PlanetJune Craft Blog
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Cactus Collection crochet patterns

I’ve been planning a cactus collection for a few months now – I know I’m not exactly the first person to come up with the idea to make a crocheted cactus, but my idea was to make my designs more realistic than the cartoonish cacti I’ve seen before.

I always like to base my patterns on solid research so they look as realistic as possible, and when I started to investigate, I found a huge number of really interesting-looking cacti to crochetify: I started out sketching 8 different types, and then had so many great ideas for how to create them, I couldn’t decide which to cut!

crocheted cactus collections 1 and 2 by planetjune

I spent a lot of time developing different techniques and effects for each cactus, so I hope you can see that it’s not the same basic pattern with tweaks for size and shape here: each cactus is completely different from all the others.

8 plant designs plus 2 pots seemed a bit excessive for one pattern – that’s almost a book, not a pattern! – so my solution was to split the patterns over two cactus collections: you can buy your favourite collection without breaking the bank, or buy both (at a huge discount!) and mix-and-match cacti from each collection to create your perfect cactus garden.

crocheted cactus collection 1 by planetjune
Cactus Collection 1

crocheted cactus collection 1 by planetjune
Cactus Collection 1

Each collection comes with both the individual-sized pot pattern and the larger cactus garden pot pattern:

  • An individual cactus makes a quick and sweet gift – or you can anthropomorphize it with some eyes and a smiley mouth to make a super-cute version!
  • Two or three (or more) individual cactus pots look great arranged in a line along your windowsill.
  • The larger cactus garden makes a beautiful decoration – and you’ll never have that problem where one of the collection dies and you’re left with a big empty space in the pot!

crocheted cactus collection 2 by planetjune
Cactus Collection 2

crocheted cactus collection 2 by planetjune
Cactus Collection 2

If you’d like to buy either or both of the Cactus Collection patterns, you can find them all in my shop. Don’t forget that there’s huge savings to be had if you buy the set of both collections.

As a special bonus for my newsletter subscribers, Twitter followers and Facebook fans, I’ll be giving out a special discount code to use with these patterns this week – so look out for that too!

crocheted cactus collection 1 by planetjune
Collection 1 includes (clockwise, from top left): Notocactus, Moon Cactus, Mammillaria, Echinocereus.

crocheted cactus collection 2 by planetjune
Collection 2 includes (clockwise, from top left): Micranthocereus, Cephalocereus, Opuntia (Paddle Cactus), Ferocactus (Barrel Cactus).

Which is your favourite?

UPDATE: adding some clearer links to where you can find the patterns:
Buy Cactus Collection 1
Buy Cactus Collection 2
Buy Cactus Collections 1 & 2 (at a bargain price!)


  1. Diana said

    These crocheted cactus are stunning, and very realistic. It is difficult to pick only one, I think my favourites are Opuntia and Mammillaria.Thanks for these creations!

  2. bonnie said

    Hi June, could you explain what you mean by buying a pattern? does it mean a book that teaches you how to make these? I want to buy an already-made collection. Is that possible?


    • June said

      Bonnie, that’s right, I sell the pattern (i.e. written instructions with photos) that explains how to crochet cacti of your own. I’m afraid I don

  3. Amalia said

    June, one simple question. I want to buy some of your patterns. I live in Argentina. How can we do? Hope you understand my English lol. Hugs

    • June said

      Hi Amalia (your English is great, by the way!)

      You can buy my patterns from anywhere in the world! You can download them from your PlanetJune account as PDF files immediately after you send payment (via PayPal/credit card) 🙂

  4. Amy said

    As usual, your attention to detail is mind-blowing. You are amazing!

  5. arbitrarily said

    The cacti look great! I particularly like the Opuntia. I used to have a cactus that looked much like this, but had to throw it out because every time I brushed up against it, I got left with dozens of tiny sharp spines embedded in my skin that were impossible to remove. These cacti look much more friendly.

    The exchange rate is pretty good at the moment, so I thought I’d take advantage of that and the facebook code and give them a go. I just need to find the time to finish off my tiny whale that I started a few months ago, then I’ll be right onto these 🙂 Expect a review sometime next year.

  6. Melissa said

    Oh, how cute! I’ve been thinking about cactus lately – since we’re headed to Arizona – and those are truly adorable. I like the garden pots, especially.

  7. becky said

    I love these 😀 they are amazing. I bought them and now I can’t wait to crochet them 😀

  8. Chie said

    This is exacly what I was looking for! Thanks!!!
    I’m definately buying the patterns.. like right now. 😀

  9. Jana said

    Can’t decide which I like the most! I like ALL of them! I especially like one in a pot lined up! I think I would like to make those to set on my desk at school!

  10. mireya said

    I absolutly Love your cacti . great job it was well worth the wait . oh my favorite is the little abulto . I know i will make these before i buy any real cactus

  11. Jessica said

    Beautiful work yet again June – I love the amount of detail and research you’ve put into these, I just wish I had enough time and money to make all your great patterns!

  12. Endrina said

    Wow, these look so amazing! I simply can’t decide on a favourite – they all look so good!

  13. Fabulous, June, and worth the wait. 🙂

  14. Wow June, these are so lifelike. Simply amazing!

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