PlanetJune Craft Blog
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AmiDogs Basset Hound crochet pattern

Before I do anything else, I want to thank you for all the comments on my amigurumi Columbo post – what an amazing reaction! I guess I’m not the only Columbo fan out there…

amigurumi Columbo by PlanetJune

I was really nervous about showing him to you: I always get a bit nervous before publishing something new, but it’s so much more scary to publish an ‘art’ project that I’ve invested a huge amount of time and love into. I only have time to create one art piece per year, so I choose subjects that make me happy, and they feel very personal to me. I don’t kid myself that I’m the world’s most talented artist; there’s nothing deep and meaningful about my creations, but if my work brightens your day for just a moment, that’s good enough for me. So your lovely comments really do mean a lot to me – thank you 🙂

AmiDogs Basset Hound amigurumi crochet pattern by PlanetJune

Okay, back to the pattern! If you like Columbo, or loveable hound dogs, you might want to crochet a Basset Hound of your own – and how could you resist those mournful eyes and long floppy ears? AmiDogs Basset Hound is the 19th breed in my AmiDogs pattern collection:

AmiDogs Basset Hound amigurumi crochet pattern by PlanetJune

As you can see, my handpainted blue sky backdrop luckily survived the trip from Canada and is back in action, which means I’ve also finally been able to photograph AmiDogs Set 6 (Akita, Greyhound [or Whippet] and Border Collie).

AmiDogs Set 6 (Akita, Greyhound/Whippet, Border Collie) amigurumi crochet patterns by PlanetJune

(In case you’re wondering, there’s really nothing linking the three breeds of Set 6 together; they were all commissioned designs. I only make the numbered sets for my Etsy store these days – almost all of my PlanetJune customers take advantage of my AmiDogs Custom Set offer and mix and match any 3 of my AmiDogs breeds for the same price as the pre-selected sets.)

Here are the other 18 AmiDogs breeds:

So if you’d like to buy the new Basset Hound pattern, you might want to also pick up a couple more AmiDogs as a custom set of three and take advantage of the savings…


  1. Robin Masters said

    Your bassett hound is amazing. All of them are. Very, very talented. I wish I knew how to crochet. My bassett, Harley, passed away the week after Thanksgiving so it is so nice to see your bassett. It made me smile! Is there a possibility you make them and sell them? If so, I would be interested. Thank you!

    • June said

      Robin, please see my reply to Brenda, directly above your comment 🙂 (Also, I’m very sorry for your loss.)

  2. Brenda Slone-Vasquez said

    I love the basset hound. Do you ever make them to sell and if so, how much?
    Thanks so much

    • June said

      Brenda, I’m afraid I don’t have time to accept commissions for finished items based on my patterns, but some of my customers do: you can find the list of customers who sell items based on my patterns at

      Maybe you’ll find one of them who has a Basset in stock, or can custom-make it for you 🙂

  3. Becky said

    Would you be willing to sell a pattern for Columbo? It’s awesome!

    • June said

      Becky, Columbo is based on the Boy pattern in my book, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amigurumi. So, if you’re feeling creative, you can use the techniques from my book, and a little imagination, to modify the basic Boy pattern into Columbo, or any other character of your choice!

  4. emily said

    I was thinking of a hibiscus, anthurium, and yes, a plumeria

  5. emily said

    I was thinking of a hibiscus, anthurium (sort of like a callalily) and yes, plumerias.

  6. F said


  7. emily said

    I was wondering… could you possibly make a set of tropical flowers? I think that your style could make such pretty flowers- I love your amidogs, btw!!!

    • June said

      Why, thank you, Emily! I actually just made a set of Plumeria blossoms ( – was that the sort of thing you had in mind? If you have any other specific flowers you’d like to see, please feel free to send me a list of their names so I can look them up – I’m always happy to get new ideas and suggestions! You can email me at 🙂

  8. Lindy said

    I’ve already said how much I love your basset hound! Set 6 dogs are cute too!
    Love, Lindy xx

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