PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June


I’m always happy to hear from you with comments or suggestions – thank you so much for your messages!

This is the fastest way to receive my help with your question:

  • If you have crochet questions, please visit my Crochet Tutorials page for help.
  • If you have any other questions for me, please check the FAQ first to see if I’ve already answered them there.
  • If you still have questions about PlanetJune patterns or tutorials, or anything else you’d like to say to me, please e-mail me.

Please note that, as much as I’d love to help with every question I receive, I’m swamped with email and simply don’t have the time to offer free help with general crochet questions, or questions about patterns from other designers. If your question doesn’t relate to a PlanetJune pattern or tutorial, I suggest you:

  • Approach the pattern designer for help (for a specific pattern)
  • Try asking in an appropriate crochet-themed group on Ravelry (for general crochet questions)

You can usually expect a reply to your PlanetJune-related question within a week of your enquiry – or much sooner if it’s a direct customer support request (although please bear in mind that I don’t work on weekends unless it’s a real emergency). If you haven’t heard back from me in 2 weeks, please feel free to send me a follow-up email in case your question has slipped through the cracks – thank you!

E-mail me:

Note: Please don’t leave your questions as a comment on this page, unless you particularly want the whole world to read it. If you email me, I’ll email you back if I can help (see above); if you leave a blog comment, I reply via the blog, so you’ll have to check back to see when I’ve replied.

Postal Address

If you’d like to send me some mail the old-fashioned way, here’s my address:

June Gilbank
PO Box 99900 RC 276 573
RPO Ira Needles
Waterloo ON N2T 0B8

If you’d like a reply, please include your email address, or a dollar for a stamp if you need me to reply by post.

Note: If you’re sending any payments by mail, please note that any checks/cheques or money order should be made out to ‘June Gilbank’, not to ‘PlanetJune’!

Social Media

I’m @planetjune everywhere on social media and I’d love it if you tag me whenever you post a photo of something you’ve made from one of my patterns, so I can see it and comment! See the links to all my socials in the footer (at the very bottom of this page).

Note: please contact me by email rather than social media if you need pattern support.


I don’t speak any languages other than English well enough to converse in them, so I can only respond to questions or emails written in English. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but I can’t help you if I don’t understand you. (And if you don’t know English well enough to ask your question in my language, you wouldn’t understand my response anyway!)


  1. Monta Reina said

    June, what a beautiful name, my sister’s name is Bunnye June…

    How may I get you instructions to your magic circle in writing so that I may place with with your crochet hat patterns to I do not have to stop and look up on YouTube.

    Thank You

  2. Judy Grigsby said

    I made an account on your webb site and ordered a number of patterns and paid for them with a PayPal account and have the receiipt that it was accepted only now I can’t remember my password. I was so excited to find these cute patterns that I could have bought them all…except I had to get off the computer as I had to go feed my dogs, kitties, horses and chickens. I forgot to write down my password for my account. Can you help?????

    • June said

      Not a problem, Judy! If you don’t remember your password, click the ‘Forgotten your password?’ link from the login screen, enter your email address, and my system will send you a new temporary password – check your Spam if you don’t see the email.

  3. Diane Sayre said

    Hi June,
    I am trying to crochet the beautiful “Diamond Flowers Scarf/Wrap standard width. Using the amazingly detailed stich diagram, in row two, after the first chain 10, I count 3 rather than 5 block,ch block groups. Am I reading the pattern wrong?
    When you say five times, do you mean block, ch-block five times? If that is true, then I end up with 3 rather than 5 before the last chain 10 in that row. Also I must confess, I don’t know the meaning of the parenthesis around (ch-block) ):
    Thank you for your help.
    Best Regards,

    • June said

      Hi Diane, it sounds like you are misinterpreting the written pattern. The definition of ch-block is given on p2 as “ch 1, skip next st, block”. So if you follow Row 2 on the stitch diagram, there’s one block, followed by 5 of the “ch 1, skip next st, block” repeats. The parentheses are there to make it clear that you’re repeating just the ch-block each time, not the whole block, ch-block as I think you’re reading it.

      Hope that helps? Please feel free to email me ( if you need further assistance – it’s much easier than leaving a comment!

  4. Jenna said

    Hi June,
    Just wanted to say that I love your site. Your tutorials have helped me so much. Especially the magic ring, I’d taught myself using a you tube video and they way they did it left me with a twisted knot.haha.
    I love the free patterns that you have to.
    Thank you again. Love Jenna
    (From Liverpool, UK)

  5. Katie said

    I am so excited to make the polyhedral dice! I am making them as a part of a wedding gift for my dungeon master and his wife, who also is a player. I have never found another pattern on the web like this. Thank you from Charlevoix, Michigan!

  6. Rajyalakshmi RV said

    Hi Ms.June, Yday I browsed your site for the first time, its so amazing, well structured and orderly arranged. You are so awesome for having such creativity which is God’s gift, i loved all the patterns, I used to crochet from my teenage, learnt from my mother. Iam from India, love you Ms.June

  7. Sonja said

    Hi. I nominated you for a Blogger Recognition Award. While I

  8. Carolyn Kelly said

    Hi June I love your beach afghans. I would like to make for my daughter the one with the tangerine r coral in it would you tell me the colors ou used in this turle beach baby afghan?

    • June said

      You’re probably looking at a photo of a blanket made by one of my customers in a different colourway – my pattern includes yellow sand, white foam, and 2 or 3 shades of blue for the sea. I suggest you check the projects on Ravelry and see if anyone has shared details of a blanket made with the yarn colours you’re looking for 🙂

  9. Mary Jane VDB said

    June, how about a pattern for one of the comfort dolls?

  10. Shannon K said

    I want to make the leaning ladders scarf and I have a quick question. The sample scarf was made with Kismet (235m). Is the 235m the amount per skein or the total amount for the scarf?



    • June said

      Shannon, that’s the exact amount of yarn my sample scarf used. Various factors (the exact hook and yarn you choose, how tightly you crochet, and how long you’d like to make your scarf) will affect the yardage your scarf will need, which is why I don’t state an exact yardage for your scarf, but you’re welcome to use my sample as a starting point to give you a rough idea of how much yarn you may need.

  11. Darci Shook-Woolley said

    Hi June.

    This is a quick follow-up note to thank you for all of your help and patience yesterday, even though you were sick. I hope you’re feeling much better soon. My sister requested that I make her an armadillo, and when I found your pattern I had to purchase it. Now that I’ve downloaded & printed it, I can see how beautiful it is in more detail. Thank you for creating this pattern, and I hope you have a wonderful 2018!


  12. Mary said

    Hi June,

    I really love the beach sea turtle blanket, however, the pattern you provided only has the blue color. What are the yarn colors for the green blanket pattern?

    Thank you

    • June said

      Mary, there are some photos floating around of other blankets that were inspired by Turtle Beach but made with different colours, and you must have seen one of those, I’m afraid. If you want to change the colours to match the photo you’ve seen, you’d have to use the photo as reference and choose the colours yourself.

  13. Annie Snyder said

    Thank you June I will do that and by the way your stuff is great.

    You do such lovely things.

  14. Annie Snyder said

    Hi June, I have a question that I am doing the Turtle blanket with the Turtles. In the instructions there is SS what is SS?

    • June said

      Annie, I’ve checked both the Turtle Beach and Baby Sea Turtle patterns and can’t find any mention of SS in either, so please could you let me know exactly where in my patterns you’ve found that abbreviation, so I can answer your question? Thanks!

      • Annie Snyder said

        Hi June, it’s the turtle’s front legs: “SS in last”.

        • June said

          Ah, that’s not one of my patterns, I’m afraid! I’d guess the designer meant slip stitch, but you’d have to check with them if they don’t define it in their pattern.

          • Thank you June I will do that and by the way your stuff is great.

            You do such lovely things.

  15. E B Kelp said

    Thank you for the excellent tutorials. I am left handed and the tutorials help enormously. Also love your amigurumi patterns. Keep on crocheting!!

  16. Judy said

    I have a punchneedle piece my grandmother did. It needs a small repair. Any suggestions on who could possibly do the work.
    I appreciate any help.
    Judy Rizzo

    • June said

      I’m afraid I don’t know any punchneedle repairers, Judy, and I don’t even have any suggestions for where you could look to find one… I’m sorry I can’t help.

  17. Sinia said


    My mother has been crocheting since she was a teenager and has been unable to get the hang of the ripple pattern and wants to make a beach themed afghan with turtles and starfish to remind my daughter of home since she just joined the military. I just lost my job so I am unable to donate at this moment and would appreciate your consideration in sending me the pattern for my mother to try.

    Thank you so very much.

    • June said

      Sinia, you can find the free version of the pattern here (the donation is optional) 🙂

  18. Shas said

    June, June-
    what a generous soul you are.
    Not only do you share your gorgeous safari photos with us,
    you improve the situation by making it a teaching opportunity!
    Your “Adding a Catchlight” tutorial is an absolute gift,
    and your kestrel example is brilliant.

    I must say that one of the most joy-inspiring photos I’ve seen this year
    (pictures of my grandbabies excepted)
    is the one of you with the elephants over your shoulder.
    Thank you very much for sharing the delight.
    – Shas

    • June said

      Aww, thank you, Shas! I’m so glad to know you’re enjoying my posts 🙂

  19. Sherry Ostrowdki said

    Hi, June.

    I ordered this pattern set from you earlier and made your turtle beach blanket for a future grandchild. I would like to make a second but I can’t find the turtle pattern. Is it possible for me to get a second copy. I promise you it is for my own personal use.


    • June said

      Absolutely, Sherry – you can download any of your PlanetJune pattern purchases from your PlanetJune account whenever you need to. Please see for instructions 🙂

  20. Karen said

    I am unable to purchase the Christmas tree pattern. I keep getting a timed out error before I enter any info. ?

    • June said

      Sounds like a temporary glitch, Karen – I don’t see any problems at my end, so I suggest you try again now (or in a few minutes, if it’s still glitching for you now). Sorry for the inconvenience!

  21. Hey June! I saw a pin of a clear ring with birds on it! How beautiful! Can that be purchased or is it in a tutorial?

    I can’t wait to look at more of your art!

    Thanks so much! Be Blessed!

  22. Sandie O'Connor said

    Hi June
    Love your patterns. They always look like what they are suppose to! unlike some I have seen. As they say you get what you pay for.



  23. Robyn said

    Hi June are your books, patterns & yarns in UK or USA terms? Also, do you know of any Australian crafters that have converted patterns & yarns to Aussie terms at all?

    Thank you.


    • June said

      Robyn, my books have US publishers, so all terminology is American. For my PlanetJune patterns, they are written with standard (US) terminology, but each pattern includes a table of abbreviations that shows the equivalent stitch names in UK crochet terminology, so you can refer to that if you’re unsure of any of the stitch names.

      I’ve written a series of articles for non-US crocheters that you’ll find helpful: for more info about converting terminology, see my article Crochet Terminology, and for info about converting yarn weights, see my article Yarn for Amigurumi.

  24. Lucy Fountain said

    I’m working on your sloth pattern, and I’m struggling because I have to change colour so often. For each colour change do I have to cut the yarn and sew it in? Because it’s every few stitches.

  25. Wendy McAlister said

    Love your work and the turtles

  26. Ruth Tingey said

    please tell me how to order your crochet baby orangutan? My granddaughter would love this!

  27. Ms TroyLynn Hill said

    June I love your designs!! My question is about yarn for amigurumi…as my skill improves I find some problems with knotting and shredding of standard worsted weight yarn. Any suggestions? I will be traveling to the UK and Ireland in spring 2016 and am excited to explore and invest in some fabulous yarn. Any favorites you might suggest I try? Thank you so much for your time and contributions to the creative community. Top of the day to you!

    • June said

      TroyLynn, please see my article Yarn for Amigurumi for my yarn advice. (I’ve never experienced any knotting or shredding with any of the yarns I use, so I’d recommend you try one of those, assuming you’re in the US, and see if that solves your problem.)

      As for your trip to the UK, worsted weight yarn is extremely uncommon there (as I say in the article), so I’d use your UK yarn shopping to treat yourself to some fabulous yarn to make accessories or other crocheted items – go with whatever looks and feels lovely to you – and stick with the US brands for your amigurumi 🙂

  28. Carol W said

    Hello June,
    I’ve been a follower (and happy shopper) with you for some time. I just happened to notice in your newsletter that you mentioned papercraft and thought oh, what a coincidence that she likes paper as well as yarn, just like me. Well I was utterly amazed to see that Folding Trees, which I followed for years, was yours as well!! I had no idea! Somehow over the years I found each “branch” of PlanetJune completely separately and never knew they were connected.
    I think it goes to show how much appeal there is in your talent and expertise in MULTIPLE craft areas!
    All the best,

  29. clara tebeau said

    June thank you for sharing your talents. I was wonder you used to have some circles that you filled with cotton or beads great for jewelry, do you still have that patter? thank you please let me know through email, have a blessed Clara,

    • June said

      I’m afraid you’re mis-remembering, Clara: I never had a pattern like that! Sorry I can’t help.

  30. Lisa Mack said

    Hi June I am so pleased to have purchased the giant panda pattern from you I cannot wait to make it thanks for allowing me to sign up on your site as well have a good day and I look forward in seeing what other patterns you have

  31. Birgit nielsen said

    Hi, did You crochet The patten for the orangutang. I Cannes find it in her.
    Love Your Patterson.

    Kind regards

  32. Judy Lee said

    Someone pinned a punchneedle with a spool threader on pinterest from your website. I can’t find it. Can you tell me if I can order it from you or how I can locate one? Thanks so much, Judy

    • June said

      Hi Judy, I made it myself and give the details of how I did it in this post if you want to make one too. It comes in very handy when you’re punching large areas in a single colour!

  33. Nga said

    Hi June,

    Was googling to look up a crochet stitch, found a chevron pattern tutorial and was pleasantly surprised to notice that it was yours! Congratulations on your thriving success!!! So happy for you.


  34. Karen said

    I love the cactus patterns! I brought a potful to work and people thought they were real.

  35. Susan said

    Hi June
    I hope you are enjoying living in my former home-country? Just wanted to say I love your blog and website. And a non-needlework related question if I may: what is the piece of music you have playing in your video for your new book?
    Thank you!

  36. Carmen said

    Hi June,

    I think that your commission process is a great idea :)! I just have one small suggestion since I guess that many foreigners (like me) are reviewing and voting for your pattern commissions. If you don’t face any copyright problems by using photos next to the animal names, I think that it would help a lot since some animal names which are in the commissions process are unfamiliar to me and I have to google them to know which animal they represent ;).

  37. nirmala pasala said

    hi….i love those African Violet plant that is so adorable and i would love 2 make one for my mom and gift it…
    but i am not getting the pattern can u please please send me the pattern

  38. Jack russel opvoeden said

    Hi June,

    I just wanted to let you know that I really love the things you make.

    Thank you so much.

  39. Seyeon said

    Oops and I forgot to add: Where do you find the fizzy/fluffy yarn?
    I have been on the hunt for them at spotlight but I can’t find them really… Maybe I didn’t check well……….. I only asked this because I love the bunnies and stuff you make with these yarn! They look so attracting!!!

  40. Seyeon said

    I just sent you an email saying how much I adore your work!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  41. Tanya said

    Hi! I just came across your website and I love your animal patterns! I am new to this craft so was wondering if you have any advice or know of a good starter kit. Thanks!!

    • June said

      Hi Tanya,

      Well, I know of a great book that would give you all the advice you need (and coincidentally, I happened to write it!): The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amigurumi.

      All you really need to get started is worsted weight yarn, a crochet hook (somewhere between size E and G – I like to use an E), a metal yarn needle, and some stuffing – you can find those in any craft store. The other things you might like to buy so you can create the best amigurumi (but you probably won’t find in a craft store) are a stitch marker, a stuffing tool and some eyes. I sell a kit that includes all those: Amigurumi Accessory Kit 🙂

      Hope that helps!

    • Dorothy Atkinson said

      Please, please order June’s book. I have been crocheting Amigurumi animals for awhile now but still had some questions. Her book is fantastic, I can’t tell you how much I have learned. She also has great tutorials with printouts of just about every technique. It isn’t terribly expensive for what you learn and the amount of work she has put into it. Happy Amiguruming. Dorothy

    • Dorothy Atkinson said

      Tanya, just wanted to clarify. The videos and printouts of the tutorials aren’t in the book but are on her site under Learning. Dorothy

  42. ben said

    look at my stegosaurus!!

    awesome patterns 😀

    • missy said

      aww thats absolutely adorable! very cute and very good job 🙂 im gonna have to go find the pattern now, i wanna make one too.

  43. Hello! I posted your awesome shrinky dinks here!:)
    I am excited I found you!:)

  44. edie said

    Hi June-

    I have been trying to find our early May conversation about punchneedle in your comments someplace, and I can’t. But I seem to have figured out the needle/ fabric/ thread size issue and have been punching a bunch. I seem to be obsessed. I just wanted to thank you for your help.


  45. carly said

    hi june i love your guinea pigs they are so cute! I was wondering if you have the animals already made because a friend of mine has a birthday coming up and she is in love with guinea pigs. Also i wanted to know if you can make a replica of someone’s animal if they send you a picture of their pet

    • June said

      Hi Carly, I’m afraid I only sell patterns, not finished animals. I do occasionally accept a commission for a finished piece (and yes, I could customize it to match a real pet!) but I’m in the middle of moving to South Africa at the moment, so I’m not accepting any commissions for at least the next few months. I’m sorry I couldn’t help!

  46. Marleen said

    Dear June,
    I ordered your book (The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amigurumi) through the internet and it arrived today, I’m really happy.
    I’m not a complete newbie when it comes to crochet, but regarding amiguri it made a lot of things clear. I learned a lot already and is is so well written that I’ll probably always keep it at hand for future reference.
    Your book as well as your website provided me with lots of new inspiration.
    I’ll be back to visit your website soon 🙂
    Thanks and best wishes,

    • June said

      Marleen, thank you so much! I’m really pleased you’re enjoying my book and website. When I was writing the book, I hoped that people would use it as a reference book, so it’s really nice to hear that you are 🙂

  47. Just had to stop in and award you the Stylish Blogger Award. You rock. Love your patterns.



    • June said

      Thanks very much, Dana – I appreciate it!

      • Sue Rhoten said

        I agree – June TOTALLY ROCKS!! I am so happy I found the website. I made a donation today!!

  48. carolyn neff said

    I just ordered the xmas tree and the ponsittia. Idont know what I hit but the douwnloads are gone. and they are paid for. could you tell me what i have done.

    • June said

      Carolyn, I’ve checked and your downloads have not expired, so you should be able to save them by logging back into your PlanetJune account – see for instructions. Please email me if you’re still having problems after following the instructions 🙂

  49. Antoinette said

    Hi June,

    Is it possible to use a magic ring to start a guinea pig? The pattern says ch 2 and work into the 2nd chain 6sc. I notice that this pattern was written in 2007 and maybe you had not adopted the magic ring in all the patterns that it could have been used in. I’m not sure I can get such a neat finish crocheting into 1 stitch.

    • June said

      Antoinette, the reason that the guinea pigs (and all of my ‘fuzzy’ patterns) don’t use a magic ring is that, depending on the yarn you use, the fuzz can get trapped, making the ring difficult or even impossible to draw closed! [You’ll see that the ears, worked in a non-fuzzy yarn, do start with a magic ring :)]

      If you want to try using a magic ring start, go for it! Just substitute Make a magic ring, ch 1. Rnd 1: 6 sc in to magic ring for Ch 2. Rnd 1: 6 sc in 2nd chain from hook. You’ll know after Rnd 1 if your yarn will let you close the ring, or if you need to cut off that piece of yarn and go back to the ch 2 method.

  50. Antoinette said

    Hi June,

    I sent an e-mail with pics and after reading this I guess you may not reply? So doing this one in case you do.

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