October’s whiplash theme is Accessories; a really broad theme with a lot of scope. I have been crocheting a lot recently, so I reluctantly (but only temporarily!) put my crochet hook down and decided to go with a different craft this month.
Autumn has always been my favourite season. My birthday is in October, and I love the colours of autumn. Especially since I moved to Canada, the ‘fall’ colours are something I look forward to every year. I decided to make a bracelet with all my favourite autumn elements, so I’d have a little piece of autumn to keep with me all year round.
I made seven signature beads from FIMO polymer clay: a crisp red apple, a bunch of purple grapes, a deep pink rose, a glossy acorn, a pumpkin, an ear of corn, and a red leaf (for scale, the acorn is exactly 1cm tall).

After baking and varnishing them, I glued a bugle bead through the hole in each polymer clay bead for added strength and to give each bead the same width. I strung them on Stretch Magic bead cord with golden bugle beads to space them out and amber coloured glass beads as accents. Here is the finished bracelet (click to see a bigger version):
UPDATE: Here’s a photo of the bracelet in use!
Mark said
Absolutely brilliant! The detail is superb – and I love Autumn too btw!
Hanna said
Wow, all of your little creations looks so cute, I adore the acorn and the pumkin, really gives an October autumn feeling. Very nice work!
Kari said
Wow! I totally envy your MAD FIMO skills! You’re awesome, all of the little beads are so detailed – they’re incredible!!! I can’t even pick one favorite they’re so good! The rose is amazing, and I LOVE the pumpkin, but the apple’s so great, too! LOL Awesome job, I love it!
Jodi said
Ooh, that’s gorgeous! I envy your modelling abilities, I was thinking the same thing while looking through your gallery. Dawn gave me the link to your blog as I’m a crafty person too (and also have a bit of a crochet addiction at the moment) but that’s a skill I’ve never really had and always wished I did!