PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June

blogiversary + contest

Note: don’t forget to enter my contest at the end of this post!

Year in Review

Doesn’t time fly? I can’t believe I’ve been running this blog for 2 years! Looking back to last year’s blogiversary post, I see that I’ve added 19 more original designs to my crochet pattern store, plus I created 4 more free patterns.

planetjune year 2

This year’s tutorials included lots of Amigurumi Help, the Offset Square Wrist Pincushion and the amazingly popular Shrinkydinks Rings tutorial. If you’ve made anything from my tutorials, don’t forget to upload the pics to my new Flickr group, PlanetJune Tutorial Gallery – I’d love to see what you’ve made!

planetjune year 2

I tried some new crafts: felt toys, modular origami and needlefelting – all of which I hope to do more of in the future.

planetjune year 2

This year, PlanetJune also appeared in print for the first time:

And, on top of all that, we moved to a new city and bought our first house, which resulted in me driving back to my old job every day for 6 months (that’s almost 4 hours per day in the car) over a very long and snowy winter – I can’t remember how I even managed to get anything else done…

What’s Next?

It came as quite a shock to see how much crochet I’ve done this year, compared with other crafting. I suppose I’ve been concentrating so much on making patterns, everything else has come second. For the coming year, I’m hoping I’ll find more time to make more things, without neglecting my pattern designing either. It’s exhilarating to try new things, so I want to keep pushing myself out of my comfort zone.

I also have some new and exciting things in development, but they aren’t quite ready to share just yet…

Roll on year 3! I can’t wait to see what comes next in the PlanetJune story…

Thank you!

Of course the best part of all this is still getting to ‘meet’ so many wonderful people! I was going to namecheck some of my bestest online friends, but I don’t want to leave anyone out, so… well, I’m talking about YOU. Thank you for reading this, thank you for your comments and e-mails, thank you for buying my patterns.

Contest Time!

Now your reward for reading this far: it’s contest time! I’m running 2 contests this time:

  1. Win any pattern (your choice) from the pattern store. FYI, each PocketAmi set counts as one pattern 🙂
  2. Win a finished PocketAmi Mouse (shipped to you, anywhere in the world). I have crocheted an adorable little grey mouse especially for this contest… This is a rare opportunity to get your hands on a PlanetJune original!
    Win a PocketAmi mouse!
    I have small hands – he is even smaller than he looks here!

To enter, leave me a comment on this post, including:

  1. Your choice of prize – type MOUSE or PATTERN
  2. Tell me something, e.g. your favourite thing I’ve made, a suggestion for a future design, something you’d like to see on PlanetJune. Anything goes – I just want to hear from you!

If you want to enter both contests, just leave me 2 comments!

On Friday 20th June at 5pm EST, I will draw one name from each set of MOUSE comments, and one from each set of PATTERN comments. (In the unlikely event that the same person ‘wins’ both, I will contact them to see which prize they would prefer, and then draw another name for the other contest winner). Good luck!


  1. Deb said

    Congrats on the anniversary! I only recently found your site and LOVE it! I’d love to win a pattern!

  2. Livvie said

    Hi, I’d like to win the pattern. I loved the shrinky dink ring tutorial. Thanks.

  3. Jo Nardi said

    Everyone needs a little mouse in their house!



  4. Jo Nardi said

    Such fun patterns! They make me smile and I can use all those I can get.

    PATTERN!!!! please.


  5. Blake said

    My favorite land animal just happens to be a MOUSE, so I will try my hand at that too! Especially because yours is so adorable! I can’t wait to see what you come up with over the next year!

  6. Blake said

    Congrats! I love your Dolphin, so much and would very much like a PATTERN.
    Sea animals are the best!

  7. Jeanie said

    Please also enter me for the pattern contest too. (Perhaps I could then make my own Mouse!) 🙂

  8. Jeanie said

    I love your blog and visit quite often. Since I was born in the Year of the Rat, I have been very fascinated by your mouse pattern. Please enter me for the crocheted PocketAmi Mouse.


  9. Nathalie said

    Hi, congrats for your blogoversary. Thanks for letting us participate in this contest. I’d sure love to win that cute mouse.. I alresdy have real ones , so this one woul be so cute next to them. Thanks Long live.

  10. falwyn said

    Oh, I’d love a PATTERN – most definitely!

    I’ve had fun this year designing a couple of amigurumi myself. Also I love Ravelry so much! 🙂

    Happy Blogiversary!

  11. Suzi.BC said

    Hi June ! I love your dog patterns and would love to see more doggies in the future…especially the LARGE breeds(eg: my newfie dog LOL! ) They are such goofy guys.

    Also love your little mouse pattern. Your small patterns have allowed me to Re-explore crocheting again! I sneak the finished little critters into my gramma’s purse, so next time she roots through it , she finds a present! She loves it too!

    Thankyou for all your kindness and work
    Suzi.BC and Sammy the newf! (sending you pawshakes)

  12. Crafty Carolinagirl said

    Congrats on 2 years!!!!

    I’d love to win one of your patterns, though I have yet to make my little Aqua Ami one.
    My suggestion for a new pattern is a crocheted guitar. I have a lot of requests for guitar patterns and I have only been able to find knitted ones.

    Blessings on a great year!

  13. brennakins said

    Actually, I’d also like to put my name in for the pattern. I can only get better at crochet, right? Oh, and maybe you could start making some wild animal ones, like big cats or birds. A parrot would be awesome.

  14. Stephanie said

    So cute!! Happy blogiversary!

    Best wishes :>

  15. eve said

    Congratulations on your blogiversary!

    I would love one of the PlanetJune originals made by you.

    You are one of the people that have inspired my to start crochet and especially amigurumi, and you still inspire me today with incredible determination to make things happen in general.

    What would I love to see? something completely different, no amigurumi but maybe a cute scarf or hat…?

    Love from New Zealand

  16. Marta said

    I have just discovered your blog and I love your work!!!! congratulations!!!!!!
    I have just started my blog! so if you want to visit it… but it’s in spanish.

    Well, anyway, I love your amigurumis!!!!


    Regards from Zaragoza (Spain), Marta

  17. Alicia said

    Congrats on your blogaversary!! You patterns are amazing and unbelievably life-like! I love your shrinky dink tutorial! Can’t wait to try it! So many good ideas! I would love to win one of your patterns! Thanks!

  18. Ruby said

    Hi June,

    Happy blogiversary!
    Your Amigurumis are so cute!
    I like your blog and I come around regularly to see whats new on your site.

    If I would win, I would be pleased about a PATTERN.

    Many greetings from Germany

  19. drgngems said

    Love your stuff (and so does the sis-in-law!). Pattern, please.

  20. brennakins said

    Oh wait… there is a kitten. Hehe. How about a mama cat to keep it company?

  21. brennakins said

    I would like to win the MOUSE
    I am learning to crochet so I think I would prefer a finished product rather than get an adorable pattern and kill it with my attempts. The patterns are so adorable!!! Maybe you could make some kitties… they are noticeably missing from your store. But maybe that’s just because I love cats.
    Keep up the incredible work!

  22. barbara said

    I love beagles and would love to win that pattern if it is included. actually i love all your patterns but love beagles for dogs

  23. Sabrina said

    I thought I loved the dolphin (for my mom) until I saw the guinea pig. I thought I loved the guinea pig until I saw the felted guinea pig. I thought I loved the guinea pig until I saw the wee little mousie. Things just keep getting cuter and cuter.


  24. Marlys said

    Oh, and I am a BIG fan of cute little mice! So put me down for the mouse too! 🙂

  25. Marlys said

    Congratulations on 2 years of fun! I really admire your work. How about designing a Shih Tzu pattern?
    Put me down for the pattern 🙂 <

  26. Tanya said

    I have passed your site from time to time, to check out all the ami’s pattern.

    Your free acorn pattern is so cute, it is on my list of things to crochet, but somehow I never get to it.

    I’m looking forward to more patterns:
    squirels to match the acorn?
    And I would love to see a “farmland” set ami from you.

    May be more funfur ami?


  27. M said

    Congrats June! I

  28. BrendaLea said

    Your ferrets are to die for. I used to have a ferret named wheezy and would love to win the pattern for a ferret. Not only would I love it but so would my Grandsons. I’ve posted a link on my blog about your blogavesary. I wish you all the best for your future in crocheting and the other craft you have tried this past year.

  29. BrendaLea said

    Congrats on your bloggaversary! Your patterns are awesome, I especially love your sea lions. I wish you the best in the future. And would love to win your Little Mouse.

  30. Amanda said


    I’m still brand new to your site, I’ve been hanging around here for about a month or so, buying a few patterns and LOVING making them. :o) Your website inspired me to pick up the needle again and start creating my own things. I absolutely love your baby chick pattern that comes with the bunny. I still have yet to tackle that bunny. I’m actually selling something like your chick on my website. I’ve made him into a small animal house by crocheting fleece strips. :o) It’s TONS of fun. They get in under the little wing. (you’re welcome to check him out here: )

    I’ve been trying to perfect the shrinky-dink rings as well… they’re not turning out as hot LOL

    Anywho, thank you for being inspiring and crafty! I can’t wait to see what next year holds. :o)

  31. Hododo said


    I LOVE them all!

  32. Hododo said


    Thanks for the contest. I love all of your patterns!

  33. Rae said

    Mouse is what I would like if I win and Love you patterns.

  34. Audrey said

    I would like to see a panda bear in the future. I would like the mouse.

  35. Audrey said

    I like your patterns and would like to see a dolphin in the future. I would love a pattern.

  36. Dee said

    June! Congrats!!! I love your stuff! I most interested in how you make amis using funfur! I tried but have major problems seeing the stitches. Anyway, I would love a pattern! Espcially your sea creatures. I missed the testing for them. I think they are the cutest! 😉

  37. curegirl0421 said

    I knew you were prolific, but wow! 😉 Congratulations on all your success and here’s to many more years of crafting goodness! 🙂

    If you pick me (pick me! pick me!) I’d love a pattern!

  38. petra deginther said

    Hi June, congratulations!!! I always thaught about it, to take some animals for my shop, i`m crotching and knitting caps…so Im also a crotcho-maniac like you…I wanna have the mouse!!! so , never have a handicap with your hands!, byby petra

  39. Debra said

    I would also love to win the finished mouse – I think this would make a great little gift for someone who is shut in.

    Happy 2 years on your site. I think it is one of the most creative and fun sites that I have and do visit. In the future I hope to purchase many of your patterns.

    I look forward to the coming year and your new little creatures.

    Good Luck

  40. Debra said

    I would love to win one of your patterns. I love all the little creatures that you have designed.
    I have purchased the ferret ones, but due to health reasons and family obligations I have been unable to make it.

    I would like to see a cockatiel – my daughter had them when she was younger and they are such nice birds.

    Keep up the great work

  41. Linda Wernette said

    I love your craft blog and patterns. You are so creative! I’m so glad you emailed me because I updated AOL & I lost all my favorites including you! WOo HOo, you are back!

  42. Randi said

    Pattern comment this time!
    I would love it if you went into fantasy ami’s… angels, fairy, gnomes, elves etc… I also love the northern animals comment, more flowers, food… anything!!!!!! 🙂
    Thank you again! I wish I could buy ALLLLLLL of your patterns! They are fun to make and the kids really do love them all. I also finally use the magic ring because of YOUR tutorial… couldn’t ever figure it out from other sites!

  43. Randi said

    Hi June! I wanted to say thank you for all you’ve done! Happy 2 yrs! I just hit the 50 mark for the quantity made of your ami’s… and when I donate them, I always get such a great thankyou note. The kids just LOVE all of them I want to win the mouse in this comment!

  44. Angie said

    Hi!! The first time I found your blog was when I was looking for pin cushion ideas and I LOVE your slanted square pin cushion. Ever since then, I check back to you blog for more inspiration. I also love you’re crocheted turtle!! I can’t believe it’s been two yours for your blog. It amazes me that you drove you so far between work and still managed to post. Sign me up for a pattern if I win and best wishes for year three!!

  45. Michelle K said

    What the heck, let’s try both…put me down for a pattern also!

  46. Michelle K said

    I love your patterns & I’m going to get your sea turtle one yet…just waiting for a good enough excuse to buy yet another pattern.

    Congratulations on your blogiversary! Please put me down for the mouse…too cute!

  47. Martha said

    Pattern – Contest — Your patterns are a brand new discovery for me and now that I am retired, I am looking forward to making lots of your little creatures — your patterns as all amazing — and thanks for sharing your free patterns!

  48. San's said

    Hi, I just love your patterns and have purchaased and made so many and many more to be made in the futrue I am a Mouse a holic and I would love to give this little guy a home. Congrats on year 2 may year 3 be even bigger better brighter and more time to explore this wonderful world of craft

  49. Michelle M said

    Congratulations on year two!! Woooooohooooo! You must feel great! I want to thank you for the wonderful tutorials (magic ring saved my sanity!) and free patterns. Your poinsettia will make my Christmas tree extra special this year. 🙂
    If I am lucky enough to win I would love to choose a pattern. I am looking forward to what you have to share with us in your third year. May you have even greater success this year.

  50. Sara said


    I love your patterns. I’d LOVE to win the guinea pig pattern.

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