PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June

August update

I skipped July’s monthly update, as I didn’t have anything to report except more burglary aftermath, but now I’m being treated for the PTSD, and today I had new extra-strong security gates installed at every entryway into my house, so things are getting better and I should feel much more secure from now on. And that’s enough about that – let’s move swiftly onto the good stuff!

Book-Along CAL

I’m most excited this month to start a new crochet-along for the new book (and the previous book, to be inclusive) in the PlanetJune Ravelry group. Throughout August and September, you can join in by making anything using the patterns, concepts and techniques from either of my two crochet books: Idiot’s Guides: Crochet and The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amigurumi:

Idiot's Guides: Crochet by June Gilbank - patterns
IG Crochet: Easy Stitch Gallery patterns
IG Crochet: Intermediate Stitch Gallery patterns
IG Crochet: Motif patterns
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amigurumi by June Gilbank - patterns

So yes, you have a lot of choices! I think you’ll find something you’ll like in this Crochet-Along and I hope you’ll join us by making one (or many) projects over the next 2 months and sharing them in the Book-Along CAL thread – you’ll find full details of the CAL there.

If you’re new to PlanetJune CALs, please see the CAL FAQ page for information and instructions for how to get started!

Subscribing to Blog Comments

It’s come to my attention that a recent WordPress update broke the ‘Notify me of follow-up comments by email’ function on my blog. I’m not sure how long it’s been broken for, so if you asked me a question and were waiting for notification of my reply, please return to the post you commented on to see my reply! The feature is now fixed and runs through Jetpack, so, in future, you can subscribe to comments on any post and you will receive notification by email when I respond to your query.

I do apologise to anyone who’s been negatively affected by this – I got to work fixing it as soon as someone mentioned it wasn’t working, but, as far as I know, it could have been broken for months. 🙁 If you notice any other problems with my website, please let me know – I want everything to run smoothly, and if anything looks or acts strangely, I’d really appreciate it if you’d mention it to me, so I can try to improve it. Thanks!

Fiction and Fantasy CAL Report

The June/July CAL has now ended. Even though it’s been summer (for most) we had a lovely variety of entries – including lots of the new Aliens – and some very creative participants! Here’s a sampling of the entries (click the pic to see them all on Ravelry):

PlanetJune Fiction and Fantasy CAL 2014 - sample of entries

Review and Win contest

The monthly Review and Win contest has not been abandoned; I’m just postponing the draws for the winners of June and July’s contests. I’ll announce the 3 winners for all 3 summer months in September’s monthly update – so keep your fingers crossed, one of your June or July reviews may already be a winner and you don’t even know it yet!

You’re automatically entered in the next monthly draw every time you write a review for a PlanetJune pattern you’ve enjoyed – and you’ll also be helping future customers make an informed decision about patterns they are considering buying.

It’s Book Launch Time!

Idiot's Guides: Crochet by June Gilbank

Tomorrow, August 5th, is the official launch date for my new book, Idiot’s Guides: Crochet. So, if you haven’t pre-ordered it online, you may be able to pick it up from your local bookstore!

If you do see a copy on the shelf in a real-life shop, please snap me a pic and tweet, facebook or email it to me – I’d love to see my book ‘in the wild’!


  1. Jan Young said

    I have your new book! I was so thrilled when it arrived earlier than expected. Not only is the book itself absolutely beautiful, but it is meticulous in its detail.

    Everything is explained so carefully and the illustrations and photographs take all the mystery out of trying something new. There really is something for everyone, from the absolute novice to the more advanced crocheter. The projects are really well chosen too – I want to try them all!

    Thank you June for this wonderful publication. I have been a crochet bore ever since I first discovered crochet, but I may well be unbearable now as I rhapsodise about Idiot’s Guide: Crochet.

  2. Heather said

    I am glad you are feeling better and safer.

    The book is excellent! I wish I could dive in and start a project, but it will have to wait until we move and get settled. I haven’t packed your book yet, though, and I keep thumbing through it and thinking about what I want to make first.

  3. .: petrOlly :. said

    So many interesting news 🙂 And everything looks great!
    I still wait for the delivery date of my copy of your new book – I’m very excited and look forward to it – especially the stitches/swatches intrigue me 🙂 The “guinea fowl” shawl looks inviting, too 😉
    Does the follow-up comment notification works only when you respond or for any further comments (not only direct replies)?

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Please note that I can only answer questions related to PlanetJune patterns and tutorials (see details), and I can only respond to questions or comments written in English. Thank you :) - June

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    June Gilbank

    Hi, I'm June. Welcome to my world of nature-inspired crochet and crafting. I hope you enjoy your visit!

    If you'd like to get in touch, you can contact me here.
    crocheted Canadian flag by PlanetJune
    A fanned-out pile of the books Everyday Crochet and The Essential Guide to Amigurumi, with text 'The answers to all your crochet questions at your fingertips - find out more'

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