PlanetJune Craft Blog
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Christmas Trees crochet pattern

It’s funny the way one idea can lead you to another. I was on my third failed attempt to come up with a design when I realised that the stitch pattern that didn’t work for its original use would be perfect to make something else: a lovely textured Christmas tree! And, you know, it’s actually not that long until Christmas – there are less than 7 weeks to go – so now would be the perfect time to begin your holiday crafting, if you haven’t already…

crocheted Christmas trees by planetjune

My Christmas Trees pattern is really versatile – the pattern contains two sizes as pictured, but also includes instructions to modify the pattern to any size. The design includes a lip inside the base, so the tree will stand stably without the need for stuffing it, together with additional crochet instructions to complete the base if you’d prefer to make a stuffed toy tree.

crocheted Christmas trees by planetjune

The stitch pattern for the tree is very easy if you know single and double crochet stitches, and once you’ve got the hang of it you can race through making the tree! The large tree is 5.5″ tall; the small tree is only 2.75″ tall, so you can whip one up in no time.

crocheted Christmas trees by planetjune

The pattern also includes decorating ideas for your trees (although they also look very striking with no decorations, especially in a group of 2 or 3) and bonus instructions to make my tiny crocheted star tree-topper, which I think must be the smallest crocheted star design in the world! You won’t believe how few stitches it takes to make one.

crocheted Christmas trees by planetjune

The Christmas Trees pattern is now available to purchase from the PlanetJune shop. And while you’re there, how about picking up some more seasonal designs:

Christmas crochet patterns by planetjune
Poinsettia, PocketAmi Christmas, Candy Cane and Christmas Pudding are also all available in the Holiday & Seasonal category of my shop.

I hope you like my Christmas Trees! Please leave me a comment if you do 🙂


  1. Rebecca said

    Could I have the pattern to make this tree for my aunt that in a home?

  2. helen said

    please share me chart pattern for chirstmas tree thanks

  3. Patricia Decker said

    I like the look of the Christmas trees! How do I get the pattern? Thanks!


  4. June said

    Joyce: here’s the direct link to the pattern in my shop:

  5. Joyce said

    I’m sorry, but I can’t seem to find the link to download your Christmas tree pattern. It is lovely.

  6. Jana said

    LOL! I JUST remembered the Christmas trees!! I wanted to crochet them, and when I bought patterns the other night, I had completely forgot about them! Going to get them now!
    Can you tell me how the gift certificates work? I want to get a couple for a couple of friends for Christmas, but I don’t want them to get them too soon!

  7. Etha said

    Hi there,
    love those christmas trees, just wonderful! I love visiting your blog, have yet to go get your papercrafting book! It looks amazing.
    I’m not sure if you play these, but I left you an award on my blog, you’re welcome to pick it up!

  8. stephanie said

    absolutely adorable!

  9. Susan Clinkscales said

    June – these trees are precious!! I’m picturing a group of pink fuzzy ones! 😉 Off to get the pattern right now.

  10. G’day June
    What lovely Christmas trees… I can remember many many years ago making a crocheted Christmas tree but I could never work-out how to decorate it as it had no texture… ha ha… my kids still loved it as it used to sit on our dinner table.
    I’ll be hooking up a few of these & hopefully the Grandies will love them too… Thanks… B

  11. Sonya said

    I love the trees June! The puffy stitch is so perfect for a Christmas tree! The options for embellishing them are endless too. Great job!

  12. Annie said

    These are great – and wonderful to top a very special gift!

    A great lesson in how a mistake may just be a new way to do something “right”!

  13. Jamie said

    I love this pattern, it’s such a great idea and I also like how it’s customizable.

  14. kelly said

    i think the pocket ami reindeer is so cute!

  15. So clever AS ALWAYS…

  16. Misty said

    June, your trees are genius! I love them!

  17. Astaryth said

    The little trees are adorable! I keep meaning to try these kinds of little objects, and I love your little animals. Maybe this will give me the push 🙂

    I wanted to stop by and let you know I picked up your book/kit Paper Chains and Garlands at my local bookstore last weekend, and it is adorable. Very nicely done and the inclusion of some papers to get you started was a nice touch. Thank you for making such a nice product. I plan to post on my blog after I have a chance to make something. ;p

  18. June said

    Jana: yes, the pattern includes instructions for modifications to make the trees as tall as you want! You just keep on going until the tree is tall enough. The pattern explains how to calculate the increases and stitches required for each round (it’s very simple!) 🙂

  19. Jana said

    Beautiful!! I love the textures and since they are little, I can whip up a bunch for all of my Christian friends here! Especially since we will ALL be HERE for Christmas. 🙁 At least Christmas Even and Christmas Day are on OUR weekend! So that’s a plus! Really, I am going to make some of these! Is there any way to make them taller than 5.5″? Maybe for stitches or something? I would love to put one on my coffee table. I planned to make a small table top tree out of coat hangers too, so maybe a few of these little ones around that one would be really cute!
    My internet is DOWN! I am using my 3G mini modem at the moment, and don’t want to run up the downloads. I only have 1 Giga a month before I have to pay extra! So I will have to wait till the dsl is back up to get the patterns. I “upgraded” to 4mbps today from 2, but they screwed something up and I don’t have ANY megabits now! Grrr!
    Glad to see you are home and creating again.

  20. Lindy said

    Love your Christmas trees. They’re great!

  21. Those are really irresistible!

  22. Alina said

    they are awesome!!!

  23. Debbie said

    Oooh, very nice! I love the texture of the trees.

  24. Kelly said

    What a sweet tree! I think I will make a few for the china hutch….white with blue ornaments to match the dishes? Or, white with red? It will be so hard to decide. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  25. puglette said

    hi june, the trees are adorable! i especially love the little white one with the decorations. it reminds me of a lamp my parents had when i was a child. it was white with little plastic bulbs and would light up from the inside. i just loved it.
    excellent work as usual!

  26. CWright said

    ADORABLE!! I love the white one with the beads – reminds me of the 50’s!

  27. Idadown said

    Delightful -as always! I think they would also make very cute tree decorations.

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