A couple of months ago, I had a Greyhound pattern commission request from a lady who works with The Greyhound Supporters Of The National Capital Region (GSNCR), a not-for-profit charity that works towards facilitating adoptions for retired racing greyhounds in the Ottawa, Ontario region.
This was probably my most challenging AmiDogs design to date – how to make a greyhound that won’t fall down? They’re just so skinny! My solution was to make him a bit larger than my usual breeds (he’s about 8″ long), because there’s no way he could support his own weight on long spindly legs, plus can you imagine stuffing a long tiny 5-sc-around tube?! Even with my Detail Stuffing Tool (which I really recommend for all legs and small pieces), it’d just be too fiddly. So here’s what I came up with…
Obviously stylized, like all my AmiDogs breeds, but I hope it clearly says ‘Greyhound’ (although it could equally well be a Whippet, if you’re so inclined…) I kept it all one colour so I could concentrate on getting the shaping right without making the pattern too difficult to follow.

AmiDogs Greyhound takes my AmiDogs collection up to an astounding 17 different breeds – and I’m in no danger of running out of breed ideas any time soon, either… You can buy the pattern from my shop, or, as always, take advantage of the savings when you make up a custom set of any 3 AmiDogs breeds.
So, what do you think of my greyhound?
E. J. M. van Oijen - de Bruin. said
Hallo, ik heb een vraagje aan u, zijn deze patroontjes of boekjes in de Nederlandse taal?
June said
All PlanetJune patterns are available in English language only: www.planetjune.com/faq/translations/are-your-patterns-available-in-my-language/
Elayne Bernstein said
The Whippet is wonderful. do you have a pattern?
June said
Thanks, Elayne! You can buy the pattern here 🙂
Jenna said
Hi! I just love this new pattern and I love the new Lion patterns as well!! I would love it if you would create a pomeranian pattern! Those are my favorite dogs and I would just love to see a pomeranian creation by you because I think you are one of the best amigurumi pattern creators! Thanks so much for all your patterns!!
Alexa said
Omigosh. These are TOO cute. I love them all! Once I teach myself the ropes of crocheting (haha get it, ROPES?) I’m going to have to purchase 1, 3, or 6 for myself!
I’ve featured you in my little blog thing if you’d like to take a look and make sure I’ve done you justice! I’m new at the new-age blog wave (the last blog I had was in 2004, things have really changed since then!)
If you have any tips for me, I’m always willing to listen!
Thank you and have fun making more patterns! I know others are enjoying them!
Bri said
He’s so cute! Absolutely adorable–you have the breed nailed!
Maybe you could try making a sheltie…..they are the most adorable dogs. (I own one ) I wonder how you’d make a sheltie puffy? Great job on the greyhound, like the comment before said, the fact that the ears lay back is so detailed. =)
Sybil J. Chialiva said
Oh, June, I love him! I especially love the way his ears turn back, it’s so typical of the breed! 🙂