Today, I bought some yarn. Not just any yarn: lovely 100% alpaca yarn. And not just any alpaca yarn either: I met the very alpacas whose fleece had been spun into my yarn! This was my special (belated) birthday treat, and it was worth the wait. Alpaca Acres is a small local alpaca farm, and they had an Open House this afternoon. It was a glorious day for it – the sun was shining and it was perfect autumn weather.
The owners were very welcoming and answered all my hundreds of questions. We saw the breeding male (front) strutting for the benefit of the lady alpacas (the females were already pregnant, so they rejected his advances by spitting at him – apparently the alpaca version of a pregnancy test!):
This year’s babies were so adorably soft and had beautiful big dark eyes – this little guy was only 6 weeks old:
And as for the yarn, I bought some light brown yarn courtesy of Vixen:
We also got to hand-feed her and some of the others! Their mouths are very delicate and feel velvety when they touch your hand to take the food. Here she is in close-up:
And here I am with Harvey, my other yarn donor:
What a cutie, with his lovely dark brown fleece:
I don’t know what I’m going to make with the yarn yet (I only have 50g of each colour so it won’t be anything big), but when I do crochet it into something I’ll be able to think of Vixen and Harvey whenever I use it. What an amazing experience to have met the actual animals who produced my yarn!
Krishell B said
Oh! I am so very jealous. That sounds absolutely amazing. Now I need to go find out if there are any alpaca farms near me. As much as I dream about having one, I’m not sure my family is up for owning a few alpaca. : )
MissMaray said
That’s so cool! I bet it would make what you create with that yarn even more special 😀
jessica said
oh they are so beautiful. just want to hug them.
Leslie said
I was so excited to log onto your blog and see that you had spent some time in my neck of the woods! I live in Perth County and have actually purchased some items that were crocheted using yarn from Alpaca Acres. I am glad to hear that you had a great day there; in my experiences, the proprietors have been very friendly to deal with.
Robyn said
Awwwww! They have such big eyes! Cute! Love the dark brown one Harvey. Vixen is cute too. Love the baby. They look so sweet.
Rosie said
Oh gosh I NEED an alpaca, aren’t they just beautiful!
Rosie x
Puglette said
What fun! They are so cute. I may have to ask for that for my birthday.
Thank you for sharing!