mind is too complicated for me to figure out myself.

    The other thing I’d really love is a fuzzy platypus. I have a little collection of stuffed platypus (plural sp?). But it’s very small b/c I’m Canadian, not Austrailian.

    Speaking of down under, a stuffed kiwi bird would be sooooooooooooo friggin cute.

  26. Pat Clute said

    I just love all your fuzzys. I would dearly love a dachsund, or a parrot. Keep up the good work!

  27. Emily said

    I love the idea of a llama (im thinking of the movie The Emperors New Groove!), definately a hedgehog ( i saw the CUTEST knit pattern once…fuzzy and felted…the cutest) and I am definately thinking a racoon…they are my best friends favorite animals and i would love to be able to crochet her one!

  28. amy said

    I would lOVE to see a lion.. awww!!!

    and someone mentioned a cow! Oh yes a cow!!!

  29. Kelly said

    I’d like to see you crochet a baby harp seal. You know …the white white ones, with the black eyes and They have fur until they are a couple of months old.

  30. Kiirs said

    I would love to see a cat, horse, and dinosaur. And if anyone EVER makes a crocheted collie pattern, I would buy it!! I have never seen one and I’d so love it. Rough collies are my favorite dog in the world.

  31. Amber said


  32. Amber said

    Love the fuzzies! I would love to see a panguin, cat, dog, pig and a frog

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