PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June

back in action?

life update

Some of you already know that I have been really suffering with the carpal tunnel in my right wrist for the past 3 weeks. I haven’t been able to crochet or do any crafts and it’s been driving me mad. It got to the stage where I couldn’t type with my right hand, or even grip a piece of paper, without pain.

Last week, the doctor gave me some horribly strong anti-inflammatory medicine, and the good news is, it seems to be working! I’m trying to take it slowly and not do too much too soon, but I’ve been so desperate to get crafting again, it’s going to be difficult to restrain myself…

I’ve just started work on my next crochet pattern, so I hope to have a new fuzzy friend to show you in the next week or so, but it could take longer if my wrist doesn’t cooperate.

blog update

The server that hosts my blog, my pattern store, and some other parts of my website has been a bit flaky lately. I’ve noticed it playing up 4 times in the past week. So, if you get a WordPress error page when you try to access my blog, come back in an hour or two and *fingers crossed* it’ll be back up.

Obviously this is not a satisfactory solution, and unless my webhosts get their act together, I will be shopping around for an alternative host very very soon…


  1. Judy Jackson said

    I am sorry that you suffered. I have arthritis at the base of each thumb as the join the wrist. I suggest you try wearing a brace that limits motion over night. That helps me.

  2. Denise said

    Hi June,

    I hope you are well now. Just thought of sharing with you on the pain that you suffered. I experienced the same thing a couple of months back and it went on for 3 weeks ! I was busy knitting my boyfriend’s sweater for Valentine’s day when I felt a sharp pain in my right wrist. After that, I couldnt move it upwards and grabbing things is impossible..I was so terrified to know that surgery is one of the ans to the problem. Finally, couldnt bear the pain any longer, I made a visit to a chiropractic centre. A chinese doctor massaged my wrist for a good 25 mins and after resting it for a day, it became as good as new 🙂

  3. Patty said

    I so love everything that you have made here… This is an awesome site and you are so very talented.

    I am so glad that I ran across your site.

    You are a woman with so many talents!!

    I crochet alot alot but thats about all.

    Keep up the good work!!!!

    I will be monitoring your site


  4. Pam said


    I hope the CT feels better and am glad to hear the meds are working. They never worked for me. One day I noticed my right hand, wrist and arm didn’t hurt anymore and tried to figure out what I was doing differently. I had tried some of my mother’s green tea, love it, so got some and started drinking it daily. I thought this wasn’t it so stopped drinking it and guess what the CT pain came back. I mentioned it to my Dr and he said that green tea does have a natural anti-inflamatory chemical in it. Just thought I’d pass that bit of info on.

    Also, I went nuts not crocheting so learned to crochet with a wrist brace. I seldom use it now but it does help.

    Take care and take care of that wrist.

  5. Mindy said

    TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!! I understand your wanting to craft but you have to get better first.

  6. Rina said

    June, I wish the best in getting better. It’s awful to have your hands go out of action, because we use them for everything. Take good care of yourself.

    WordPress has been acting funny on me too–random functionalities stop working at odd times. Don’t know what’s going on over there…

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