Phew, 24 hours of panic are over… Yesterday all my websites were suspended – I don’t know if it was a mistake or if, once again, I’ve grown too big for my webhost to handle (remember the disaster of last March when I had to switch hosts?!) Until yesterday, my new host has been fantastic, so hopefully all will be well from now on.
It was a scary day without my website, and not the best start to my new self-employed career! Thanks for your patience while I was offline, and I’m so sorry if you wanted to buy any of my crochet patterns while I was gone (for future reference, my Etsy store is a good backup for pattern emergencies).
I will leave you with some better news: a sneak peek at my upcoming pattern…
More details and pics to follow soon!
shobha srinivas said
please give the instruction and guide and chart
June said
Shobha, glad you like my African Violets! You can find the African Violets crochet pattern in my shop 🙂
shobha srinivas said
this one is so cute
steenta said
This looks like a great project that someone can make as a gift pretty quickly. Plants that you can’t kill, what a great idea. It’s beautiful too.
Jana said
I want it! 🙂 I just purchased a book of flower patterns as well as flower patterns from Maggie’s Crochet which I just received. SO pretty! I can’t wait to start making some flowers for Spring! YOUR creation here would be PERFECT for our teacher’s restroom at school! I am trying to fix it up to be more homey and comfortable! I bought a small potted plant last night for the shelf I put in there, but a pot of flowers that no one has to care for is even better! And it will also be a wonderful gift for someone who is feeling down! Of course, the best thing here is that YOU have designed the pattern which will mean CLEAR and perfectly easy to understand directions! GO JUNE!
Oh2122 said
Glad to hear everything is ok!
Those flowers are amazing. They remind me of my Nana. She used to have little pots of African Violets in her kitchen.
Katrin said
Oh such a nice, cheering up herald for spring
EclatDuSoleil said
Hmmm, lovely !
Do you start a “flowers set” ?
futuregirl said
Violets?! They are my mom’s favorite. … and Lizzie’s, too, I see. 🙂 They are beautiful.
Robyn said
This is cute! Plus it’s the best plant to have.No watering and it will never die! LOL!
Lizzie said
Wow! My mom and I are African Violet junkies. I would love to make this for her. 🙂